Sunday, December 15, 2013

Total Divas (#TotalDivas) (@TotalDivasE)

I was working last week and forgot to record so I am just catching up and what I am watching is almost everyone getting engage. I do like Brie and Bryan relationship and I was glad to see them get engaged and I love the way Bryan went about doing this, who would have thought it, a real great proposal and brought the family in on it. Now I watch Nikki brought in her friends and they practically drilled John Cena but I have to say John stood up to this women and he did what he should have done, he spoke from the heart and he told his truth, what he felt about marriage and children. John has a right to not want to get marry again and he has that right to feel that he will not be a good father to a child being on the road and if Nikki decides to stay by his side maybe later on down the line he may change his mind or he may not, it is up to Nikki to decide if she will leave. Now as for Nikki saying she needs to talk to John Cena I do not know if this is a good idea because he said how he feels and explained why he is choosing to make this decision but a lot of time I think Nikki is not listening, it seems as if she hears what Cena is saying and she does not like it but she is really not listening to him and why he is making this choice, she seems kind of selfish to me, like she will make this man change his mind because of what she wants. One thing I disagree with and that is a woman trying to make a man into what she wants, most of the time this does not work, you will pay for it in the in. John Cena is a nice man and he has been married before and he knows what it takes but you can not put more than a man is willing to handle on his plate. As for Eva going against her family to elope, she seems a bit immature and for some reason just wants to be marry, what is wrong with waiting. I had no idea she was engaged to be married before and listening to her family she is jumping at things before she thinks them through. I know Johnathan is suppose to be in love with Eva Marie but I am shocked a man is willing to jump into a marriage this quick anyway so I think it was right for Eva to wait and let her family get to know Johnathan, that is how it should be, if you love each other now you will love each other a year down the line. Is it just me or does it seem like that Nikki is jealous of what Brie have and she wants the same thing, not everyone life is the same and not everyone with it is your twin sister or not life will turn out the same way. When John Cena said to Nikki he could not give her that life she wanted I really do hope she was listening this time and not trying to tone it out like she always does. Nikki needs to stop being selfish and take John feelings into considerations sometimes because like he said he does have his opinion as well, what sacrifice have she made in the relationship that he have not made, he change some of his ways for her as well. Relationships are hard and now the question is what will they do, I think Nikki is so wrong for trying to put John Cena on the spot like this, what do women get out of doing this just to say they are engaged, maybe that is it maybe John can propose to Nikki but never actually marry her. I know people who have been engaged for years before getting married, but then we know the next future forty episodes will be her pressuring John Cena to actually get marry.

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