Sunday, December 30, 2018

Safaree and Erica Mena??????????Really

Is it just me or is anyone not believing this Erica Mena and Safaree relationship crap. Both of these people are trying to stay in the headlines and they both need storylines to keep them going in the public eye. Not too long ago Erica disappeared off the television set saying she was marrying bow wo and she said he was everything and she was so happy. Enter back Erica Mena on a different love and hip hop reality show after her and bow wow's engagement was ended. Erica came on the scene causing chaos and Rich was sent in. Erica was with a woman before bow wow, Cyn who is now with Joe Buttons and Erica was not seen with another woman since but on Tokyo's Instagram I saw her and Erica Mena kissing saying they were a couple and how excited she was that they could finally come out with it, what the "f", now I am really confused. Does Erica really want a woman or man, I know they say people are bisexual, what ever that means, I was told you can not have your cake and eat it too, which I define being bisexual as being, call me prejudicial and I will call myself being a Christian, child of God who believes what Gods words are and believe in his purpose for our creation so anything different from that is not of my belief and I have a right to my belief as do you. Anyway I am not buying this Erica and Safaree relationship, what I am buying is they are in it for the money and they are possibly trying to have a storyline or get their own reality show, why not it works for some people why not them right. We have Stevie J and Faith show coming, I think, there is Remy and Pappose, Then I hear of maybe some other relationship realities shows coming about, so why not jump on a new trend that could be happening in 2019. Safaree really was looking for love but it seems to not just be working out for the man so I think he said why not play the game, there is no real woman with whom I can make a true relationship, why not fake this relationship with Erica. Now I have a question, how many men have Erica had in her, because my count is just nasty, I mean really nasty level. How do this women keep her vajjay clean and in working order. I only been with a few men and these days I am really scared with so many people sleeping with different titles, bisexual, pansexual, whatever sexual. I guess Erica is making a lot of trips to the gynecologist, at least I hope.

Housewives of Atlanta (Kandi versus Porsha)

Here we go again, housewives of Atlanta with Porcha and Kandi beef. Now Kandi so called friends are coming after Porsha and they had the woman kicked out of a party, wow. Why was this too get even with Porcha, of course they will say not but we all know how they all feel about Porsha including Todd. Todd and Kandi always say they are winning because they make so much money, good to know that they know that money is not everything because as quick as God gave it too you he can take it back and it does not take but one oops, especially when you are a person of color for those millions to turn into zero. What is that saying, when people begin to become so full of themselves and start bragging about their things, and money that they forget to thank and give credit to the real person who is behind it all and that is God, come on now Kandi, where is the Jesus in you. All I hear is when Kandi come up against someone is that she mention, well I have millions, or I make more money, or I have things. When we as people start putting things out front on a pedestal and praise of its glory and how having money and things makes you better than others, this is when you become on a lower level in my book. I see people who feel the need to brag and make others feel beneath them, then I see people who are ugly, yes I say ugly because that ugliness start coming through, it shines bright like a light bulb as they say. If you think you are beautiful your real appearance shows through with ever bragging and self righteousness that comes out of your mouth as you stand superior in your eyes too other. Money is money yes, but the richest man whoever walked this earth, did not have money to make him rich and now he stands as the wealthiest man and will soon be the judge of us all, wow right. We can do what we do while we are in human form but what will happen when it is time to go forth to your real maker and remember we can all die at any moment, nothing is promise to me, you or your children. So everything you have is up for grabs in the eyes of the all mighty as he see fit when you cross those lines and have to be reminded who is the will really in power. So Kandi on the show still bragging about everything she has is making me question again, why Kandi are you still on the show. Kandi you and Todd have all this money so why continue to expose your family to this reality show, why not focus on all your thriving businesses. Also Kandi mother keeps making a good point about Todd, Kandi you did bring Todd up and I am tired of you defending him saying this man was making six figures when you met him, I want to see receipts. Because any man who was making six figures, who was paying child support at the time and quick his job voluntarily is suspicious to me. Most real men would not quick a six figure job, because he is a man and man who makes money wants to continue making money. Most men would have hidden the relationship, or found another job before quitting. So either Kandi and Todd started talking and Todd gave Kandi some lame story about how him working for the crew they could not date and Kandi said quit I got your back and he did it. Yes Kandi was desperate for a man and yes she was willing to pay for one, but what gets me is Todd as man would go along with this, ohh I know why he had a sugar mama willing to pay his way and Todd being a opportunist thought why the hell not, let this woman take care of me and pay my child support and I will not try and find another job, but I will make it look good for the cameras and act as if I was going out of town to look for a job, although their were plenty of job opportunities in Atlanta, but I got to make it look good for the cameras and act as if it was Kandi that wanted me to stay. Kandi was quick to brag about her marriage lasting the longest, why would it not you are paying for a man and he is a man that like being paid for. So your husband and friends going after Porsha is very tasteless, if you knew your friends felt that way about Porsha, then you should not have invited her or kept your friends in check. And I am sick and tired of Kandi popping off but everyone is quick to say Porsha has the anger issue, Kandi has some sort of anger issue as well but she gets to get away with what she says out her mouth. Porsha needs to walk away from Kandi and her fake a** friends who act like they are ride or die for this woman when they only hang around her because of her money, Kandi probably not have many true friends and I am sure she has got to know this by now, but she acts as if she has the best friend in the world. This world is the same for everyone Kandi and most people are only out for what they can get out of you and you having all the money you have they will hang around you until the day you die as long as you have money, lose that money and see what happens. Watch all those really good friends as you call them walk away and act as if they do not know you. I just don't like how Kandi treats some people and how she is always throwing what she has in others faces.

#BlackLove (Show and Reunion)

I am not sure how many people watch this reality show on own called black love, but I did and I loved it, why you ask because I am black and I love seeing anytime people can come together as a black couple and get that true black love that is strong, courage and oh so real. Now after watching the show, I saw some things I really did not like both on the men and women side. One particular incident was with a guy name Aaron who was in the final three. The women had to choose the three guys they saw as top contenders, and over and over again I saw these women all think that Aaron was a good choice, but for me I saw this man is manipulative, very untruthful and not direct. Now all these women on the reunion said they saw the same exact thing but yet they choose this man to be in the final three, so why is this. I was very puzzled because I saw a lot of the other men that should have been in the final three, but yet Aaron, who was clearly being deceitful was chosen. I tried to figure out why, over and over again women choose men who they know are not being honest as a good mate choice. What made it really bad is that a few of these women wanted Aaron and they choose Aaron. When asked by the host why did they choose Aaron knowing that he was hiding something they all said the same thing, he was a very smooth talker and very manipulative, but yet I also heard some of these women saying he could not pull the wool over their eyes. If this was so why did they choose him to be in final three. Apparently Aaron pull the wool over a lot of these women eyes because they choose him. I started wondering if maybe these women all felt as though they could maybe change this man, if they all thought maybe Aaron was really hurt by a woman and they could make it all better, we as women for some odd reason have that sense of need to rescue a man, but the man feels as if he needs no rescuing and his entire agenda becomes about getting back at all women, wow. A hurt and damaged man can all ask God for help and get help within himself before he even approach a woman. Now Aaron was truly wrong for coming on the show as if he really wanted love, when we can truly see he is a damaged man and if a man does not love himself how can he love a woman. Aaron kept with his lies and said the only real connection he had was with one of the woman, Ashley, and he said this because this was the only woman who stood by his side. No matter what Aaron did not seek any connection, he does not in my opinion even know how to have a relationship with a woman, the entire time he was awkward talking to these women on stage, he was very pitiful and sad and like I stated, he can only be helped by Jesus. But who else was wrong was all these women, they all say they was hurt and mad that this man tricked them, but they choose him???? Aaron may have deceived these women, but in my opinion they knew there was deception and they accepted it as a challenge, too see which woman could help him overcome his ways, wow. So the women have to admit to their part that they too were wrong for chosen and going in with an attitude that they could actually change this grown a** man. This man is grown, he has been obviously hurt and he has some work on himself he needs to do. With all this being said I was so happy that two of the couples seem to really have found love, plus some of the guys who were eliminated, God can work in mysterious ways. And I think the two couple who remain are really good for each other, but unfortunately one of my favor Alex is really sick, this man is in ICU and has the brain flu, wow. He was such a down to earth man and I was really praying for him to find love and he did and now this man is fighting for his life. The woman of his choose is so hurt and she is trying to help him fight, what a test of God's faith right, but we know God makes know mistake and what ever Alex journey turns out to be, we do know that God choose what path Alex must walk and whatever that path is, it will be one of real healing. God journey will be a journey that helps us all and for that we must say thank you Jesus. Alex mother has started a go fund me page for Alex medical bills as he was a truck driver and for all us who know the truck driver business a lot of these guys do not have health insurance or no financial benefits. Yes there is money in trucking, but if you own your own truck, you have to pay everything yourself. If the truck breaks down that money comes out your pocket, you have to keep your insurance coverage for all that is required on the trucks. Everything you need for travel on the truck is out of your pocket in expense, you don't have a 401k, health benefits, sick leave, vacation leave, etc. So if you are not establish enough to have accomplished for putting aside for these things, or you have not been able to invest money because of coverage for the truck, then most truck drivers are literally screwed if they do not work for a company. So prayers goes out for all these couple that found someone and I am truly praying for Alex recovery, so we can see that beautiful smile on television again.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Wow Wendy Williams

Wendy I know I talk a lot about you and that is something I do as you do. But I must say that I am so sorry about your health. Yes I know I know, you keep pretending you are okay and you are already sitting in a seat when show comes on, you arm is in a sling, you do not walk out to audience anymore, you use some judge segment to have the audience come to you as you sit down. We know you have health issues Wendy and martial problems but you continue to pretend on that everything is okay, why???? Wendy you of all people should know the more you try and hide what is going on in your life the more digging it just prompt people to do. Then when you come with these smart comments back at people when they question what happen to your arm and why are you sitting down, to say you are sitting down because you want too is not a answer and insults out at your viewers will cost you too loose these viewers. Now let me tell you the rumor I am hearing going on about you. They say that your arm is in the sling because you are hiding the front part of your body, they said this is because you may have had that breast reduction and this sling is basically covering up the fact that you have a lower cup size until you really want to let your viewers know. So why hide something they will eventually find out anyway. Wendy you are always saying we tell it like it is and we don't hold no punches, I guess you should follow this with unless it is me and my crew because we should not be criticized although like most celebrities you chose to be in the spotlight, so like it or not this is your life Wendy. I am also hearing Wendy that your husband mistress is pregnant, now I already heard this tip from TMZ that it was a possible baby in the oven, if the baby has not already been born. Wow there is a lot goin on in your life Wendy and what makes is bad is you have to talk about other celebrities on a daily basis, judge their lives, tell them what they should do and what is the best way to do things, but it is so sad that you can not take your own advice or even have advice to give yourself to take. Stress we all know can be one of the worst metal ability that can affect your health and I think your stress on your plate is overflowing and because of this your health issues have rise to the top of your plate and overflowing to the ground. You may have to take a few months, let someone else host your show, no not another cheesy host so you can insure you have a place when you get it together. How about someone like Tash K, she is on you tube but she knows her gossip and she has a lot of people who knows a lot of celebrities and she does not hold back. But then you could get me, now I definitely will not be as tough as you are but I will give my opinion and I will talk real talk on what I see. Me saying me is all in fun, I do not need to be in front of thousands of viewers talking crap to anyone, that is why I hide behind this computer screen, but I do love to write. So Wendy my biggest advice to you is either to lay everything on the table with your viewers, or go away for some months until you get it together because if you do not, you will loose all of your viewers eventually. The only thing that is keeping some people coming back is too watch fall, I mean literally like you did with the statue of liberty costume.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Black Ink Crew New York

Wow have you seen Black Ink Crew New York lately, Ceaser is snapping on almost everyone and in some cases for no reason. We can pretty much say that Ceaser is not mad at Donna, we can even say he not even mad with Alex but we can say that his problem is really deep rooted. Can we say Ceaser has open these shops and now his stress level is on a extra high. Sky decided to open her own shop and yes she basically abandoned Ceaser shop in Atlanta, because if you open your own business Sky we all who knows what it takes to keep a business going know most of your time, especially in the first couple of years of the store, has to have your full attention, you can't trust a stranger completely with your store opening or business. So was Sky wrong for opening up her own store, no she was not, was she wrong after opening it when Ceaser told her no, no she was not. But we can say that Ceaser pride was hurt because he see Sky leaving him and trying to start her own businesses as well as maybe trying to get her own show and maybe just maybe he thinks that Sky will get her own show and take some of his views away, wow. So Ceaser does have a lot on his plate, he is worried about his goose egg going away. But Ceaser you had to know that this was not going to last forever, that is why you should have establish yourself by now, these shows were not meant to go on forever. But I am also hearing a little secret. Ceaser could be trying to get his show some more ratings with bringing maybe Puma and Sassy back, will this work, maybe or maybe not. Now in my personal opinion the show needs to get back to showing more tattooing and one way I believe Ceaser can do this bring O'sh** to the shop, yes this man know matter what he has been through is a great artist and to bring him back to the shop with some of his great tattooing may bring new viewers as well as get the old viewers interested again. I am not sure where Puma and Sassy will fit in because although they were past crew members, neither of these people tattooed, they hung around the shop, yeah like Ted and Walt and they made jokes and laughed at everyone. So we are not looking for entertainment from a night club seen, we are looking for tattoo artist in a tattoo shop doing real tattoos. Ceaser lost Melody who was a great artist as well and brought in customers and gave us some real artwork viewing, so now you need to make up for the lost of Melody, because I am not sure if Bae tattoos anymore or not, or did she ever. See it is so long that some of these people have tattooed it gets confusing who in the shop tattoos and who does not, that shows you have far this show has went away from what it started out as, a successful black owned tattoo parlor. Why can we not make this show continue to be successful with less fighting, entertainment and drinking, this in my opinion should not be done in the shop anyway, this should be done after hours in a club or someone house. If you want to entertain, feed people food and drinks Ceaser, why not open your own club. Now that is a idea, I know Ceaser is suppose to be a tattoo artist but he can venture into other businesses as well and he apparently knows how to party and have women and men shaking their money makers, so open your own adult entertainment club, just a thought. So should Donna come back to the shop permanently I am not too sure because she is quick to pop off on people and her temper got me thinking she is not good for the shop. Also Donna judges people all the time, she is always talking about what someone else can not do and how she would be better for a job, Donna is really young and I would dare to say a little dumb. This woman thinks it is all about her and she needs her just do, no one is owed anything in the world and the best thing for you Donna is too change your immaturity, start respecting other people as well as yourself, because that hopping from man to man does not look good on such a young pretty lady. We all have to grow to learn that this crazy life style is not how God meant for us to live and once we understand that we have a bigger purpose and his is our guide then we can make peace with ourselves and others, this piece of information is for you Donna because I see you going down a path I don't like and I want to help you with that. So for this Black Ink Crew NY, there need to be major changes made to keep viewers watching, I am still not understanding Walt or Teds part in this entire thing, but if you want them to hold up the walls, oh well.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

90 Day Fiance

This is one show that I am really to be cut out off television. Why I say this is because I am not understanding 90 day fiancé, because it is about these people in America who goes to other country meet people and then bring them back to this country with the expectation of them marrying them. It is like people trying to buy people. I watch some of these couples and they are trying to control these grown adults. Especially a look of the white people, they act as if because they brought a person to the United States, that these people should almost be like their slaves. They think because they are in America it gives them some kind of right to own another person if they bring them into this country and if they don't obey them or do with they want they act as if it is their right to send that person back. Is it because of the president the United States have now giving these people some sense of they are the chosen people and because of this they can bring people to this country and run them. First of all the United States is not the best country, we are not the top in money wise, we are not the top in technology and we are definitely not the top at there treatment of other humans if they are not white, especially since this number 45 been in place in the white house. America is not America any more because the hatred in this country is so ramped. This country is very ugly and #45 has created it to become any ugly. They keep talking about the south will rise again is the thinking of a very ugly, uneducated people in this country who got a president in the seat who is just as stupid as they are so they feel they are allowed to do anything to people of another color and with so many people getting off with hate crime, they feel justified to do so. So 90 day fiancé is opening a lot of doors to ugliness and watching these people bring people to this country and have them judged because they feel that these white people are being done wrong in their eyes. My advice to people in this country is that not everyone in America has money, not everyone in America is sane and anyone who has to go overseas to find mates for the purpose doing just that finding a spouse, then this is what we here in America call a red flag. Most likely these people had issues and that is why they either are not married by the time you meet them or that they have had a marriage or marriages and is now divorced. So what is 90 day Fiance about, it is about a lot of unnecessary people with unnecessary needs to control other people and they can't control people they find in America so they try controlling other people that they find in other countries. And why is it that some of these women getting nocked up by these men in other countries and then they are not sure if they want to marry them, why they hell you have a baby by this man if you don't want to consider marrying them. There is too many methods of birth control in this country for women not to prevent from getting pregnant, shit you have the morning after pill, so why are you getting pregnant and then making these faces of having this attitude about having a baby with this person, wow. I don't fault these people for having issues an wanting to go back to their country, if I was them I would run back to my country the way I see these white people trying to control every aspect of their life, there is a communication issue and cultural difference but these people don't care, they want you to be automatically be able to adapt to their way, selfishness every where on this picture.

Real Housewives of Atlanta

All I can say what I am seeing from Atlanta Housewives this season is, well it is moving a little slow right now but what I am seeing, is things I not liking to much. Lets start with the new addition, Devo's wife, she is straight up not a fit for this show. She does not seem to click with these woman, it is something about her that I am not seeing as being that match. Now Eva is on her lying click, Eva by the way is another one that I do not see fitting in with this show but she is still there for some reason, go be my opinion. Now as for Porsha, I am loving that she is in love, it is something about a person that when they find that love and they are open and full of smiles and yes we can see that he is making her very happy. But then there is messy, yes messy Kandi. Please tell me why Kandi is all up in Porsha new relationship, why does Kandi find the need to stir the pot, if Porsha is happy, who is Kandi to start rumors that she is not sure about. Now in my opinion, this is just my opinion, Kandi is doing something deflecting. Kandi has manage for the last few years to keep Todd and her relationship out of the lime light, so what does she do to do this, of course Kandi focuses on others people relationship by telling their business. Kandi does not care she is putting other people on the spot as long as people stay away from her and Todd. You know Kandi's husband Todd, the one who has no job, oh yes he does, he spends money while Kandi works out on how to make the money and then he takes over like we create our business together. So when Kandi goes on photo shoots, instead of Todd holding her purse he holds the baby, and he does not even want to do that so he finds a bar while he gets Kandi's assistant to watch the baby, well damn. And why does Kandi keep acting like she is not a freak, we all know this woman has got some freakiness within her, most women do anyway, but Kandi is just at a point that she does not want any spotlight on her so she is deflecting away from her husband, her freakiness, her home life all together. After Riley told her mama that her and Todd does not need another child, Kandi in Kandi fashion tried making it out as something else. Riley said you are not spending anytime with your child Ace now and I believe her, although Todd really has no job, for some reason he apparently is not there although we know he can be and Kandi we all know you are on the rode, you got to keep this empire going. So why would you guys want to add another child in the mix and use a surrogate to do this. So you don't have to really have a baby on your own, or can't carry it that you will use someone else, wow. Well Kandi there are a lot of kids in need of adoption, especially black kids. But I guess that is where this selfishness comes into place, you want your own baby, just not out of you. Now lets get to Miss Cynthia, I am glad that you found someone as well, girl you look happy and I really think you may have found the one, bravo. But Cynthia I must agree with everyone, you try to hard to just young, you are a beautiful woman who can dress your age because you are ageless and any clothes you wear you make it look fearless. And my Miss Marlo, I have been fighting for  you to be on this show from the beginning and you are here and you are you and I love you for that. But what I really want for Marlo is your own man, who truly will be into you and know how to take care of Marlo. There is someone for just you Marlo and I think you have to let somethings go to let that man in. With everything being said Marlo, continue to be you because that is what makes you so special. Now next season it is time for a recast and I don't mean bringing Kenya back, but we could dig deep and bring Miss Lisa back, that was my girl too.