Monday, December 23, 2013

Breaking The Faith 12-22-13 (#BreakingTheFaith)

Did you watch Breaking The Faith last night and if you did not you missed a lot. Last night episode was about the some of the women coming to their own. Martha decided she would talk with some of Mormons girls and try and understand where they are coming from, so she joined a get together the girls had. According to Martha the FLDS cut out socializing in their communities because they decided that it would involve the girls and boys having to much interaction with one another, yes another control technique. The FLDS did not want the young girls and guys interacting because they may have gotten together with one another and like each other as well, they could have gotten together and actually talk, now you know the FLDS do not want these young people to talk to one another because they want all the control. This mind control the FLDS uses on its people is really crazy, it is so strong that people like Connie and Angie were arguing with Martha about hanging out with these groups of girls and even accusing Martha of possibly being brain washed herself by these Mormons. Connie had the audacity to tell everyone that she stills believes most of the teachings of the FLDS and she will raise her children with these belief, so like the young men said, if she believes so much in the FLDS teachings why did she and Angie leave. Now why these girls were all jumping on Martha, Val who also wants to begin learning the ways of the gentiles said not a word to defend Martha thinking, she actually believed as Martha did but she said nothing I guess because of her fear of the girls jumping on her case. Martha ran off and began staying with the Mormons girls and the funny thing about it is Val all of a sudden got brave and decided to by her some norm clothing, and she put them on, let down her hair and the woman looked great, she almost looked like a model. Something I learned in the episode that the FLDS preached to their community is that people of darker skin is not to be trusted because they were taught that some of the people who fought against God caught on fire and their skin turned dark, so people of color are not to be trusted, now that is funny. The things these cult and yes I said cult teach these people are so over the top and I can not believe that these people choose not to try and find out if this is true or not. I am glad that Val is dating a guy of color because ignorance is no excuse for trying to learn for yourself what is true or not. Val is finding out for herself that these teachings had a lot of lies tied in with them. What is stumping me is Angie and Connie, why are these two women refusing to budge and try to make their way in their new life, they seem to just sit on the couch and judge other people. Now I see that Martha will be getting this make over next week by the girls and I am excited for her, I am not sure but I think the other girls will be getting make over as well, as for Val she has seemed to made her own make over and it looks good. I am hoping the other two girls will get out more, I am not sure about Connie who has a man in the gentile world already why is she acting so stuck up, as for Angie this young lady has not had much to do with the outside world and does not seem she is at all accustomed to anything and that includes having dated, but then again we have to remember that a lot of these women did not date in FLDS, they were at very young ages promised to a man. It seems to really be getting juicy on this show, what really has me stumped is where the hell is Jake, he must have a woman back home.

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