Sunday, December 29, 2013

Thicker Than Water 12-29-13 (@ThickerthanWater)

I watched thicker than water tonight and this family still amazes me with their selfish attitudes. I watch Jewel continue with the separation between her and her sister and she still in my opinion refuses to listen to what her sister Junice has to say. In Jewel's mind all Junice is doing is picking on her for no apparent reason and when Junice hand her this letter to tell her what is upsetting her instead of Jewel sitting by herself to really take the time to read and study it, she rushes home to her husband and they pick through the letter about who cares what Jewel could have possibly did to Junice when she was young, the past is the past and let is go was Jewel's and Ben's attitude. Now I want to understand why is Jewel not trying to understand why she wrote he letter, from what I heard the letter was saying that Jewel has always so call been Ms. Perfect in everyone eyes and this is what she tries to portray now, like she never did any wrong and apparently Junice was put on that back burner as the baby and she was most likely in her sister shadow and probably heard why was she not more like her big sister. Now for you that don't get it think about it, Junice watched Jewel do all these bad things, even when they were in church she was sneaking around sleeping with guys after they had been told that it was wrong and against God. But Jewel who did all these bad things that they were told was wrong as children, seem to have made it big. Jewel the sneaky sister who had a baby at  young age is now a millionaire, she got the great husband and the big house, while Junice who did what she was suppose to by the bible has little of nothing and it is apparent that her and her husband are scrambling a little. Yes it is a jealousy thing for a woman, like why did God bless you and not me and you were the one who stayed in trouble, now for Junice she feels as if Jewel is acting high and mighty as though she forget what she did and where she came from. I have to say the highlight of tonight's show was Brooklyn's hair show, it was fabulous and it was like being at New York high society show, all the models look great and Brook was shining. So Brook was working when everyone was giving her a hard time, take that Benji and Shanira who did not even take the time to go to his sister's show, how very immature of the both of you. Shanira is she was a real supportive wife instead of telling Benji you do not have to go, she should have been that sister in law that said you don't have to go if you choose not to but I am going. Shanira instead of talking to your husband and trying to get him to mend things with his sister, you add to it by playing Benji games and not including Brooklyn in the wedding, these two give me more and more reason to believe that they are to young to be married and had no reason marrying in the first place. Shanira just wants the wedding she wants and she do not care how much it cost, she is glad that the Tankards have money and if you ask me she spends their money in her head more than Benji does, all because she is married to Benji, where is her parents and why are they not flipping the bill for any cost of this wedding, they could at least pay for the cake. I hate saying that I really do not like anyone but I have to say this immature couple I really dislike, because they do not make any decisions base on thought other than their own personal gain, they really have a lot of growing up to do and it will be something else to see this two try and mature together, children have no business being married. They really do not seem as they are even searching for a house and its only the two of them, start with an apartment first like most young couples do, stop spending Ben Tankard's money. Benji talk cold mess about Brooklyn in front of her daughter and that was so wrong on so many levels and instead of Ben ripping into Benji and telling him he would not accept that in his house, they tell the girl after she heard the comments. How many of you think that this little girl stood at the top of the stairs and still listen, I know I would have. Benji needs to apologize to Brook and her daughter diamond. Jewel needs to stop putting on these phony acts that she is Miss perfect and realize that all these airs she puts on is not fooling God or no one else for that matter. Jewel's own household is in shambles, how the saying goes, get your own house in order before you try working on someone else. Something else has bothered me about Jewel and that is the financial advice she gives in the meetings is the worse I have ever heard, where did she go to school. She is a lot out of touch with people and as a co-pastor how can this be?

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