Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta (6-15-15)

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta was back to its usual drama. Yung Joc all baby mommies meet each other on the regular, for some sort of gather, don't ask me why I was just as confused as the next person, I am guessing it is for some kind of support. Although they did say because their children are all related, which does make sense because the women should stay friendly as their children needs to interact. What got me is that Yung Joc brought his new woman, KD to this gathering and KD is his host the women say, she does not have any kids with him, she just help him in a way that is financial and important to his being. Now why Yung Joc thought it was a good idea to bring KD to this gathering is beyond me, because as soon as KD saw the woman she had the blow out with before, it was on again. KD I have to say was totally wrong for starting the mess, since she knew where she was going and she knew she would be encountering this woman, she should have prepared her mind to keep calm and try to get along. Instead KD said as soon as she saw her, it was like a light lit in her that made her just began exploding, not good not good at all because al the other baby mamas got involved and it was own, the mamas against KD, yes she was out numbered and looking for Yung Joc to come to her aide, but Joc was like I am staying out of this until the women finish what they have to say. Now Yung Joc finally spoke up as the arguing calmed down and he let KD know she was wrong to come to that meeting and blow up at his baby mamas as he has to keep these women in his corner. Yung Joc is no fool, I would not be either, but you know he paid for it when he did eventually go home, you notice I said when he eventually went home because of course he did not go home right away. You will have to watch because it is too much to tell in this short writing of mine and I don't want it to all be about Yung Joc and his baby mamas and his girlfriend, although most of this episode was. Lets move on to Nikko's wife and Mimi's friend, they met up to discuss this sex tape, yes they are still on the subject of Mimi lying on Nikko about the tape and there is another person who was filming that is willing to come forward to tell on Mimi, now Mimi's friend is asking her to own up to her sh** before it is al exposed. They are showing parts of next week episode and Mimi decides who she is going to tell first, they don't show us who this is but who do you think it is. I personally think it might be Stevie J. We got to see Kirk finally stand up to his performer to tell her that she disrespected his wife and he will not be having that, by time you did what you were suppose to Kirk, it took you long enough. Now the performer goes to RaRa tries to apologize and you know RaRa has to give her a hard time of course. Joseline and Stevie J did their quick make up as Joseline needed Stevie J to back her on her performance. Now as for this business deal Kalenna and her husband Tony Vick are getting into I am not at all sure about, but since they decided to go all in I am hoping Kalenna keeps her eyes on everything so that her husband don't make any stupid mistakes, Kalenna seems like a good business woman and she seems as though she would be keeping a close eyes on things.  Now I am ready for the show to start showing more of Jessica Dimepiece and Tiffany Foxx, it is about that time for Ms. Dimepiece to give Joseline a run for her money, holler. By the way why are we not seeing more of Scrappy and  Erica and this child support issue, I personally miss it.

Return To Amish (6-14-15)

I was so glad to see Mother Mary come out alright on Return to Amish as she got sick and was rushed to the hospital. She was stressed out, not to mention she had a kidney infection from not drinking water like we all know we suppose to.  It is important to get your water in no matter how much of the other liquids we may drink. I was also glad to see Kate return to help Mary with her bed and breakfast, especially since she found out that Mary had fell ill, what a way to step in Kate. Also no matter what Rebecca and Abe has to say about Jeremiah, he has been a big help to Mary and the rest of the family as he has stepped his act up, no matter what reasoning he has behind it. Jeremiah may have a purpose to his helping, but right now everything he is doing is for the good of everyone else and I am glad he is pitching in. We all know Andrew, who still has twenty two months left can not be there to help his mother, as he continues to get in trouble with the law, what the hell is wrong with this boy that he can not stay out of trouble. We do get to see Chapel his wife ride around as she cry about her problems and wonder what she will do without her husband by her side. I feel sorry for Chapel and her situation but I do get tired of hearing her say the same thing over and over again. As for Chester disowning and his family to get back into the Amish church, I am not sure how to take this one because I am sure with the man having been Amish all his life he is torn, as we see Mary is torn as to what she should do, between going back to the church and sticking by her children side. Now Mary has said she will never give up her children, as any mother should not, but Chester on the other hand may be looking back on that his children is grown, they have made their choices now he needs to make his. Well this is a choice I would myself would not want to make but as a mother would not deny seeing my own children.  I love the way Mary bed and breakfast is coming together, although I think she should have some man made amenities, like regular bathrooms, to tell someone they have to use the outhouse is making me have second thoughts on going to this bed and breakfast, especially since I am one of those people who have to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, come on Mary you can give in to some things, although I still want to try your cooking. I may come over for a meal but not to stay, maybe Mary should stick to the restaurant and leave the bed and breakfast alone, people love to eat. I still do want to know want the answer to where is Sabrina and is anyone trying to find her, why is it that she does not want to appear on this season or at this moment, what is going on with her? It will be interesting to find out what is going on with Sabrina and which way Chester will go with his life.

Married To Medicine (6-14-15)

Say what you will I think Quad on Married to Medicine is full of Sh**. She can start mess and talk a good talk but when someone begins to attack then she plays that poor me role, she begin the I am the victim syndrome and this is something I do not like about a person who claims as if they are a bad a**, like Quad pretends to be. Quad acted as if she was this high society Hob Nob, but when it all comes down too it, she is the regular girl from Alabama who happens to marry a doctor and now has her nose so fare up in the air, not only can she not smell Alabama, she can not spell it. She is forgetting where she came from and tries to make others feel as if they are beneath her. Quad was highly upset with Lisa doing the background check on her and said she was not upset by the fact that Lisa did the background check, she claimed she was upset that Lisa did not tell her and then acted as if Quad had something to hide, all I say to this is bullsh** Quad. You know you were upset because you did have something to hide, you are a woman who has a nose in the air but you have a mug shot as well, now I am not married to a doctor or a the moment have my own business or claim to be something I am certainly not, but I can say that I do not have a mug shot if someone does a background check on me. Neither do I have anything that say that I am felony assault charges that were filed against me, can you please explain that. Quad is not explaining her past or how these charges came about, all she talks about now is her doctor husband and her business, come on Quad if you are so real let it all on the table. A real bit** does not cover up, she owns up and tell what she did in her past and let everyone knows it is her past, now that is how you do it Quad, you do not go and do a background check on the person who did one on you to get back at them so that you will have dirt to throw in their face. Quad you are being a nasty a** and the people that follow and think that you are doing right is as wrong as you are and that is why your life will always be a mess. If you know God like you claim too, you will know that two wrongs don't make a right and to forgive is to forget and move on with your life. As for Lisa, I think you have not a thing to be ashamed of. Now as for Dr. Simone and Ms. Toya, Simone all I can say to you is to leave Simone alone for a while, you need to stay away from her like you said and don't make attempt to talk to this crazy a**, she is beneath your level and she is because she have her issues and you can tell this watching the show. Now how many women, we know that some women do like to stay at home and take care of the babies, but this would not include someone like Toya who has friends that are all business women who talk about their businesses as Toya can only talk about her kids and what she did at the house to please her husband. Toya said her and her husband are the best of friends, unlike most of the couples but there is something missing in this relationship. Especially since Toya spends, spends, spends and her husband has to keep up with what she is spending, there is a lost of translation with how this household works. Toya has the attitude spare no expense, when her husband has the attitude you need to have a budget, yeah there is definitely something wrong, especially when finances is involved and neither of you agree, it has to be some agreement when money is involve, I know this well. I will have to applaud Dr. Heavenly, as busy as this woman is staying she is managing to still take care of her family and she has the best attitude of all them women on the show. Dr. Heavenly rub me the wrong way when she first came on the show but now I am really liking the changes she has made to her attitude and I like that her and Simone gets along so well. I think if Mya had stayed on the show her and Heavenly would have become rather close because they had a lot in commend. As for Dr. Jackie, she is the same, the one who tries to stay neutral and keep the women sane or at least civil to one another. Now if we can find a way to exit Quad out the picture and bring back Mya, that would work for me.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Jurassic World The Movie

I was a little afraid to go see the movie Jurassic World just because the fear of the movie being a disappointment compared to the orginals. Well guess what, on this occasion I was unfortunately correct. The movie for me was dead,  the only ones I think got anything out it was the younger kids who may not have seen the orginals or know the difference.  Now I like the fact they had the park itself finally opened for business, that was great in itself because I would totally visit a park like thisif it opened, minus the real dinosaurs of course, fake one's will do for me. Now back too the movie, it list something for me. Rather it was the woman who was the front running star, the aunt I can not remember her name but she was bland,  to the children who really did not add any excitement of their own,  other than one interested in girls while the other just wanted to talk about dinosaurs,  sounds familiar. There were a lot of misses on this show. Like more Iinteractions with the dinosaurs,  to actors that just were not cutting it. Now the leading man was a hit, he did a great job as well as the guy from law and order, playing a villian fits him well. Now ican not put myfinger on it but the movie really really lost me. I definitely did not see enough of the animals or understood much of what was going on, as far as the animals themselves.  Why could they not incorporate the children being grown and coming back to see their grandfather's dream come true. Why did this movie not incorporate anything from the other movies, except a t-shirt and the kids finding an old place from the original movie. I have to say I was disappointed and wanted more out this movie, it just did not cut it for me and now I am hoping that terminator dies not disappoint me as well, especially with this being one of my all time favorite movies. Now I know they have to make changes to movie and I understand and this is to be expected but I expect the movies remakes to be in according to the originals if not better. Now I know it can happen because whomever remade the last Michael myers movie and the Hannibal movie younger years did fantastic jobs, these movies had me gripping my seats they were so intriguing,  now that is how you do remakes. Catch audience attention and keep it.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Return (6-8-15)

Love and hip hop came back on with regulsr episodes this week and it was, well lets say interesting. Lets start with Niko or should we say creepo. He had the nerve to take his wife to a place he knew MiMi would be and can you guess what happen. These to women decided to go in on each other than going in together to knock this idiot upside his head, because remember Niko did lie to both women. Now Niko says  he has proof that MiMi is lying about she actually releasing sex tape, now I won't say rather or not if I believe MiMi but I will say if you did it MiMi you need to own up to it before it comes out. Now on to Kirk and Rasheeda, all I can say is wow. Kirk apparently is not learning his lesson from past mistakes,  what the hell will it take for you to understand whst your wife is asking of you. You suppose to work as a team and this mean telling your wife everything begore you just up and do it. You have to gain your wife's trust again but you are failing miserably. So RaRadid what most women would do a hhusband when he goes behind her back, she got even and began auctioning off some of Kirk's prize possessions, it was rather clever if you ask me I am sure she gave some women ideas with this stunt she pulled. Of course one of Kirk boys called him and told him what RaRa was doing, so Mr. KIRK high tailed it to the auction to put a hault to it. Now on to the Puerto Rican Princess, all I can say is Joseline you had a way of making the fans like me fall in love with you but you also have a way to put us on that edge of saying, what the hell are you thinking at times. On top of Joseline going off the chain about Stevie J, who she loves one minute and hate the next, they need to start putting subtitles at the bottom of the screen when Joseline talks, especially when she get excited because we the fans can not understand a da** thing she is saying, can we get a little help. Now if you ask me Joseline blew up at Stevie J about something that was not even worth it, he already told her about this business with MiMi, but what I think set her off is that MiMi has signed on a possible threat to Joseline, yes Miss Jessica Dimepiece is in the building. I think more then anything Joseline was upset that she has been signed on to something that Stevie J is managing. Now what about Ms. Momma Dee trying to get her grove on with her ex and even possibly get married, okay yes this entire situation confuses me too, about her causing him to do seven years in prison and him getting out and just totally forgiving her, all I can say if it is true this man got more forgiveness then I would in this situation. By the way I want to know what is going on with the dead beat Scrappy, who wants to make a baby but only be a part time money contributor to his own child. Erica has every right to take a child support order out on Scrappy and my thing is she should have been done it, some of these guys only understand one thing and that is that if the man tells them they will have to pay, then they will pay, because some of these dead beats would never volunteer to do it on their own. I was happy to see Kalenna return but I was sad to her that her husband is still making this some what unsure decisions to help their financial situation. He wants to invest money into something that is not at all guaranteed, with as many children as this man has, he needs all the guarantees he can get. Yung Joc in my opinion should be written off the show some way, he adds no significance to the show itself and he is an exploiter of women, I know you man say a woman can not be exploited unless she lets a man do so, but when you feel down on yourself and a man starts making you feel like you are the most sexy and beautiful woman in the world, it does something for your ego, and some man can do this too a woman. All in All the show is still hot, I am waiting for these future episodes. I would love to see MiMi and Nikko's wife Margeaux join forces to gain up on Nikko, one of the master of diguises who tries to do his own exploiting of women and I also feels that Nikko needs to go off the show as well. We do not need men on the show who are teaching other men how to exploit females, it is just wrong. Continue on with the great show, just without the dead beat men who like to live on women.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Married To Medicine 6-7-15 ( They came out Swinging)

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, yes I had to say it three times for this reality show because it seems as though we picked up from where we left off at the reunion. We learned that Lisa Nicole did a background check on Quad who was very offended. The reasoning Lisa had behind doing the background check was that she said, anyone who she does business with, she checks out before going into business with this person, which is only rightfully so in my eyes. You can not go into business with anyone blindsided and then wonder what happen when things go array, so I say bravo for Lisa for being so business minded and bravo again for dishing the dirt on Mrs. I am so all that Quad, who puts her noise in the air and never looks down on the little people, wow. This is a woman who is so quick to judge others and acts as though her sh** don't stink. Mrs. Quad throws back some shade and tell Mrs. Lisa Nicole that she will be doing her own background check on her, as I figure Lisa would do, she encourages Quad to do the check because whatever she finds she said is not hidden. But did you all know that Quad was arrested for aggrevated assault and she put Mariah in the category of a hood rat, the pot calling the kettle, well you know. By the way I miss Mariah and I want her back, she added spice to the show, why is Toya on the show with her fake a**. Speaking of Ms. fake any phony, we return with Toya having a Halloween party and going all out to have this event. How much money can Toya spend, I guess the question is how much money can Toya husband make, this poor man must live at the hospital to catch on the bills Toya is producing, what is even more so funny they act as though they really are happy and the best of friends. We all know where cases like this usually end up, if she keeps letting him spend anymore time at the hospital, I am almost sure a nurse or two will not mind giving some of their time to this overworked husband, think about it. Now Toya decided to have this party but we all know that Toya and Simone do not click, so Toya did not invite Simone but Toya husband invited Simone's husband, how ironic right. So yes Simone ends up at the party and of course Toya has to through her shade by making cards for all the women and giving them a prescription for what she says is their ailments. Can anyone guess what Toya said Simone's ailment was. She said that Simone was plagued by Over zealousness and extreme anger issues, yep she went their, wow. Now of course Simone tore up the card saying this is some bullsh**, I can say I agree. Toya to me is still trying to fit in where she can get in. Now as for Mrs. Heavenly, yeah she has not changed, Mrs. Heavenly is the same as usual and I can say that I honestly did not like this woman at first but now she is growing on me because it is something about her that is down to earth. Although Mrs. Heavenly knows she has money and she enjoys her status, she has proven to us that she is not above anyone, she appreciate what God has given her and I must say that I can respect this. I can also say that if Mariah was still on the show, I could have seen her and Heavenly clicking. As for the husband, they still are sitting back and laughing at their wives who they know are off the chain, but as any good husband would do, they just go along for the ride and try to step aside when the blows come out. There was one point when the women stepped outside and a screaming match began between Quad, Lisa, Toya and Simone. It was all about who was trying to conquer who and Quad let it be known that the battle is on. Oh this is going to be an interesting season, bring it.

Return to Amish 6-7-15 (A Great Beginning to the Season)

Return to Amish start last week and it is back on its roll. Rebecca and Abe seems to be settled into their family and their English ways. Mary, the mother of all mother is still my mom at heart. She is still fighting for her right to have her kids in her life but still chooses to live Amish with her husband all while refusing to join the church who will not let her be part of her children life if she did join. Now Mary's husband has rejoined the church and because of this he has stipulation on seeing his own children, what a load of crock. Mary has decided to continue into business and is going on with her idea of a Amish bed and breakfast place, now for me personally, just watching Mary cooking on television I would definitely stay at her place and I know she will treat me as family. Me and my daughter are already making plans to be Mary's guest, so as soon as the bed and breakfast is done we are there. I do have to ask, you will allow us to have some electronics, right? Who would have thought it, Mary is a entrepreneur, you go Mary and that is why we love you. Can anyone guess where Andrew is, yes you guessed it, in jail again and this time he has twenty four months, wow Andrew just can not stay out of trouble as Chapel his wife struggles with her leukemia, I thought her and Andrew marriage would help things, I guess not right. You can not always fix things with a marriage license or a baby people, it sometimes only makes things worse if the issues you are having is something within yourself or much deeper issues. Of course Jeremiah is being Jeremiah, he says he has return to the Amish but only Jeremiah really knows and can say what he is really up too, he continues to struggle with Amish life versus English life, go figure right. Kate, the model has went full force into her career, it almost seems as if this young lady was never Amish to begin with. It seems as if she fell into the English life and modeling so easily, I know English people who struggle with the model life unlike it seems to have been for Kate. Now their were two surprises for me on these new episodes and one was that Sabrina has apparently gone missing, she is not in contact with anyone and no one has talked to her as of lately. I don't know what is going on with Sabrina but I would have loved to have seen her and her gorgeous baby girl, Sabrina we will wait on your return. The other surprise is that Katie Ann is driving, yes Katie Ann who is has seemed to be struggling every since we met her from being that normal Amish girl for her parents sake to taking English life full on is now actually driving and has a car. I loved seeing Katie Ann driving and if you ask me Katie Ann needs to do what makes her happy. She tried pleasing her parents and going with an Amish guy but their families seem to oust her because family members of hers have been shun, again what a bunch of crock from the Amish community. I can not wait to see Katie Ann finds her own way in life, with a mother like Mary she will be great in anything she does because Mary will help her. What a way to start of the season guys, just keep being yourselves and we will keep watching.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Bruce aka Caitlyn the Jeffersons did it first

I did not take the time to speak on Bruce Jenner appearing as Caitlyn. So as I began to think on it it began writing my opinion I happen to have the television turned to the Jeffersons and happen to see the episode in which George was being visited by an old but from the Navy by the name of Eddie. Now the thing is Eddie was no longer that old Navy buddy that George once knew, he had a complete sex change and was now considered a female. He wanted to let George as well as some of his other buddies know what he had done and why. Eddie explain to George that he always knew but tried to fight the urge because of society.  Eddie she he was never happy in his own body until he had the sex change operation which had made him complete and comfortable with his new identity as a female name Edith. With this all being said we can relate this to Bruce or shall we say Caitlyn's own situation and how happy he looks on the cover of the magazine in his new body as well as in some of the clippings of a new show he has coming out when he goes out in the world as Caitlyn. How ironic that this show in the seventies is so closely related to what we are now learning what Bruce is goimg through.  It makes me wonder if Bruce actually watch this episode of the Jeffersons in envy of Eddie coming out as his true self with hopes that one day he would be able to do so as well. I can only imagine how it must have been, especially since in this episode George could not accept his friend transition at first and choose to run away at first sight. Eddie told George thst he had lost all of his friend because of it and had to get new ones. Now fortunately the time Bruce is coming out is very different and people are more accepting so Bruce don't have to worry about losing all his friends or being judge by so many. What I do know for sure is Caitlyn is absolutely gorgeous and if you ask me she should have come out when she was younger because I am sure she would have been fierce from looking at the older version.  Good luck Miss Caitlyn Jenner.