Monday, December 23, 2013

Thicker Than Water 12-22-13 (@TTWBand)

Now I watched thicker than water last night and it started out with Ben Tankard preaching on forgiveness, you know the big F word as he calls it. He talked of forgiveness and I think this was in part due to what his wife is going through with her sister. Now I listen to Ben preach, but I did not get it, you know that feeling that he was really preaching from the heart or the soul, it seem as if it was almost an act. Ben Tankard may be a preacher and this family may be of the religious faith and belief but for me there is something seriously missing as for this family and their ways. They have their daughter Brooklyn who seems not to be able to forgive her father for not being in her life like he should and she blames everything that goes wrong in her life on the fact that her father was not there as he should have been. Now there are people who grow up without fathers in their life at all and they do not get in trouble as Brooklyn have or get pregnant just because of it. Brooklyn just does not want to own up to the fact that she is grown and what she does is her actions and not her dad, she can blame her daddy all she wants but Brooklyn knows right from wrong and as a grown up she has to make the decision on what to do right. Ben and Jewel met up with Brooklyn to discuss what going on and I think they made a good suggestion when they ask Brooklyn to sign over custody of Diamond, this way Brooklyn can go ahead and focus on her career as she claims she is so tied up with. Why does Brooklyn not understand that not coming home and just leaving her daughter with her parents because she can is not being a mother, what is wrong with the girl. What I was more upset with was Benji, who talks with his a** apparently, he told his parents with Diamond right in the room about kicking out Brooklyn and Diamond as a child got to hear this negativity about her mother out of Benji's mouth. Benji is a boy and does not know that anyone with half of a brain would not kick out a mother with a child, he does not care but what if his parents decided to kick him and his wife out, they are so childish and do not understand what it means to be married other than they can sleep together under their parents roofs. Me as an adult would never disrespect my parents be having sex under my parents room, that is why you get your own house. What really showed Benji immaturity is he had the audacity to say that him and his wife will have this big wedding and his dad will just have to cough up the money. His young wife, Shanira really thinks she deserves a big wedding because of the small one and why did they have a small one, it was a shot gun wedding and she was pregnant. But now she feels as if she is owed some glamorous over the top wedding, why not just get the money his father is offering you guys and get that new house and have that big wedding later, why do young people only think of material things. I have to say I do not really care for Shanira anyway because she is always in the family business with Benji and running her mouth what his sisters should do, why not just stay out of your husbands family business, she also seems to be happy she is in with a family that has money, she does not care how she got there, I do not she real love in these two young people. Jewel is still waiting on this apology from her sister when I have no reason as to why and do not understand the entire situation, other than Jewel is a real phony woman and boy does it show on television. This family really is a big mess and with all the money they have, they have more problems than I could ever think of having, and yet they say they are happy and the father grins from ear to ear. I would not be happy if my family is not happy. What is that saying, money is the root of all evil. Ben Tankard and his wife has all this money but yet they have family problems and they do not know why or how to solve them. Are they really living their life like God said too, think about it.

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