Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Love & Hip Hop NY (#LHHNY, @LoveHipHopVH1)

Yes Love & Hip Hop I watched you on Monday night, what can I say. I watched Peter Gunz still try to get Amina back and then this man who wants it old had the nerve to get jealous of Amina bringing someone back into her life that she use to date, can you believe Peter had the nerve to call the man a snake and said he did not trust him. This is a man that was skipping from Amina bed to Tara bed the entire last season and acted as if he did nothing wrong, pot calling kettle black. Rich has done it again, he has managed to screw up businesses relationships as well as old relationships, Rich is suppose to be all about his money and although he has made a liquor that is doing great, he somehow has managed to run any women he knows out of his life. I think Rich should really focus on his business and business only and leave the cray, cray women alone, enough is enough of the drama. If Rich wants to manage someone he needs to manage people that was not part of his past, and by the way pay your child support man. I was glad to see Tara get her business off the ground and she has seem to finally realize that being friends with Peter is all that she needs for her boys, all that dipping in the bed with him was just making her look desperate, so now Tara has learn to do just her and to move or with what is important. Yandy my girl has had her baby girl and I am so proud of her and Mendeecees, these two show us what a strong black couple is and that makes me proud, now bring on the wedding please, it has been long enough. This girl Jhonni I have to say is plenty cray, cray but she has a voice on her, the girl can sing, she needs to learn how to turned it down instead of turning it up and maybe her career will get off to a banging start. As for poor Diamond who went to Cisco to see why he dipped out on her and Cisco actually manned up and admitted it was not her it was him, Cisco seem like he trying to take a step in the right direction, beautiful children by the way. Cyn did great her song is a hit and she is making plenty of money for her charity, a great cause Cyn, wonderful idea you came up with, I never know why Erika did you the way that she did because you have a beautiful soul. Erika Meana we did not get to see much of you this season girl because you in your la la world with the preparation of your marriage to bow wow, all I can say is wow. Now we come to Chrissy and Chink sitting in a tree trying to force a guy to marry me. That is what I felt like, Chrissy tried to force Chink into something the man was not ready for, she tried to trick the man and get pregnant without his knowledge, she pressured the man into introducing her to his father he did, she tried by an apartment and move the man in. I mean no harm or disrespect but I heard of woman making a man or pushing him into a relationship before he was ready and they had the nerve to say that this is how they got their man, did they really get their man or they got a man who resents being there? Now from my own experience I have notice that it is women of a particular race that believes this is how you get your man. For me forcing any man before he makes the choice only gets you a man in your bed not in his hear, because when he is ready and he makes that move than you are in his heart and on his mind, just think about it. Personally I am glad Chink backed off because it was not right of Chrissy to try and force a man to do something she wanted, why would you. The scary part was between Cisco and his babies mama, the tension that I felt through the television was real. The deep rooted issues between these two is something that needs some serious counseling for their children sake. I enjoy the show, waiting for the next season but now bring on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.

Real Housewives Of Atlanta (#RHOA)

Yes I am behind on talking about the real housewives of Atlanta and one reason for me is I find myself getting more and more away from this show. These women went of a trip to the Philippines together to get over what they said was unresolved differences, all but Nene and of course they talked about her like a dog because she wasn't there. Why not leave it alone if the woman did not go she just did not go. Why was any of the women bringing Nene up in their mouths and she was not there to defend herself, the woman did a play because she is focused on her career like the rest of you should, but maybe this is because for some of them they really have no career but the show. Now I do not know what this hatred Kandi is having for Nene is lately, she keeps talking negatively to Phadera about Nene and says to Phadera that you want forgive Kenya but you can forget the sh** Nene said to you, now how old was these things you are talking about Kandi. They did flash backs and it was old seasons and Kandi found the need to bring something that was old into the picture and that is nothing but hatred to me because why would you try to talk another person into remembering old passed ugly things so that they can harp on hating that person again, Kandi that was lower than low down and now you have show another side of you that I already knew existed but I am really not liking you Kandi. Kandi has never been a trustworthy person but she is really is being devious, I don't know if it is because Nene supported Phadera during a hard time and she did not, she should be happy someone was there for her friend when she could not be, someone needs to get to the bottom of what Kandi is trying to do. They said the one that starts all the shit and drama was not on the trip so that would make everything go smoothly, honestly I did not always see Nene starting the shit all the time, when they should some of the flash backs, I even saw where Nene was trying to keep persons like Kenya from actually fighting. Maybe the women will have to go back over their own taping and she if Nene really started a lot of the shit as they say because I am not seeing this as the case. Nene reminds me of myself, we do not say anything to anyone unless they pop off on us then we fight back, it is only our instinct as human animals to do so. These women our getting to a point I think the show is ready for its last season, I mean shut it down and let all the women go their own way. The funny thing is I would like to see who actually survives when the show does shut down. This trip is may have solved some of the women issues and they may all have come to Kumbaya moment and with this all being said it will be the time to shut it down. So, so sad what a show it was that is not no more. If you ask me in my personal opinion if you go back on the tapes, the show did not go down until Kenya arrived, you know the single woman on the housewives show that paid a man to pretend to be her boyfriend so that she could actually have a storyline, now think about that. She started off on the show with a lie and no one every called her out on it, she was doing an acting gig to get a part on the show.

Black Ink Crew (@VH, @BlackInkCrew)

I have to say Black Ink Crew is surprising me more and more each time I watch it. I have always enjoyed watching this show but not more than I have recently. I am learning how much talent these young people have and how they are using their gifts in amazing ways. My man O*sh*t can actually paint and I mean the man has skills, I love the paintings I saw and which I had the opportunity to purchase one of them, maybe he will sell them online. I like the way that O*sh*t women actually give him a little support when he comes to his creation and a lot of this is because the man is a great father, he loves his children and takes care of them. O*sh*t I want to say I am proud of your sobriety and I am loving the positive path you are taking on in your life. Do not let others ruin what God has given you, he help keep given you the gift of artistry, and kept you form doing actual jail time. You are on five years probation, which is nothing if you stay positive and focus on your career and children. My girl Sky is of course still locked up, but I am glad to see she is being positive while in jail and is actually giving courage to other women who are going through what she is going through. Sky I do not know you but someone how you have a spirit about you that is positive, there is a person inside you who can help others, as wild as you may be, you can counsel others. Sky can do a support group for women going through things, you have the gifts for gab and you have an overwhelming talent to draw people towards you. I am loving Sky and her positive attitude she has shown as a woman who has grown, hurry up and get out Sky we need you back with the crew. Now for the negative, of course we have to have negative Nancy in the room and he goes by the name Puma. Puma I am not liking you at all and I am questioning why you and Quani are part of the show. Puma puts himself on a pedestal that is so high he can't see his on faults, the man does nothing that I have seen of and had the audacity to put himself in a led with God. Now I have to say anyone who brings God into a subject when it talks of himself as an almighty entity is scum for me, I am sorry to be so negative but Puma brings it out of me. Puma is so selfish that he is refusing to do business with Ceaser and is basically causing the Ink123 to lose a money earning opportunity. Now what businessman is stupid enough to turn money down, not any that I know because money is green no matter where you go, so if Puma was a real businessman as he claims, he would set aside his differences and bring in the cash for Ink123, the actual owner is an idiot for going along with Puma, he must have a low IQ, go figure he has Puma as his partner. This wife of Puma, Quani I do not know how to really spell her name, not worth remembering I must say. Quani gets a straight up attitude about Ceaser and his partner coming to their house, she said because he came to her door he was putting her family in the sh** and all they did was come over to try and do business with Puma, what the he"". This woman took it to another level and began saying that Ceaser was threating her family, good thing the event is all recorded because these idiots must be doing some kind of drugs and why the he** will Puma not get his teeth fix. I am sorry Puma but you are not an attractive man and those teeth is adding to the unattractiveness, I find it hard to look at you on television at times. Quani must have gotten knotted up and married Puma just to be on the television show because I do not see anything else this man has to offer, but desperate times calls for desperate measures. Wow, I find myself writing some real ugly things but I can not help it, I have never gotten such a negative vibe as I have from such a person as that of Puma, I have not like this man from the beginning. Puma always turn things around to fit his situation, he went into Ceaser shop again and again disrespecting the man and when Ceaser did go to his shop he did not disrespect Puma, as a matter of fact he congratulated Puma and he told him how nice the shop he had was. Puma constantly talked about how Ceaser shop was raggedy and how he had no back yard as his shop did, Puma talked badly about the redecoration Ceaser done to the shop, he came to the man's shop just to talk about it and then said he did nothing wrong and said that Ceaser was always talking about him and his shop, wow how cray cray is that. I personally think Puma could be taken off the show and would never be missed, that is me or maybe that is because it is hard for me to watch him and those teeth on television, I get quivers thinking about it. Anyway everyone else seems to be on a positive path, so keep it up, every now and then you got to have the drama and now we have Anya for that, she is special but O*sh** loves her. The girl in the shop as well can bring on the cray cray, what is her name Donna. So we can cut out Puma and Quani, but with Puma will go Sassy I guess. Not necessarily, Sassy in her own rights has her own situation with her new girlfriend and Sassy her girlfriend with Sassy's mother can have their own skit on the show or maybe get their own show. Now that is an idea, Sassy being a lesbian can bring something new to television with the life of her and her girlfriend and their families who are against them. Sassy and Didi's World, what you think of as a title, well maybe not exactly fitting, but I know a show like this could work, I would watch it as I am sure others would, think about it.

The Walking Dead Season Finale

I usually do not talk about the Walking Dead that much because its not need to talk about a show that is so great and off the chain as this one that there is no need to talk about something that most already know and have their own opinion about. Now I have to say the season finale was of course good, I would say it kept a fan like me at a point that I am sure that I will keep watching. Now don't get mad at me people, I am a fanatic fan of the show as well but I have to say that some of the parts disappointed me and I know that the walking dead is a show that is not to please everyone as much as it is to shock everyone and get to thinking and talking about it. I have always believe that the writers believe that if you get people talking and debating about a show then you have your audience, because what gets more people drawn in then everyone talking about a show so deeply that they began feeling they are a part of it and know what the writers are trying to get across.  I was really disappointed with the so called priest (Gabriel) who decided that he would go ahead and sacrifice himself once and for all but at the last minute decided that he would back out, then he went back to the safe housing unit and left the great unlock to allow for walkers to get inside, not in turn making that ultimate sacrifice but more like sacrificing others as he had did of his church members. How can someone who calls himself a priest be so selfish. I heard someone say that he finally broke down and admitted to what he had done and they began feeling sorry for him, how do you feel sorry for someone who could have killed others because of his selfishness. The priest told Sasha to go ahead and kill him because he deserved it, da** right he deserved it, my question is why should he be spared and prayed over by Sasha and Maggie. Why did Maggie hold back the information she knew about Gabriel lying on the group, was it because she knew that Rick would possibly whip him or kick him out, maybe so and why not. Why not let a cowardly lion like Gabriel be thrown to the wolves like he throws everyone else and put everyone else in the danger of being killed. Gabriel has shown over and over again that he cares nothing about people and he puts others lives in danger, so why is forgiveness so important for this particular person, is that just so we have something to talk about and possibly get on a deeper level of issues such as forgiveness. Now we have Glenn fighting for his life, Rick whipping up on walkers as usual, Carol, Michonne and some of the extras fighting in a counsel meeting on Ricks faith, Darryl being rescued by Ricks rescuer, Sasha, Maggie and Gabriel sitting in a circle praying. Now in my personal opinion the best part of the finale was when Deanna gave Rick the okay to make the kill, now that is what I am talking about, too bad Morgan who is now in the Zen Zone had to Rick in such an Unzen way, but he will get over it. As much as Morgan who we all I am sure glad to see return has decided that he now is in a peaceful way, will in no way be able to be peaceful in a world like this. I went to see Morgan return but still have the fight that we saw him have in earlier episodes, remember how he had all those booby traps set up for the walkers? That's the Morgan I want to see. I don't want to see Gabriel crying every episode and doing absolutely nothing to help people, some priest, or sappiness from Maggie like she is in some Zen place of her own, or that PTSD from Sasha, although anyone going through what see went through in such a short period of time may develop a condition of this sort. I want to see this entire group man up because as we all know they will need it to fight these Wolves group that has come along and they seem like nothing to be played with. Another disappointing point for me was that Morgan had to of the idiots and let them go, do these people not get it that if you let people like this go they are more likely to hunt you down and try and kill you, what the hell is wrong with people letting groups of this sort loose to either terrorize them or others who may not be as strong. Okay Okay now after you all have read this and curse me out, I am here to say that The Walking Dead is still the number one show on to date and I do not know what I will be doing with my Sunday nights now that the show is gone for the season, please come back soon we need you to help rescue us from these Teen Mom reality shows that they keep trying to force on us.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Real Housewives Of Atlanta (#RHOA)

Okay I keep trying to watch the Real Housewives Of Atlanta because by far it was the best housewives show on air to date,  but every since this show decided to bring mean girl Kenya the show dynamics has changed.  Yes we have had ugliness on this show before but Kenya brings a very mean like bully girl ugliness that for me makes the show not enjoyable to watch for me anymore.  I am literally turned of by the show to a point that I watched bits of pieces Sunday night but found that I could go without watching it all together and that is sad, because at one time I would not miss the show. Some people might say why do I put it all on Kenya and the reason for me is that I see this woman use her beauty to make others look ugly and she always harp on how ugly someone else is. I don't believe at looking at someone's exterior and judging them on that, making a person feel bad because they were not born with genes that were not as fortunate as mine. You become that real ugly person in that very deep dark ugly place when you decide that making others feel bad makes you look good. Kenya picks and picks on people until they are forced to attack back, once they attack back she turns it around and put on the crocodile tears to make the other person look like the bad guy.  Kenya is like this head bully who gets her puppets like Cynthia and Claudia to do her dirty work. I watch Kenya sit back as someone like Cynthia who was never ugly towards people before, go to a place that does not fit her but I guess being ugly pays off and Cynthia wants a pay increase.  Claudia who really did not know the girl just choose to believe what Kenya tells her of the woman instead of making her own judgement, I don't blame NeNe for not trusting her, you tell her something and she will run back and yell her godmother Kenya. One good part about the show is that Claudia and Porsha are willing to try and get to know each other personally, finally a different outcome then the ugliness we have been seeing.  What shocked me is Kandi refusal to admit that she has not been a friend to Phadera while she has been going through this mess with Apollo.  Kandi you have not been that friend to Phadera and you know it and for you to go and tell Cynthia and Peter,  the new Bonnie and Clyde of the show is a new low. Why Kandi is so mad that NeNe decided to be there for Phadera is beyond me, if you could not be there why are you so mad that NeNe was??? I just dont get why a friend of Phadera is hating on someone helping her through hard times,  you need friends and family at a time like this, not people who add to the gossip rumors. Kandi is literally gossiping about Phadera to Cynthia and Peter,  she is giving Cynthia more weapons to take to head bully Kenya to use against the woman, like she does not have enough on her plate to deal with. See what I mean about the show becoming a new low, all the bullying is out of control and I thought this country is suppose to be fighting against bullying. No more of the beautiful girl batching the ugly girl or someone starting a rumor on someone else and taking it too a new level, like Kenya saying about Phadera and dating a African Prince. I am at the point I think this show has come to its end, as sad as it is for me to say, the show bullying is too low for me. I am not buying Kenya's fake tears, finger pointing, name calling, hater batching is enough. If know one thought these girls did not have bully tendency before, what about the argument in the restaurant with Kenya and Phadera and Phadera losing her cool, why after the women rushing Phadera out too get her out the situation did Kenya make the comment I tired of people running off and she told Cynthia and Claudia lets go out there after them. This was a bully move on their part to walk over to Phadera in the parking lot when the knew the woman wad upset, why did they not just get in their cars and leave. The reason was because bullies like to keep drama going. This woman has a lot going on in her life and Kendra was kicking her why she was already dead, how sad is that. I dont buy any of Kenya's play act in therapy, sorry. I think instead of Claudia asking for therapy it should have been Kenya, she really has deep issues, any woman whose mother is alive and you can't talk to her is sad enough in its self. I talked to my mother ever day when she was alive, my mother was my everything and for Kenya not to even have a realtionship with her mom is definite in need of therapy,  no matter what kind of spin Kenya tries to put on it like she don't care.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fashion Queens (#FashionQueens, @BravoFQ)

The Fashion Queens came on early tonight and I was happy to see it happen. I enjoy this show but a lot of times with it coming on late I fall asleep before it comes on and forget to record it. I actually got to see every bit of it tonight and in Beverly own words "it was absolutely fabulous darling". I was glad to see Michelle Obama win the Gag awards, the woman always could dress but this dress she wore to Japan was delightful and deserved the win. There was a quick look at Justin Bieber outfit, which looked actually to big on him, I know the younger generation likes these big saggy clothing but for some, like Justin, he should make and effort to wear clothes that fit to his body. Just try it Justin and you may find it looks good on you and throw away the overlapping t-shirts. Now there was a funny clip in which Kim Kardashian wore some pants that win she went to step into her vehicle was very see through, I guess all those fashion lesson she received was lacking. Now Kim may not have known it was see through but with a rear end like hers, she should have at least cover it up, just in case they were and for goodness sake now that you are a married woman again, please wear some panties. My favorite part was Gwen Stefani and her shoes, the shoes were fabulous as Derrick and Lawrence pointed out. They also pointed out that Gwen could perhaps start making her shoes in size eleven and twelve, because her shoes are very comfortable, made of lamb and reasonably priced. Now I have to go and find me a pair, in a size eight, but I have to agree with Derrick and Lawrence that she should expand her shoe line, she may have more buyers in this size than she realize it. I have to say again I really enjoy this show, for me I wish it came on earlier all the time because it is better than some of the reality shows, or maybe come on as a repeat early throughout the week. Fashion Queen show us runway shows that we might not otherwise get to see, like the one in which they compared the models hair with the Gremlin creatures, now that was funny because they really did look like Gremlins. Keep up the great work Beverly, Lawrence and Derrick. Lawrence I just want to say I love the way you dress and your style, if only I could get you to give me some pointers, you could be a stylist to the stars.

The Haves and The Have Nots (#HAHN)

I do not write much about the Have and the Have Nots because I am usually twitting on the night of and I do not like to be interrupted doing this show, because missing a minute is like missing the entire show, and yes it is that interesting. This past episode with Veronica acting like a completely lunatic, had me pasted to the wall. You never know what Veronica is going to do from one minute to the next and when husband David asked did she get Quincy out of jail and ask him to beat their son and she made the statement that she did and that she would have beaten him herself if she was a man, I was done for. A mother who has this much hatred because who son is gay and so much evilness in her soul, is down right ugly. Tyler Perry is really showing people the ugliness in themselves, how it looks when you bring it too surface. I am just hoping some people who have this ugliness can watch this show and she what it really looks like when you are watching it from someone else experience. This woman Angela Robinson is such a great actress she has me holding on to every line she says, she has my eyes focused on the screen with the words that our coming out her mouth and the hatred that she is portraying that I am so astonished by this woman's gift. Everyone is talking about Candy and how she is just going around spending this money, but even Candy knows that Veronica is not to be messed with, she knows this women is on a level that is way above crazy. David fooled us for a minute as to pretend he was going to step up to Veronica and actually handle her, but we all know that David can not handle this woman and he apparently does not know how to even go by it and when he even tries, well for all us that seen clips of next week episode, lets just say burning bed. I think Candy is being very ignorant for throwing this money of hers around and paying cash, she just asking the IRS to come knocking at her down and I thought Candy was smart. I am so glad that Wyatt finally decided to do the right thing and admit to his crime, although it was for all the wrong reason. By time someone catch up to all the cover ups this family has did, a little girl was killed when Wyatt ran over her, so why this family thought a cover up was needed, is far beyond me. Now I know Candy got the smaller house for her mom and Benny but she knows her mom will not accept that house, especially when she things the money is dirty. I do like the fact that Candy brought the towing company for Benny, I know it was her. Well I can not wait until this last episode for the season, I am looking for it to be really off the chain and I am definitely sure that Veronica will not disappoint. Catherine and Jim both has a daughter to bury, but what will happen once they start healing I can only imagine. We do know that Celine has not gone far, and she definitely plans on getting back at Jim for finally kicking her out, this woman I would say is a second close to Veronica's cray cray. Celine thought she was the madame of the house when Jim daughter was killed and she talked mad mess to everyone. This soap opera is one of the best soap opera I have seen in a very long time.

Black Ink Crew (@VH1, @BlackInkCrew)

I am behind on my blogs have to play catch up after having so much personal business to take care of. The Black Ink Crew was as juicy as ever, we got to find out about Sky being hauled off to jail in Arizona of all places and after worrying us half to death by saying that see possibly could get nine years for not taking care of past offenses she had on record.We happily learned that Sky only was given two months, Sky is my girl and if she was to be off the show I don't know what I would have done. Hang in their Sky, I know jail is not pleasant and no one wants to be there but after you pay your does, get out and keep your life right. You have viewers who are on your side and this opportunity on the show may open other doors for you. What was really interesting about it all was we got to see Teddy really care about someone, yes Teddy sold some of his expensive shoes to get money to travel to Arizona to help get Sky out of jail. Although it was all in vain because they would not even let Teddy, Cesear or Duchess, all who flew to see her, even go in for a visit, they actually had to talk to Sky through her lawyer. Teddy actually showed us how sensitive of a man he was. We actually got to see Sassy with a woman, she said this is so serious that she felt the need to introduce this girl to her friends and actually break the news to her mom, whom Sassy has not came out to yet, can you say Wow. You are telling one on television that you are possibly bisexual, but you have not had that sit down heart to heart talk with your own mother about this. It is hard to really tell if Sassy is really serious because we never really got to know her and I guess this is because she really was trying to keep her private life private because of what she felt she had to had from her family, but now that it is out, it seems that if Sassy is willing to let us in. This will be a very interesting episodes to look forward to in the future, because anyone coming out to a family member who is not accepting of who you are can be a very touchy subject and to do this on televisions in front of millions of viewers can make it that much harder, but you will also have that support from people that may be in the same situation as well, all I can say is good luck with that Sassy, we will be watching. I was oh so happy to see my boy O*sh** doing so good in rehab. O*sh** seems to be actually learning something in rehab, the question is will he continue this positive path once he is released out. Please O*sh** for those that are rooting for you, get clean if not for you, for those little ones that look forward to seeing their dad. Because all jokes of aside, O*sh** is a hell of a dad. I am still not sure about O*sh** and Anya together, they were never in love, the woman just popped up pregnant and she seems a little on the ticky ticky boom side. Although he was not present much in this episode, Puma is still not a favorite of mine at all and if you ask me I think he could be dropped from the show, but we all know a show has to have that person who brings the drama and that would be Puma on Black Ink. My thing is that Puma is so call running a tattoo shop but he does not know how to do tattoos and I would not think he could model the tattoos from his shop, I am just saying, he is a little on the darker side.

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Real Housewives of Atlanta (#RHOA)

I watched Housewives of Atlanta last night and although it was not any fighting or arguments going on there was still a lot of shade going around. The shade continued right away with Kenya, of course, trying to get Kandi to admit that she knew Phadera was having an affair. To me Kenya still has not proof of the affair but yet she still is pushing the subject and what is so down low about Kenya is that she tries to get other people to jump on her band wagon. Kenya know that Kandi is good friends with Phadera but she takes the opportunity to jump at Kandi and try to her get her to admit something that Kandi is unsure about, only the fact that Apollo told Todd like her told Peter. We all know Apollo was going to jail and through his anger with Phadera, he was trying to be that low down dog that he is and leave Phadera in a bad light before he left. Now we all know why Kenya and Apollo got along so well when they played by the poolside as Apollo jumped in with Kenya, if Kenya was a real lady she would have stopped Apollo right there and told him that she did not appreciate him as a married man putting his hand on her. But we all of course know that Kenya is no lady, she is a very unhappy sad woman who does not have any kind of relationship with her mother. Kenya is missing a lot in her life and she can not sit on television and try to convence everyone that her life is perfect, I am not seeing God anywhere in this woman's life. As for Cynthia, now that she has open Pandora's box it is all coming out. We are finding a bit of more information about Cynthia's and Peter's life, it has been said that people is messing around with other women around town, now this is easy to prove.When you dish dirt out Cynthia, the dirt has a way of coming back down on you. Now that the news is out about Peter I am waiting for the women to come forward. I guess Cynthia wanted drama she will be getting drama, now her and Peter may possibly take the fore front of the show with this drama, they have possibly secured their place on the show. As for Kandi, I actually understand that she is tired of the drama, she has her own problems to worry about, like her issues with her new husband Todd. Not only her marriage but Kandi has to worry about her mother drama as well, so I understand that Kandi wants to take a back seat right now and just lay low, sometimes you get overwhelmed with problems that you need to exit from the world for a while. I think the other women should leave Kandi alone about not jumping to help Phadera at the moment, she still has Phadera's back, she just can't help right now. I am still trying to see where Claudia fits in on this show, this woman jumped right in, judging these women by what Kenya told her. Why did Claudia not get to know these women one on one, instead of following Kenya lead right away. Claudia might get surprise if she have one on one sit down with each women. I do not light it when women play mean girls and tease other women on how ugly they are and that is what Kenya and now Cynthia does, it is light a hate club. As soon as one of the women head for Kenya she begins hollering bloody murder. Kenya if you have so much mouth why not back it up. Why talk shi* and then cry when someone else decides to back their shi* up. I like the idea about NeNe trying to do therapy with the women, but NeNe may have taken on more than she can chew. NeNe the thought counts, but this may be a heartfelt lesson, I am one who believes Kenya is one of those person who do not believe she does anything wrong and is never wrong in what she say, how can you get therapy for a person like this, who has issues that are deeper than the show. Kenya needs a one on one therapy session and clean from the inside out, then maybe she will be a better friend to people instead of playing the victim all the time, because this victim role she is playing is getting so old.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Haves and The Have Nots (#HAHN)

I have not written about the Have and The Have Nots in a while, not from lack of watching because I have not missed an episode, I can't it is like an addiction, I gotta have it. This show is one of the best nighttime soap opera and should receive many awards. Veronica is still off the chain, this woman is one of the evilest woman I have seen played to date on television. Everyone talks about Candace and her evil ways but Candy does not have a thing on Veronica, as a matter of fact I think Candy looks Gandhi compare to Veronica tactics. Veronica has managed to stand up to everyone on the show, including Katheryn. Katheryn who was upset about her child death tried to talk to Veronica about her child and Miss Veronica shut her down, like she does all back talkers. Veronica goes to any means necessary to make sure that her way is the right way and with the power and money this woman has, she can get it done. Now did you all she the can of whoop a** Veronica put on Maggie. I may have already talked about this but I have to say it again. Veronica brought her hood rat attitude to the Hills. She put a job on Maggie that this woman will never forget and makes her coward up every time she see Veronica walk in a room. Maggie was one problem that Veronica proudly took care of herself. I especially took a little enjoyment on watch Veronica slap Maggie around as she told her "did I not tell you to stay away from my husband" a very powerful scene for any woman who has had her husband cheat on her and they come face to face with the other woman. Makes you think how you would act in this situation. Veronica had a plan and it included taking off the earrings, and putting on the sneakers. Now a while back I remember Veronica husband David, who has tried to handle his wife on a few occasions but failed each time, called Veronica's mother to come and handle her. David told Jim the only person that could handle Veronica is her mother, who is suppose to be a judge as well. Now with knowing Veronica and how devilish the woman is, I have been waiting every since last season when David said he called, for Veronica's mother to show up. I know that Veronica's mother has to be a hell of a woman to be able to handle a demon spawn like that of her child. I am anxiously waiting to see who Tyler Perry and his team get to play Veronica's mother because it is going to have to be good. It is going to have to be an actress that is way above the other actors on the show and this will be hard to do because all the cast members on the Have and the Have Nots are some hell of some actors. This show has so much talent and is so powerful it is so hard to explain. I think if this show was to go to daytime around the same time the other soap operas are own, no I know this show would beat out the other soap operas. Keep it up #HAHN. Now bring on If Loving you is Wrong.

Love & Hip Hop NY (#LHHNY, @LoveHipHopVH1)

I have not written about Love and Hip Hop New York in a while and thought I should play catch up. Yes I still watch the show and yes I am still a fan. As for this season it is throwing me off a bit and I am guessing this is because of some of the new cast members, whom I am not liking to much. I was glad to see cast members like Cyn, Yandy, Erica Mena, in her own world Tara, Rich, stupid Peter, lost Amina, Mendeecees return was the best. These others that have join the show like Chrissy, I personally don't know where she fits in. Diamond, who seem like she needs to check in on fifth ward at the hospital and take her meds. This Cisco guy, seems to be as fake as he look, in other words trying to be someone he is not. High baller, when actually he is not a shot caller. Cisco went from one extreme to the other. One day he wanted to make a life with Diamond and be completely honest with her, the next he decided he wanted his ex and make a life with her and their kids, when Diamond drop him like a bad habit. His ex was not having it, smart lady, she should be a part of the show. What did surprise me is we got to finally she Mendeecees oldest child mother. Now that mother of Mendeecees baby mother is, well lets say I did not know if she really was a woman or a man trying to transition, it was so confusing for me. She swore out she could be Mendeecees mom like a man. I have to say that the addition of showing Mendeecees past family brought a little spice to the show. All Chrissy, Diamond, Cisco and Chink has done is brought confusion and unwanted entertainment for me, don't know what the others viewers think. I want some of the old cast members back, like Tahiry, Rashidah, Joe Budden, Erica Jean, Saigon.  These older cast members brought some much more drama that I could handle to the show. The newer cast members drama has not meaning to me, it goes absolutely no where and does absolutely nothing to grab my attention. I find myself just watching the old cast members that has recurred and when the newer cast member come up, I either get on the computer or take time to get a snack. I am hoping that this season will end soon, their will be a reunion and we will all get the past cast members back next season. That is all I have to say about the show because the newer cast member leaves me speechless. I do have to say that I do not like the attitude that Mendeecees is showing Yandy right now. Especially after all that woman did for him when he was locked up for an entire year. Yandy stayed faithful to her man, all while missing him and holding him done, and now he snobs her. Could the snob be because Yandy would not marry him in Vegas, something to think about. As for Peter Gunz and his triangle going on. I am still waiting on Peter to get both of the women together and suggest that they have a sister wife situation set up. This way both women would be satisfied, if they snob their nose at this suggestion, just think that is what they were doing anyway, sharing a man. The only different is they were not living in the same house. Now all three of them could get a bigger house together, either one with three floors or two sides and Amina could live on one side and Tara on the other. Peter will take turn on the nights he spend with each women and both the women could share the housekeeping duties as well as raising their children together. Problem solved. The most touching part of the show that has been for me so far is the way Cyn broke down in front of Erica Mena and told her how her heart was broken when she moved on so quickly. Like any women, we hurt when someone who we loved and they said they loved us, pick up so quickly and begin right away dating someone else, it makes you feel some sort of way and that is exactly what Cyn was saying to Erica. Cyn told Erica from the bottom of her heart what she was feeling, she laid it all on the table so Erica could respond. After Erica explained to Cyn it was true love for her as well, the two women to me began to heel and Cyn, the gracious woman she is told Erica she wished her a great life. Now that is the kind of woman all women should strive to be. You should strive to move on after the other person has decided to move on and wish the all the best in their future, when you forgive then your heart can began to heal. Good going Cyn, you did the right thing. If I was a Lesbian, I would be all over you, because your are truly a beautiful woman on the inside as well as the outside. Okay Rich Dollaz as they call you, where in the world do you find these women and why the hell have you not paid your child support, you know your going to end up in jail with Stevie J. Please pay your child support and get out from under the drama of all these fighting female, it is not a good look for you man. Settle down and get you a real and decent woman.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thicker Than Water (#ThickerThanWater)Bravo

I tried to watch thicker than water on Sunday night and could not watch the entire programming. For this show to have a preacher as the star focus, I do not see much loving, understanding or compassion from the Tankard family. What I do see from the Tankard family is judgement, bragging and nose being turned up at others who do not have or do not think as they do. I hear Ben Tankard talks over and over again how he earned his millions and how everyone else should have millions and earn it like him, but because they are not working as hard as he is they are not achieving these millions. I listen to this preacher talk of wealth and how Gods wants you to have this wealth and you are failing God when you don't achieve it. I have to say I disagree with Ben Tankard, God was not a wealth man but he had it all. God gained his followers because he was passionate to his people and put his life on the line for people he believed would do what was right in the world. God did not say that if you become a millionaire you are more likely to be favored in his blessings. God says that if you follow the instructions that he left for you in the Bible and live by it than you are likely to achieve a life of wealth. Why is it that some people are associating life of wealth with money. Some of the poorest people have more than some of the richest people and now I get to stress the movie "Its a Wonderful Life" and what this movie stood for. One of my favorite quotes in the movie was "George the richest man alive". A man who had so little was always giving what he had to help others, not matter what the sacrifice was, this man was ready to make the ultimate sacrifice of his life to save the company he ran. What ended up happening is that this man was richer than he thought because he had friends, family and even strangers willing to come to his side when he needed, not a million dollars. So I am lost in Ben Tankards thinking and am lost as to why his wife Jewel who grew up poor and made mistakes in her younger life is so quick to be judgmental of others. Why is a pastor wife not compassionate to others feelings, but quick to put them down and tell them what they are doing wrong. I see Jewel being so snobbish to people and quick to throw her husband money around by showing others how much she can buy things and pay for items. Sunday I watch Jewel and her sister disrespect Ben's son Marcus on the trip and talked about his wife, they thought it was funny and I did not find it a bit funny on how they laugh about their RV being hormonal because of Marcus pregnant wife. Jewels should have apologize to Marcus wife but she just said a down played sorry to Marcus and laugh it off. Their attitude on having to stop at a camp ground for a rest stop was awful, as they disrespected the guide who tried to give them information on the camp grounds itself. Jewel said she did not think they were being rude, but to snob the place because all they had was pizza and ask for things that was gluten free when you know you are a camp ground made them look like idiots who was trying to be above something like camping. Now when it came to them finally reaching Austin and meeting Jewel's sister Junice, I was not more disappointed in this family then I was when I saw how Ben immediately began attacking Junice husband and questioning him on how he was feeding his children. The table started to get a little heated and Jewel had the audacity to walk out like she was being attacked claiming she was tired of revisiting the same old things, when it was her husband who started it. I was so disguised with this family and the way they acted from the trip to Austin to the snob of people that I turned the television off and went to sleep and that speaks a lot from a person who is a television addict. I have to say that I never met a couple more that I really do not care for as much as I am disliking Ben and Jewel Tankard. The reason being that they both constantly talk about their money, they judge others who do not have as much and all they talk about is how they can buy things and what they have. As for their children I personally do not see them doing anything more exceptional than anyone else children you see doing in the world, they just have Ben Tankard money so they can live in his house free and work when they want. Their son Benji finally moves out with his wife after Ben put down seventy thousand dollars cash to pay for his condo, why do for yourself when dad can do for you. I know he has to pay his dad back but you know his daddy will not kick him out like talking about, so Ben can give his children hand outs to get them started and then judge everyone else when they struggle to make it without daddy's money.  I read Jewel's Bio and other then saying she was the wife of artist Ben Tankard, it said she is a businesswoman, author and evangelist, okay I am sorry I am having issues with the evangelist part, especially with the way she acts toward her fellow human being. I have to say with sincerity that I will not be watching this show any more, I just can not watch people at so judgmental and make money more the center of their life then God, although they pretend God is at the for front of their pillar, I definitely can not tell it. Brooklyn said she was tired of the devil messing with that family as I saw on the commercial, I did not get that far watching. Why would a family with so much money as they constantly talk about and praying as they say they do on a daily basis, have the devil knocking at their door? The devil can not touch your path if you are on a path that is right, so something is really missing in this family and their lives and it shows to a point that the devil feel comfortable enough to come in. I am so glad The Walking Dead comes on at the same time as this show because the walking dead is my first choice, at least you know they are acting. Sorry Tankards but I am not a fan of the ugliness your family is putting forth toward one another. As for Junice I want to say, do you girl and don't let what your sister say, or the judgments they make, stop your happiness. I have to say that Junice was holding her own at the table before I turned it. I was sorry to see that they began making the baby cry, a bunch of grown people making a child cry, how said. I agree with Junice that Jewel is a attention seeker and she always try to make everything that is brought up about her, I guess that is one way she think she will get fame. What every it is with this family it is not working for me, I like the children and how they seem to be honest with themselves, even though their mother and father try to present otherwise. The only things I do not like is Ben and Jewel, they seem to be putting on the pretense of being something they really are not. Why would one family need more than one plane? Maybe the kids alone, like Brookyln, Marcus and Benji with the spouses start their own show without their mother or daddy, I think this will make for better programming.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Real Housewives Of Atlanta (#RHOA)3-01-15

I watched Real Housewives of Atlanta and I of course I expected a lot of shade and hating going, like it was something new. But I really am not liking the new attitude of Cynthia, who is so far gone it is making me she a ugliness in Cynthia I did not know existed but now that I do I know that she is definitely on my dislike list. Why Cynthia is bringing up this ugliness at the table was right nasty and very tacky. Now that Cynthia says she has not problem with Phadera but brought it up to the table with no proof at all. We all know in this new day and age, things can be faked and people do lie. Apollo was going to jail, and he wanted to get back at Phadera for something he did. I wish Phadera would have hit that big mouth Kenya in the mouth, she can call everyone a name but she calls somebody out on something she does not have proof about. Why is Kenya so adamant about Phadera is cheating and why is Cynthia so adamant about bringing the subject up. Cynthia needs to go to that dumpster that she apparently is sharing with Kenya at the moment and they both need to jump back in head first. These two women are showing some of the ugliest attitudes of any women I have seen on any of the bravos show and it needs to stop somewhere. I want someone to call Kenya out on herself. Why is the old ass woman, never been married at her age, cant't have a baby, willing to make everyone as unhappy as her. This is the sign of a woman who needs to serious therapy and we all know this is true because the woman does not have a relationship with her mother at all. Kenya mother apparently abandon her when she was young and this has affected this woman, why is no one touching on this subject, when they know someone who has a mother abandon her has got to have issues. This show is becoming such a mess with Cynthia being a nasty girl right along with Kenya, Kandi acting funny with the situation of Phadera, as her sex life with Todd is zero. I thought at one time is was because Kandi was not getting none from her husband but now it seems as if Kandi is becoming jealous of Phadera and NeNe relationship. Why is Kandi jealous because NeNe became support to Phadera at a time she needed, why not be happy that NeNe stepped in for Phadera, especially since Phadera has been going through so much. If you ask me, Kenya has sole handily made this show a big hot, pop full of rubbish mess. Can we get some kind of dignity back to the show, I know Cynthia is trying to keep her and Peter's head above water, but does she has to stoop so low to do this. What ever happen to believing in God and taking the right road to making it in this world, instead of scratching, stabbing, and throwing low blows to make your way on a television show, no one told Cynthia to let Peter get her in so much depth that she has to stoop so low. Sad, Sad diner tonight at the table of the slinging mud then taking it outside and as soon as someone would have smacked one of them they want to have someone arrested, they should have went their separate ways and kept their dam* mouths closed.

Sister Wives Season Finale (#SisterWives)

Sister Wives season finale, oh my goodness. I have always like the sister wives show situation, because this family is just a family I have totally fallen in love with. My favorite sister wife has always been Meri and now on this season finale I have myself liking this woman even more. Meri has decided to divorce her husband Cody, so her sister wife Robin can legally marry Cody and he can adopt her children by her first husband. How selfless is this of Meri, who is the only woman out of the sister wives to have a legal paper of marriage to Cody, to give this right up because she wants to make the children who are legally not theirs, now theirs if anything should happen to Robin. I am so loving this, I am so loving why Meri for doing this and all at the same time I am crying at the fact that Meri has make such as huge sacrifice as divorcing her husband. Why these fake a** bitc*** on housewives talk about each other and throw each other under the bus, as they pull out each other hair, why the sister wives, that a lot of people choose to judge, is making sacrifices of this kind. Why are we so critical of sister wives, when these housewives have no shame in their game of hating on each other. There is enough hate in the world so why can't we take the time and get to understand a person before we judge or talk about them. If you ask me we can all learn from the show sister wives and I wish more people would take the time to actually watch the show. The more I watch sister wives the more they make me want to be a sister wife, well I actually would want to be a part of this particular family and of course you know who I would hang out with the most, it would be Meri. After I lost my husband I can be more appreciative of  that support they give each other. Except I am still unsure about Jenelle who for some reason seem to be more jealous of the other woman, she looked at Meri as though she wanted to kill her. She is worried about the dynamics she say, but why is it a difference between being married to one wife over another. Is is because Robin is the youngest wife who can actually have more children? Or is is because Jenelle assume Cody will leave them all and run off with Robin, especially since they will be legally married. All and all, I am still in favorite of the Brown family and their sister wives situation they have going on. I love how the grown ups as well as the kids are so supportive of each other. If anyone has a problem with how this family is, I ask you to take a look at your own family to see exactly how you can judge. By the way I am loving Truly, although all the children are very respectful and sweet at times, I will have to say little Truly is so sweet, I just want to meet her and give her a big hug. I love the way she greets a guess at the door and provide polite conversation, she definitely gets that from her mom Christina.