Sunday, December 1, 2013

Breaking the Faith 12-1-13(@TLC#BreakingTheFaith)

Watching Breaking the Faith tonight is special, the way these girls look at this woman (Carol) for turning in Warrens Jeffs was weird. This woman did what she had to do because she is one of those women that did love her kids and knew that what the FLDS had these people doing to children was wrong and I myself respect this woman for having the courage to leave. It takes more courage to leave something that you know is wrong and not know where you are heading or what will happen to your kids other than you have to make a better life for them no matter what it take is more courage anyone can ask of a mother. When a mother loves her kids she does whatever it takes, and that is why I admire Abe or Breaking Amish mother so much. Why did the FLDS regulate what the families eat, can someone please tell me this. Is it because of the price and they want them to eat the cheapest things possible, well noddle is pretty cheap so I am not sure. Did you here this young boy tell the other boys that he had to take pictures of the young girls and take them back to the bishop, one of the boys as him if he did not think this was creepy and the boy said he was just doing what he was told. Well let me settle the record straight, this is far beyond creepy and I would like to know what they did with these pictures of the girls, maybe he should tell the girls about this and see what they think. I am sure these girls would feel that their privacy was invaded. This deprogramming is a little weird, and the girls are scared they are being brained wash but they did not think this when as young women they are told to sleep with older men, they really have some weird thinking especially since they all still believe that Warren Jeffs is good, so why are they leaving the FLDS if they think Warren Jeffs is still good? Linda has decided that she wants to back out of the entire thing, what the he**, she is the weakest link, try to give the life you choose to go to a chance before backing out completely. Linda will not look at the camera, what  in the world, maybe they should move them to a different state so they would not consider running away and tell them if they really want to go back they will take them. Now here is Linda saying she hates Carolyn Joseph and this is why she really wants to leave, she said this woman ruined her life and hates him, why such a strong word from Linda, did not the FLDS not tell these girls they should never use the word hate, it is ugly and is a strong word we it comes to talking of your fellow man. I have never understood how can one person have such much hate for another and call themselves walking in the path of God. Yes Carolyn explained to these girls that she left to protect her girls like a real good mother would, why would any mother let their young child go into a situation knowing that this young girl will be practically raped by this young man because this girl has no clue as what sex is about. I know a lot of the mothers let this happen to their daughters and this is when I questioned why would you as a mother think to yourself that this is okay at anytime. These girls are not believing Carolyn at all which is leaving me to wonder why they left in the first place, this is starting to be a little weird. The only one that seems strong enough to me to survive this change over is Martha, she knows what she wants and she is determined to understand what the outside life has to offer to her, I think Martha will do great and may possibly be one of those safe houses for people who choose to leave the FLDS in the future. I like that Jake is worried about his sister at the creek as they call it, I just hope he can get her out before something happen to her. Now as for Linda going back with Jake is not a good idea at all and she is still doing that crazy keep sweet nonsense so she will go back, I feel sorry for this girl because she has no future, her lost. Jake screwed up taking Linda with him, I don't know if she will snitch on the location of the safe house and put Carolyn life in danger because I am sure the FLDS would like to get back at her. How do this so call God squad call themselves that and say they punish people in the name of God, these cults are really a joke. I would like to see if Linda comes act but if you ask me I would not let her come back, especially in my group anyway. The girls seem to get out a little more next week when they get to Salt Lake and I hope we get to see these women really branch out.

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