Sunday, December 15, 2013

Watch What Happen:Live 12-15-13 (#WWHL)

I watch what happen live tonight and the only reason I watched it is because it had Kenya on it, I am not a real big fan of Flo-rida. I wanted to hear Kenya side of things and just as I guess everyone jumped on Kenya about her rampage on the bus and yes Kenya was some in the wrong but she was not all in the wrong. No said anything about the other ladies and how extremely late they were to the luncheon that Nene wanted to have before they took off, no one seem to think that was rude at anyone point or time and none of the women that were late to the time to apologize to Nene. Now as I choose to believe Kenya, as much as people want to hate Kenya especially when it comes to choosing either Kenya or Kandi side and we all know that most people will choose Kandi side each time. People really are not giving Kenya a chance and no matter how much you all dislike Kenya you have to give this woman her props, she is in better shape then any of the women on the show, did you see her dropping it like she was hot at her age and she speaks up for herself. Say what you want but I believe Kenya when she said that Phadera has a bigger problem then with her because I for one always believe that Apollo has been messing around on Phadera and I for one believe it had nothing to do with Kenya it was Apollo trying to hide something. I would not be shocked if someone show some photos of Apollo and some other woman, he sure do like to go out to the gym a lot and he is quick temper with Phadera and we women usually knows what this means. If you ask me I think Phadera knows this as well and that is why she is so passive when it comes to hearing about Apollo doing something. I was actually disappointed with tonights episode of Watch What Happen because it just seems like it was a Kenya bashing and Andy I am a little surprise you did not defend Kenya a little more, you should give Kenya some positives.

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