Sunday, December 20, 2015

Why is the Duggars still On TV

I know they are suppose to be a strong Christian family and people love that, yes I understand but I don't understand why it should this family know matter who did what or who was involved do we still have to watch this family, that talks all low and acts as if everything is alright when we know its not. Now Joshua, the molester is in some kind of Christian boot camp for his issues, why not lock him up behind bars where he belongs, is anyone giving the girls he messed with help or are they just still smiling at the cameras as if there world is all about them and their make believe world. The women and all these babies like no other life exist, they may start school but they never finish. I am a Christian woman as well but a show that is about people so called perfect happy life is not real life to me, you can only listen to so much of these soft spoken woman, that you have to turn the volume up just to hear them, smiling faces, pregnant bellies, weddings, and a bunch of children running around that I don't know who half of them belong to. I know there are ratchet shows on television that gets old to people but do we have to watch this so called wholesome Christian family, that in reality is putting on airs and we know this because Joshua apparently had did things to some of his sister that were not wholesome at all and is a big reason that I think the show should have been taken off and stayed off the air, not brought back using other family members as a means of keeping the money flowing to this family with so many kids and paying Joshua lawyer fees that allowed him to get off with a crime that is beyond repair for his sister. I for one think the show is too boring to watch anyway, I guess that is why they put it on when the other shows are off for the holidays, hoping someone will watch it.

Real Housewives of Atlanta (#RHOA)

Okay I have been watching the show, only because The Walking Dead is off for the season. What can I say about the show, well I am trying to find the words. If I had to sum it up in one word, I would say BORING, yes that is what I said. Why do I say this because although the women are having disagreements, mostly Porsha and Cynthia. The show is trying to turn into a cumbya moment, Kenya of all people is trying to so call bring women together in harmony, yes the same woman that causes most of the rift between the women by talking plain old sh** and these women take it. Now Sheree, umm hmm, the so called bad a** literally bow down to Kenya in defeat after the women talked about her spa/house and how the neighbors have been coming to her about when will Sheree get this place finished, shade. Now Kenya seems to be hating on Porsha's friend, for all kinds of ways. Kim Fields is staying, what she says is true to herself and that is loving on her family, yep you guessed it no where on this show for someone like that. Can we say to the left to the left with Kim and how about that Marlo that is making appearances here and there, what the "f". Now how about, okay I lost train of thought for a minute, this show is really slow. Lets talk about pregnant Kandi, she sleeps and she eats, everything she was doing before only ten times more. Kandi was always a big eater now she does not have to make excuses as to why, can't wait to see that outcome. Now to yawning Cynthia, the one who is trying to stay relevant so she is calling herself popping it off. Why don't she pop it off on that cheating husband of hers. We all know Cynthia would not know how to be a bad a** if she tried, her and Kenya both know how to start trouble but holler wolf when someone ready to pop it off on their a**. Yeah the show needs help, if they did not bring Porsha back it would completely be dead, so say what you want, talk what you like but NeNe made the show and without her I don't know what the hell we are looking at.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Real Housewives Of Atlanta (#RHOA)

What can I say about the return of the Real Housewives of Atlanta but just simply, wow. We knew NeNe was not returning but we didn't expect the producers to go in their bag of tricks to make up for the enormous loss of NeNe, and when I mean enormous, as much as they say they can make it without NeNe, it is mighty funny they had to add all these extras to the so, thats including bringing Sheree back. Now if you are talking desperate, I personally saw the return of RHOA as a bottom of the barrel dig gping on. We also have Miss Marlo hersrlf, you know the one with the felony record. Also Miss Porsha has returned to be the eye candy for all the men who think with their, well lets says lower part of their brains, you know with the one between their thighs. We get Cynthia back with the woe is me my husband maybe a cheat or may not??? And now we are to believe that Cynthia is not attracted to her husband out of clothing, I can believe that but I can also believe that the young hottie is finding something very attractive about him. All your denials last reunion Cynthia and trying to make NeNe look bad had come and slap you in that dumb look you have on you face. If you ask me Cynthia is still trying her best to be revelant on the show, so what betterway than to air some of your dirty clothes, get another life. As for I so called sweet Kandy, yeah right, her and that husband leach, I sorry Todd, the man who conveniently works for his millionaire wife and npe is arguing with Phadera for a few thousand, you got to love him because even blood suckers are God children. Kandi is holding on to that man she proudly paid for, with the deep pockets this woman have I guess she can buy a husband and a baby too, ohh to be rich. Now Kim Fieldsiscoming to the show with her quiet squeaky little voice an actress I have always adored, so why the hell go to this rachett show with your blessed clothing line, I am so sorry but the two do not mix. Is this maybe for ratings, are we now going to add acting to the show to replace NeNe's departure? Now we got the stir the pot Miss Moore who retirns doing just that and Kandi had the nerve to ask why is Lenya always arguing with people, really Kandi this is the same old Kenya that you sided with against NeNe, oh don't worry Kandi your turn is coming when she put the knife in it. If you ask me Cynthia should divorce Peter, Kandi should divorce Todd and the should call the show The Cray Cray Ex Wives of Atlanta.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Black Ink Crew (#BlackInkCrew)

I watch the last episode of black ink crew as well as the reunion and there is a lot to be said, especially about that act Puma and what is his wife of two months knowing her before marrying her name again, thats right Quanhell. They talked how they interviewed sep know more drama and aarately because they wanted no more drama and all they brought was drama, these two who brough friends and family to fight people at a fashion show. Come on people how can you take Puma side when he is a chicken sh** that would run away from his own shadow if it was shaped like Caesar. As for Quanhell I think to the end this woman was trying to get someone to offer Puma and her their own show, and why. Will someone please tell me if Puma can tattoo and what about his none existence business sense because I dont see it. Now on to Caesar and Dutchess, can someone tell me rather they are together or not and why can't Dutchess let something this small go when this man closed his shop and went to another stater for her to show how much he really loves her. Dutchess you are so wrong on so many levels, there somethings you should no accept but there are also there are somethings that is a bigger picture and you have to take into account. In my opinion I think Dutchess pride was hurt seeing the video for the first time that the world had already seen. Dutchess it was no big deal, so the man took a photo with the slut, and he put his hand on her a**. It was all on camera and Sky was with Cesaer the entire time, stop over dramatizeing Dutchess, suck this one up and go get your man before another woman snatch him up, like me😀. Now we continue this Black Ink Crew NY but we have to move the entire cast to North Cacalacky. With the exception of Puma and his widow looking bride, everyone else should go south and continue this great show. I still want Sassy and her girlfriend to move to Georgia and get their own reality show, I know it would be great so producers think about it, if you need some help with how the story should go, I am here😀. Just saying my writing skills and ideas are on top and I have plenty to dig into that I can pull out.

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Walking Dead (#TWD). Glenn?

I waited to talk about this episode because I know some people are getting over the initial shock of what I call Glenn supposedly getting killed off. This will be one of the most talked about episode and the reasoning why is because how it was done. Glenn was caught up in another man's confusion that led to his dimise, now from so of our takes Glenn did not die because Nichols fell on top of him, supposedly and of course in saying the good byes to all the characters that was killed off we did not see that Glenn was mentioned in this line up. Now here is my opinion on the writers thinking, yes Glenn is dead but we must have that air of suspense that keeps us guessing, and how do we do this, we let the grieving happen and then the guessing at what we really saw and then the doubt set in until it is finally revealed nect weekend. How cruel of these writers to plan with us true fans mind to a point we are in tears over the lost over this character and even having us wondering if we can stand another main character of this magnitude to die again, our heartzs wont stand for it. For me Glenn is gone and if you look at how much time had pass it was time for one of our favorites to go at this point as sad as it is, the show must continue for our sakes and in order for this to happen we have to have a eulogy for one of our favorites.What sadden me the most is why did they choise to save people who were already techincally dead? Go figure right, anyway I have to say bravo for these team of writers because when you think the show line can't get anymore juicy it does and we as fans are loving it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Walking Dead Return

Yes the walking dead has return for another season and season after season you wonder will they pull it off, you know the walking Zombies and the killing over and over again. Well I am here to tell you that they are doing it again and the writers of this show should be nothing but proud of their creative writing. See I am a lover of writing and the one thing I pay attention too is how a episode is written. Now the writers of the walking dead are always on their toes which keeps us on our toes because we never know what to expect. That idea of having Carol come out dressed like a wolf was perfect intervention at its best, because we already see Carol as a women of convection and just straight up gusty makes me proud to be a women, and i dont care what Ben say he wrong for teller Carol she does not have to be as aggressive as she is, you either fight when needed or you are dead as some of those people ended up in the community did. Ben of all people should know its a doggy dog world out there but yet he keep giving theses enemies the opportunity to come back and kill people, what a crock of do, do if you know what I mean. I am with Carol and Rick the two strongest out of their entire group. They do what has to be done and the explanationls comes afterwords. What I am not understanding is why some people feeling that they are wrong and go against what these two are doing to keep everyone safe.Why is zMorgan being Ahole and refusing to kill people but instead try to rsason with wolves that he already ran into and know they will kill you in the blink of an eye, Morhan cpuld have gotten rid of some of those woves in the beginning and now it is goung to come bavk and hunt him. As for Gabriel, why is he still on the so can someone please fill me in. He could have been eaten by a a walker by now but O guess the are saying God keeps saving hom for a reason, thos is a mystery to me.Nut all and all the walking dead is the number one show to date.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Reunion Part 1 (8-24-15)

Love and Hip Hop reunion part 1 was, how do I put it, it was okay, a little interesting but just okay. Why do I say interesting because Joseline, yes our favorite was actually sober, a big different from last season reunion as well as her beef cake Stevie J, who surprisingly enough was also sober and did admit so. Now what I was surprised was how Joseline stepped in to jump on Nikko and his freaky wife Margeaux, okay not so freaky, but just scary as hell, her looks baffles me. But Joseline lit into Nikko because this low down dirty dog use Mimi's child as a pawn to get at Stevie J and that is just something you do not do, even Joseline got sense enough to understand that. Now as for Mimi herself, of course Joseline still has no love lost for this woman but yet Joseline made up with Miss Dimepiece, who knew Joseline when she was something a lot less sexy. Now I am a fan of Karlie Redd because she is doing her thing and making her money, but for some reason Joseline decided to blow up on Karlie and call her out as a big hot mess who is playing the cards on both side and saying she is everyone friend, so why not. I am with Karlie if I get along with this person and I also get along with a person they don't like, why do I have to hate that person just because you hate them if we get along and can do things together that is separate from what you do. Why lose friends just because someone else don't like them, why do I have to choose a side because you have an issue with a person. If you do not like that I am friend with that person, then your a** should get to walking because I will not stop being friends and choose a side just because someone say I have to. Now I am confused with Rasheeda not showing her friend Kalenna any love and how she was ready to throw this woman under the bus. Rasheeda is someone who I see can be a hot mess because of the way she is ready to jump to conclusions instead of talking to a person first, like how she does Kirk, although Kirk is not all innocent. But if Rasheeda was a person who was a real friend, she would put all the bullsh** aside and grab her friend and tell her that she apologize and that she wish her all the best in the future, that is what a real bit** like me would do when I see my friend is going through it and I am rising up, you pick that person up as well, don't leave them on the ground and walk by them. As for Kalenna, girl I see you getting back on your feet and rising to the top. So part 1 was an okay beginning but I hope it is a much better ending, because for the most part it was slow, I not asking for a fight to break out, who the he** I am fooling yes I want a fight to break out, just a little one. Bring on the part 2 half.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The movie Lila & Eve (Viola Davis and Jennifer Lopez)

I got this movie from red box not having heard anything of it and not being to big of a fan of Jennifer Lopez's acting as I am of Viola Davis, so I got the movie based on knowing that Viola Davis is a phenomenal actress. So me and my daughter, who I talked into watching the movie, she did not care for Jennifer's Lopez acting either, but we both watch and as we sat to watch this movie we were in silence because it was grabbing both of our attention. The movie was nothing like we were expecting, it was more too it and the twist really was good. Of course Viola did her great job as usually with her acting ability but I must say that Jennifer Lopez was not bad, yes her part was not what we expected to be but that is why this movie work. Everyone was in their right place and did the job they was suppose to do, I really enjoyed this movie as well as my daughter and we find ourselves telling everyone we know how great the movie was. I wish I could say more but for those of you who have not watched it I do not want to give the plot away, so watch the movie and maybe we can all talk about or prospective on the movie itself. It was gripping I can say that and you will be glued to your television screen and I will leave it there.

Black Ink Crew 8-24-15 (@VH1, @BlackInkCrew)

Yes Black Ink Crew returned back on last Monday night and yes everyone is still their same selves, which was definitely refreshing to see and at the same time was a little disappointing on some parts. What I am exactly trying to say is that I am glad that it seems as if television has not gone to these guys head but at the same time I wanted some of the people to grow and learn from their own mistake and take responsibility for what they have done. Yes I am talking about the whiney, crying Puma, who last season went to Sassy's event and brought his entire family to beat up on Ceaser and Dutchess, how low. Now Puma returns and blame everything on everyone else, yes he said this was Ceaser fought for doing what he felt was a home invasion of his apartment, even though all Ceaser did was ring the man's doorbell and ask for him, they did not get pass the door because Puma's wife would not let them in. That is the bit** who blew everything out of proportion because she got Puma upset when she said Ceaser invaded their home and brought some gorilla with him for back up when this was not the case. Now Ceaser wife is claiming that she feels unsafe in the whole entire state because of this and she wants to move to Atlanta, if you ask me I think the bit** forgot to take her meds or she no longer wants to be married to Puma's ugly a** and is trying to find a reason to leave, yes maybe television has went to this woman head and maybe she has some better offers. Puma is an idiot, he knew this woman, what all of three months when she popped up pregnant and they just up and got married, that is what happen when you do not try to get to know someone before you go there. What is this woman's name, Quanzie, if you ask me it should be bride of Frankenstein. Well anyway we return back to the real cast, yes Ceaser and Dutchess are still together, Walt and Ted are still doing their manager duties by leaning on the shop walls, or lying on their couches. Ted seemed to be in a serious relationship with Sky, which I personally thought was a sweet thing until I saw a skit where Ted was back to his old ways by following another woman, he just can not change his stripes and because of this he should be alone. Ted is a so call man who does not have Jesus in his life and truly had no real man model to follow as what a real man is suppose to do in this situation, sorry about your luck Ted. As for our boy O'S**t, yes he has cleaned his drug habits up but he is still being kicked out by his girlfriend and sleeping in the shop, he just can't win can he, maybe it is because he can not change his ways as well, in a upcoming episode the woman Donna is claiming now to be pregnant by O'S**t, yes he may have another baby on the way, what a mess right. Now O'S**t is clearly the best tattoo artist they have but he has to really seek out some more help with his issues with women and what he is really looking for or needs. Maybe he should buy his sex until he can find someone that he is really ready to settle down with. Now I know this may sound harsh, but think about it, on one gets hurt or pregnant, he just has to make sure to use protection but most prostitute will make sure of this and he gets what he seems to only really want at this moment and he may find that after a while this is very unsatisfying. Yes man sexual escapade may shock you if they can get all the sex they want but none of the really intimacy they desire, I think men need it more than woman, I am just saying. Anyway this show to me is still the best so far, because the cast are real, they don't give you that phony made for television put on's and of course they keep the drama rolling. I still want to see more on Sassy and her girlfriend, I was glad to see Sassy go to the Black Ink Crew shop but I still want to see her and her girlfriend get a spin off, it should be coming right?

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta (6-15-15)

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta was back to its usual drama. Yung Joc all baby mommies meet each other on the regular, for some sort of gather, don't ask me why I was just as confused as the next person, I am guessing it is for some kind of support. Although they did say because their children are all related, which does make sense because the women should stay friendly as their children needs to interact. What got me is that Yung Joc brought his new woman, KD to this gathering and KD is his host the women say, she does not have any kids with him, she just help him in a way that is financial and important to his being. Now why Yung Joc thought it was a good idea to bring KD to this gathering is beyond me, because as soon as KD saw the woman she had the blow out with before, it was on again. KD I have to say was totally wrong for starting the mess, since she knew where she was going and she knew she would be encountering this woman, she should have prepared her mind to keep calm and try to get along. Instead KD said as soon as she saw her, it was like a light lit in her that made her just began exploding, not good not good at all because al the other baby mamas got involved and it was own, the mamas against KD, yes she was out numbered and looking for Yung Joc to come to her aide, but Joc was like I am staying out of this until the women finish what they have to say. Now Yung Joc finally spoke up as the arguing calmed down and he let KD know she was wrong to come to that meeting and blow up at his baby mamas as he has to keep these women in his corner. Yung Joc is no fool, I would not be either, but you know he paid for it when he did eventually go home, you notice I said when he eventually went home because of course he did not go home right away. You will have to watch because it is too much to tell in this short writing of mine and I don't want it to all be about Yung Joc and his baby mamas and his girlfriend, although most of this episode was. Lets move on to Nikko's wife and Mimi's friend, they met up to discuss this sex tape, yes they are still on the subject of Mimi lying on Nikko about the tape and there is another person who was filming that is willing to come forward to tell on Mimi, now Mimi's friend is asking her to own up to her sh** before it is al exposed. They are showing parts of next week episode and Mimi decides who she is going to tell first, they don't show us who this is but who do you think it is. I personally think it might be Stevie J. We got to see Kirk finally stand up to his performer to tell her that she disrespected his wife and he will not be having that, by time you did what you were suppose to Kirk, it took you long enough. Now the performer goes to RaRa tries to apologize and you know RaRa has to give her a hard time of course. Joseline and Stevie J did their quick make up as Joseline needed Stevie J to back her on her performance. Now as for this business deal Kalenna and her husband Tony Vick are getting into I am not at all sure about, but since they decided to go all in I am hoping Kalenna keeps her eyes on everything so that her husband don't make any stupid mistakes, Kalenna seems like a good business woman and she seems as though she would be keeping a close eyes on things.  Now I am ready for the show to start showing more of Jessica Dimepiece and Tiffany Foxx, it is about that time for Ms. Dimepiece to give Joseline a run for her money, holler. By the way why are we not seeing more of Scrappy and  Erica and this child support issue, I personally miss it.

Return To Amish (6-14-15)

I was so glad to see Mother Mary come out alright on Return to Amish as she got sick and was rushed to the hospital. She was stressed out, not to mention she had a kidney infection from not drinking water like we all know we suppose to.  It is important to get your water in no matter how much of the other liquids we may drink. I was also glad to see Kate return to help Mary with her bed and breakfast, especially since she found out that Mary had fell ill, what a way to step in Kate. Also no matter what Rebecca and Abe has to say about Jeremiah, he has been a big help to Mary and the rest of the family as he has stepped his act up, no matter what reasoning he has behind it. Jeremiah may have a purpose to his helping, but right now everything he is doing is for the good of everyone else and I am glad he is pitching in. We all know Andrew, who still has twenty two months left can not be there to help his mother, as he continues to get in trouble with the law, what the hell is wrong with this boy that he can not stay out of trouble. We do get to see Chapel his wife ride around as she cry about her problems and wonder what she will do without her husband by her side. I feel sorry for Chapel and her situation but I do get tired of hearing her say the same thing over and over again. As for Chester disowning and his family to get back into the Amish church, I am not sure how to take this one because I am sure with the man having been Amish all his life he is torn, as we see Mary is torn as to what she should do, between going back to the church and sticking by her children side. Now Mary has said she will never give up her children, as any mother should not, but Chester on the other hand may be looking back on that his children is grown, they have made their choices now he needs to make his. Well this is a choice I would myself would not want to make but as a mother would not deny seeing my own children.  I love the way Mary bed and breakfast is coming together, although I think she should have some man made amenities, like regular bathrooms, to tell someone they have to use the outhouse is making me have second thoughts on going to this bed and breakfast, especially since I am one of those people who have to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, come on Mary you can give in to some things, although I still want to try your cooking. I may come over for a meal but not to stay, maybe Mary should stick to the restaurant and leave the bed and breakfast alone, people love to eat. I still do want to know want the answer to where is Sabrina and is anyone trying to find her, why is it that she does not want to appear on this season or at this moment, what is going on with her? It will be interesting to find out what is going on with Sabrina and which way Chester will go with his life.

Married To Medicine (6-14-15)

Say what you will I think Quad on Married to Medicine is full of Sh**. She can start mess and talk a good talk but when someone begins to attack then she plays that poor me role, she begin the I am the victim syndrome and this is something I do not like about a person who claims as if they are a bad a**, like Quad pretends to be. Quad acted as if she was this high society Hob Nob, but when it all comes down too it, she is the regular girl from Alabama who happens to marry a doctor and now has her nose so fare up in the air, not only can she not smell Alabama, she can not spell it. She is forgetting where she came from and tries to make others feel as if they are beneath her. Quad was highly upset with Lisa doing the background check on her and said she was not upset by the fact that Lisa did the background check, she claimed she was upset that Lisa did not tell her and then acted as if Quad had something to hide, all I say to this is bullsh** Quad. You know you were upset because you did have something to hide, you are a woman who has a nose in the air but you have a mug shot as well, now I am not married to a doctor or a the moment have my own business or claim to be something I am certainly not, but I can say that I do not have a mug shot if someone does a background check on me. Neither do I have anything that say that I am felony assault charges that were filed against me, can you please explain that. Quad is not explaining her past or how these charges came about, all she talks about now is her doctor husband and her business, come on Quad if you are so real let it all on the table. A real bit** does not cover up, she owns up and tell what she did in her past and let everyone knows it is her past, now that is how you do it Quad, you do not go and do a background check on the person who did one on you to get back at them so that you will have dirt to throw in their face. Quad you are being a nasty a** and the people that follow and think that you are doing right is as wrong as you are and that is why your life will always be a mess. If you know God like you claim too, you will know that two wrongs don't make a right and to forgive is to forget and move on with your life. As for Lisa, I think you have not a thing to be ashamed of. Now as for Dr. Simone and Ms. Toya, Simone all I can say to you is to leave Simone alone for a while, you need to stay away from her like you said and don't make attempt to talk to this crazy a**, she is beneath your level and she is because she have her issues and you can tell this watching the show. Now how many women, we know that some women do like to stay at home and take care of the babies, but this would not include someone like Toya who has friends that are all business women who talk about their businesses as Toya can only talk about her kids and what she did at the house to please her husband. Toya said her and her husband are the best of friends, unlike most of the couples but there is something missing in this relationship. Especially since Toya spends, spends, spends and her husband has to keep up with what she is spending, there is a lost of translation with how this household works. Toya has the attitude spare no expense, when her husband has the attitude you need to have a budget, yeah there is definitely something wrong, especially when finances is involved and neither of you agree, it has to be some agreement when money is involve, I know this well. I will have to applaud Dr. Heavenly, as busy as this woman is staying she is managing to still take care of her family and she has the best attitude of all them women on the show. Dr. Heavenly rub me the wrong way when she first came on the show but now I am really liking the changes she has made to her attitude and I like that her and Simone gets along so well. I think if Mya had stayed on the show her and Heavenly would have become rather close because they had a lot in commend. As for Dr. Jackie, she is the same, the one who tries to stay neutral and keep the women sane or at least civil to one another. Now if we can find a way to exit Quad out the picture and bring back Mya, that would work for me.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Jurassic World The Movie

I was a little afraid to go see the movie Jurassic World just because the fear of the movie being a disappointment compared to the orginals. Well guess what, on this occasion I was unfortunately correct. The movie for me was dead,  the only ones I think got anything out it was the younger kids who may not have seen the orginals or know the difference.  Now I like the fact they had the park itself finally opened for business, that was great in itself because I would totally visit a park like thisif it opened, minus the real dinosaurs of course, fake one's will do for me. Now back too the movie, it list something for me. Rather it was the woman who was the front running star, the aunt I can not remember her name but she was bland,  to the children who really did not add any excitement of their own,  other than one interested in girls while the other just wanted to talk about dinosaurs,  sounds familiar. There were a lot of misses on this show. Like more Iinteractions with the dinosaurs,  to actors that just were not cutting it. Now the leading man was a hit, he did a great job as well as the guy from law and order, playing a villian fits him well. Now ican not put myfinger on it but the movie really really lost me. I definitely did not see enough of the animals or understood much of what was going on, as far as the animals themselves.  Why could they not incorporate the children being grown and coming back to see their grandfather's dream come true. Why did this movie not incorporate anything from the other movies, except a t-shirt and the kids finding an old place from the original movie. I have to say I was disappointed and wanted more out this movie, it just did not cut it for me and now I am hoping that terminator dies not disappoint me as well, especially with this being one of my all time favorite movies. Now I know they have to make changes to movie and I understand and this is to be expected but I expect the movies remakes to be in according to the originals if not better. Now I know it can happen because whomever remade the last Michael myers movie and the Hannibal movie younger years did fantastic jobs, these movies had me gripping my seats they were so intriguing,  now that is how you do remakes. Catch audience attention and keep it.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Return (6-8-15)

Love and hip hop came back on with regulsr episodes this week and it was, well lets say interesting. Lets start with Niko or should we say creepo. He had the nerve to take his wife to a place he knew MiMi would be and can you guess what happen. These to women decided to go in on each other than going in together to knock this idiot upside his head, because remember Niko did lie to both women. Now Niko says  he has proof that MiMi is lying about she actually releasing sex tape, now I won't say rather or not if I believe MiMi but I will say if you did it MiMi you need to own up to it before it comes out. Now on to Kirk and Rasheeda, all I can say is wow. Kirk apparently is not learning his lesson from past mistakes,  what the hell will it take for you to understand whst your wife is asking of you. You suppose to work as a team and this mean telling your wife everything begore you just up and do it. You have to gain your wife's trust again but you are failing miserably. So RaRadid what most women would do a hhusband when he goes behind her back, she got even and began auctioning off some of Kirk's prize possessions, it was rather clever if you ask me I am sure she gave some women ideas with this stunt she pulled. Of course one of Kirk boys called him and told him what RaRa was doing, so Mr. KIRK high tailed it to the auction to put a hault to it. Now on to the Puerto Rican Princess, all I can say is Joseline you had a way of making the fans like me fall in love with you but you also have a way to put us on that edge of saying, what the hell are you thinking at times. On top of Joseline going off the chain about Stevie J, who she loves one minute and hate the next, they need to start putting subtitles at the bottom of the screen when Joseline talks, especially when she get excited because we the fans can not understand a da** thing she is saying, can we get a little help. Now if you ask me Joseline blew up at Stevie J about something that was not even worth it, he already told her about this business with MiMi, but what I think set her off is that MiMi has signed on a possible threat to Joseline, yes Miss Jessica Dimepiece is in the building. I think more then anything Joseline was upset that she has been signed on to something that Stevie J is managing. Now what about Ms. Momma Dee trying to get her grove on with her ex and even possibly get married, okay yes this entire situation confuses me too, about her causing him to do seven years in prison and him getting out and just totally forgiving her, all I can say if it is true this man got more forgiveness then I would in this situation. By the way I want to know what is going on with the dead beat Scrappy, who wants to make a baby but only be a part time money contributor to his own child. Erica has every right to take a child support order out on Scrappy and my thing is she should have been done it, some of these guys only understand one thing and that is that if the man tells them they will have to pay, then they will pay, because some of these dead beats would never volunteer to do it on their own. I was happy to see Kalenna return but I was sad to her that her husband is still making this some what unsure decisions to help their financial situation. He wants to invest money into something that is not at all guaranteed, with as many children as this man has, he needs all the guarantees he can get. Yung Joc in my opinion should be written off the show some way, he adds no significance to the show itself and he is an exploiter of women, I know you man say a woman can not be exploited unless she lets a man do so, but when you feel down on yourself and a man starts making you feel like you are the most sexy and beautiful woman in the world, it does something for your ego, and some man can do this too a woman. All in All the show is still hot, I am waiting for these future episodes. I would love to see MiMi and Nikko's wife Margeaux join forces to gain up on Nikko, one of the master of diguises who tries to do his own exploiting of women and I also feels that Nikko needs to go off the show as well. We do not need men on the show who are teaching other men how to exploit females, it is just wrong. Continue on with the great show, just without the dead beat men who like to live on women.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Married To Medicine 6-7-15 ( They came out Swinging)

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, yes I had to say it three times for this reality show because it seems as though we picked up from where we left off at the reunion. We learned that Lisa Nicole did a background check on Quad who was very offended. The reasoning Lisa had behind doing the background check was that she said, anyone who she does business with, she checks out before going into business with this person, which is only rightfully so in my eyes. You can not go into business with anyone blindsided and then wonder what happen when things go array, so I say bravo for Lisa for being so business minded and bravo again for dishing the dirt on Mrs. I am so all that Quad, who puts her noise in the air and never looks down on the little people, wow. This is a woman who is so quick to judge others and acts as though her sh** don't stink. Mrs. Quad throws back some shade and tell Mrs. Lisa Nicole that she will be doing her own background check on her, as I figure Lisa would do, she encourages Quad to do the check because whatever she finds she said is not hidden. But did you all know that Quad was arrested for aggrevated assault and she put Mariah in the category of a hood rat, the pot calling the kettle, well you know. By the way I miss Mariah and I want her back, she added spice to the show, why is Toya on the show with her fake a**. Speaking of Ms. fake any phony, we return with Toya having a Halloween party and going all out to have this event. How much money can Toya spend, I guess the question is how much money can Toya husband make, this poor man must live at the hospital to catch on the bills Toya is producing, what is even more so funny they act as though they really are happy and the best of friends. We all know where cases like this usually end up, if she keeps letting him spend anymore time at the hospital, I am almost sure a nurse or two will not mind giving some of their time to this overworked husband, think about it. Now Toya decided to have this party but we all know that Toya and Simone do not click, so Toya did not invite Simone but Toya husband invited Simone's husband, how ironic right. So yes Simone ends up at the party and of course Toya has to through her shade by making cards for all the women and giving them a prescription for what she says is their ailments. Can anyone guess what Toya said Simone's ailment was. She said that Simone was plagued by Over zealousness and extreme anger issues, yep she went their, wow. Now of course Simone tore up the card saying this is some bullsh**, I can say I agree. Toya to me is still trying to fit in where she can get in. Now as for Mrs. Heavenly, yeah she has not changed, Mrs. Heavenly is the same as usual and I can say that I honestly did not like this woman at first but now she is growing on me because it is something about her that is down to earth. Although Mrs. Heavenly knows she has money and she enjoys her status, she has proven to us that she is not above anyone, she appreciate what God has given her and I must say that I can respect this. I can also say that if Mariah was still on the show, I could have seen her and Heavenly clicking. As for the husband, they still are sitting back and laughing at their wives who they know are off the chain, but as any good husband would do, they just go along for the ride and try to step aside when the blows come out. There was one point when the women stepped outside and a screaming match began between Quad, Lisa, Toya and Simone. It was all about who was trying to conquer who and Quad let it be known that the battle is on. Oh this is going to be an interesting season, bring it.

Return to Amish 6-7-15 (A Great Beginning to the Season)

Return to Amish start last week and it is back on its roll. Rebecca and Abe seems to be settled into their family and their English ways. Mary, the mother of all mother is still my mom at heart. She is still fighting for her right to have her kids in her life but still chooses to live Amish with her husband all while refusing to join the church who will not let her be part of her children life if she did join. Now Mary's husband has rejoined the church and because of this he has stipulation on seeing his own children, what a load of crock. Mary has decided to continue into business and is going on with her idea of a Amish bed and breakfast place, now for me personally, just watching Mary cooking on television I would definitely stay at her place and I know she will treat me as family. Me and my daughter are already making plans to be Mary's guest, so as soon as the bed and breakfast is done we are there. I do have to ask, you will allow us to have some electronics, right? Who would have thought it, Mary is a entrepreneur, you go Mary and that is why we love you. Can anyone guess where Andrew is, yes you guessed it, in jail again and this time he has twenty four months, wow Andrew just can not stay out of trouble as Chapel his wife struggles with her leukemia, I thought her and Andrew marriage would help things, I guess not right. You can not always fix things with a marriage license or a baby people, it sometimes only makes things worse if the issues you are having is something within yourself or much deeper issues. Of course Jeremiah is being Jeremiah, he says he has return to the Amish but only Jeremiah really knows and can say what he is really up too, he continues to struggle with Amish life versus English life, go figure right. Kate, the model has went full force into her career, it almost seems as if this young lady was never Amish to begin with. It seems as if she fell into the English life and modeling so easily, I know English people who struggle with the model life unlike it seems to have been for Kate. Now their were two surprises for me on these new episodes and one was that Sabrina has apparently gone missing, she is not in contact with anyone and no one has talked to her as of lately. I don't know what is going on with Sabrina but I would have loved to have seen her and her gorgeous baby girl, Sabrina we will wait on your return. The other surprise is that Katie Ann is driving, yes Katie Ann who is has seemed to be struggling every since we met her from being that normal Amish girl for her parents sake to taking English life full on is now actually driving and has a car. I loved seeing Katie Ann driving and if you ask me Katie Ann needs to do what makes her happy. She tried pleasing her parents and going with an Amish guy but their families seem to oust her because family members of hers have been shun, again what a bunch of crock from the Amish community. I can not wait to see Katie Ann finds her own way in life, with a mother like Mary she will be great in anything she does because Mary will help her. What a way to start of the season guys, just keep being yourselves and we will keep watching.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Bruce aka Caitlyn the Jeffersons did it first

I did not take the time to speak on Bruce Jenner appearing as Caitlyn. So as I began to think on it it began writing my opinion I happen to have the television turned to the Jeffersons and happen to see the episode in which George was being visited by an old but from the Navy by the name of Eddie. Now the thing is Eddie was no longer that old Navy buddy that George once knew, he had a complete sex change and was now considered a female. He wanted to let George as well as some of his other buddies know what he had done and why. Eddie explain to George that he always knew but tried to fight the urge because of society.  Eddie she he was never happy in his own body until he had the sex change operation which had made him complete and comfortable with his new identity as a female name Edith. With this all being said we can relate this to Bruce or shall we say Caitlyn's own situation and how happy he looks on the cover of the magazine in his new body as well as in some of the clippings of a new show he has coming out when he goes out in the world as Caitlyn. How ironic that this show in the seventies is so closely related to what we are now learning what Bruce is goimg through.  It makes me wonder if Bruce actually watch this episode of the Jeffersons in envy of Eddie coming out as his true self with hopes that one day he would be able to do so as well. I can only imagine how it must have been, especially since in this episode George could not accept his friend transition at first and choose to run away at first sight. Eddie told George thst he had lost all of his friend because of it and had to get new ones. Now fortunately the time Bruce is coming out is very different and people are more accepting so Bruce don't have to worry about losing all his friends or being judge by so many. What I do know for sure is Caitlyn is absolutely gorgeous and if you ask me she should have come out when she was younger because I am sure she would have been fierce from looking at the older version.  Good luck Miss Caitlyn Jenner.

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Bold and The Beautiful

Now I have been watching the Bold and the Beautiful on last week and this week with anticipation of how Maya and Rick would end up, along with all my co-workers. I must say, it was what I wanted as an outcome, Rick loves Maya and after she told him of course he was a little hurt that she did not come forth right away but he forgave her, yes he forgave but turn his anger instead on his family for knowing this all along but not filling him in on it. Well I am glad that Rick family did not tell him because Maya got to tell Rick herself, I feel it would have been a different outcome if Rick family had told him instead. I was so proud how this storyline just took on its own character in which Rick let his mother and father know of his disappointment in them and his love for Maya. Rick said that Maya has always been their for him and that has not changed, now the disappointment is with Maya running away to keep the embarrassment from the Foster family, because of course the fact that Bill knows just made things worse, because as Bill does he ran with it, even after promising not too. Now how did all these fool think that they could trust Bill to sit on a hot story like this, they really thought this leopard has changed his spot. The funny thing about it is I think the entire thing may blow up in Bill's face, at least I hope it does. I hope the press welcomes Maya with open arms and the fact that her and Rick love is real should make it that much better. I hope the Foster's dynasty blows of the chart with ratings and approvals because of Maya's situation and the fact that the transgender community is being represented by the Foster line. Maya should be the new face of Foster along with Rick by her side. The advocates should come out in droves to show their support and Bill should fall flat on his face like he always does. By the way, some how this Bill and Broke scenario seems not to be over to me, it is something about Bill remarrying Kate but the fact that when he is alone in a room with Broke is just some type of chemistry, what is up with that. Should Bill and Broke hook up on the side without Kattie's knowledge, oh the drama. Then maybe Rick would find out and expose Bill for the low down dog that he is, why did Kattie remarry this idiot? Well from my point of view the Bold and the Beautiful can only get better with this Maya storyline, I know me and my friends are talking about it on a daily basis, this include men.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

If Loving You is Wrong (Another Tyler Perry Hit)

I do not know what the he** I was thinking, Tyler Perry's If Loving You was Wrong is back on and I have not written anything on it. This is another one of his soap opera that is off the chain. If Loving you is wrong is a set of younger generation and their turmoil life. There are love affairs between neighbors husband and wife. There are dirty cops, as well as good cops. This show has friends who are from all walks of life and the best part is that it has a lot of drama. Now let me feel you in. We have a Alex this so called stay at home mom who has the 2.1 children and a loving supportive husband, but this home mom has a little secret. She is having an affair with the neighbor who is name Randal and the .1 child she is carrying might be his, oh yeah. Now Randal's wife Marcie found out about the affair, let Alex husband Brad in on the secret and now it has all blown out of the water. Brad has this friend Edward who is a dirty cop, and when I mean dirty I mean real low down dirty, who is hassling Randal and trying to make his life a living he**. Now one of the female friends who name is Natalie, she is the woman who is struggling and is living in the rough part of town but she has a ex who is trying to step up and help her out with her and her four children, his name is Lushion. Lushion is the best man Natalie every had and is the father of her youngest son, he has been giving Natalie money to make it and now Lushion has gotten a job with the police department and guess who is partner is, yes you guessed it, old dirty Edward. Lushion being a good guy is finding it hard to work with someone like Edward but he has decided to stay with him as a partner and is handling his own, he has his own plan in work I am thinking. Now Randal has had enough of Edward's harassment and has taken this to the head of the police and Edward is being investigated. We can not forget about another friend called Kelly, she is the friend who ended up spilling the beans about Alex and Randal because she had a heart break of her own that involved a guy name Travis who she was deeply in love with and even brought a house thinking he would move in with her but Travis had a plan of his own and that was marrying another woman, yes you heard it right. Kelly got the house depending on both of their incomes to pay for it and he pulled the rug right from under her, not to mention her son who thought Travis was his real father and then they had to break the news to him that he was not. I know what a mess right, that is why it is so dam* good. There is another friend who has been staying out of the spotlight lately and that is Esperanza, this is a woman who has a baby by Edward, now I read that she was once married to Edward but from the show I got she was having an affair with him, I guess she decided to still continue to sleep with Edward after he remarried, so Esperanza who use to be Edwards wife is now Edward's mistress, I know I told you it is messy. So Esperanza has this baby by Edward and he does not pay her child support, he was just giving her money to keep his child in a safe home and you know where the money came from, yeah dirty money. I told you he was a dirty cop. With all this being said we have a very handsome young man in the mix called Joey who is Natalie's son and the one she is fighting hard to keep on a straight path, she don't want to lose her son to the street. Oh this show is so good and their is more to come as this law suit Randal is putting against the police department is about to explode. Just watch and see and catch up if need be to see the action, there is a lot more that I had to leave out because it would just be too long. I have one question, when is the soap opera awards or daytime Emmys and will Tyler Perry's shows be included?

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta (#LHHATL, @LoveHipHopVH1, @LHHATL)

This past Love and Hip Hop Atlanta we finally saw the return of Joseline Hernadez as she call herself and she was missing her some Stebie, get it a little Joseline accent. Now Joseline claimed she stayed away to get herself together and clear herself of these anger issues she says she is having. Now Miss Hernandez claims when she is confronted with full on situation between her and some other bitc***, she will just walk away, I can not wait to see this happen. We also got to see Momma Dee's ex, who she sent to jail and plan on making it up to this man who she says was her only true real love, by the way I just heard that Momma Dee was in a accident and has been rushed to the hospital. Now the other car struck her from behind and they said Momma Dee is complaining of severe back pain, we all know Momma Dee and we all know that means, lets just face it this woman is seeing dollar signs. I am by no way down playing Momma Dees situation and I am sure she is in pain and I am wishing her the fastest recovery as possible. Now back to the show, We learned a lot of about Yung Joc and his lifestyle, wow this man has a lot of children and I do mean a lot. What the he** did Karlie Redd see in this man with all of his extra. I am hearing from his women that Yung Joc is a great father, but what the f*** are these women thinking, he comes to each one of their house, spend a little time with the kids and they said he is great, why do you want a man who goes from women to women constantly making babies, and now he has a woman who actually is taking care of him. Yes you heard me right, this day and age woman still are stupid enough to spend money on a grown a** man, with the he** is going on, my own little twist on the Marvin Gaye song, oops better be careful his kids may sue me for making that interpretation.  One thing we can say about the men on the cast of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, they sure know how to make a lot of babies, between all of them I am losing count who got the most, I am not sure I can even count that high. What the crap is wrong with the women, we are losing are women to ignorance thinking, have his baby and the man is mine, sorry it don't work that way. Leave the babies out of the equation and maybe so many kids will not go fatherless in their lives. This situation with Rasheeda and Kirk with him getting this apartment for his studio and signing Rasheeda name to the lease is some bullsh**, I am with Rasheeda it is now time to get her lawyer involved before Kirk get her in some trouble they can not handle. I am one that a spouse and husband is one, but I don't believe that you should solely be responsible for your significant other if you do not know what the he** he or she is doing. A husband should not be able to forge a wife's signature and the law say that is that. Now we have not heard to much out of Scrappy and rightfully so, because he is a dirty dog for not paying Erica Dixon any child support, so far Erica has let Scrappy off the hook and she is now trying to use a mediator so that is does not have to go to the courts but Scrappy is just not cooperating, sorry but your luck Scrappy but a man has to pay for his responsibilities and don't think your going to get off that easy. So Erica as a woman, you have to do what you have to do, if he don't listen to you then maybe he will listen to a judge. As for Mimi and Nikko debacle, this is just a straight up mess. Mimi signed a contract with him and to some point she has to honor it, unless her and her lawyer can come up with a very clever idea to get out of the mess. All in All I want to see how Joseline handles her friend Jessica Dimepiece coming to town, we will see if she holds up to her bargain of walking away. Bye Bye to Stevie J as he goes to rehab, I hope it does him some good, good look Stevie and please try to get this child support mess straighten out.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Lizzie Borden Chronicles (A Show To Watch)

I have not found much to look at on Sunday nights, you know since the walking dead. I try and watch the Real housewives of Atlanta but of course that show has just gone side ways, although they are on their reunion. I tried watching the Sweat and Heels reality show, but for me that show is just not doing it, yes it has it drama and it cat fight moments but it is another in a thousand right now. So as I searched on I remember that I caught a few episodes of the Lizzie Borden Chronicles and liked it, so I found it again and I began watching it and just remembered exactly how much I like the show. Yes it is not reality but I tell you this show is off the chain and the actress Christina Ricci is playing the hell out of Lizzie. She is bringing this character to such a level you can almost imagine that this is what Lizzie Borden did after she was acquitted of her parents death, although there was nothing really written on her after life, we all who are interested could only imagine. The imagination of the writer is as I could not begin to dream up, this series is thrilling and I do not mean on just one episode, it is every episode. Each week you try and imagine who will Lizzie kill next and how will she go by it, as well as how she will cover it up. Last Sunday night Lizzie's secret was discovered by one person, another woman who I believe could have almost been Lizzie's equal. Lizzie and this woman went toe to toe in a battle over a gun and before it was over the woman had stab Lizzie only to get interrupted by someone else and the woman fell down to her death. Wow it was the best woman's catfight than any of the reality shows could have made up. Quick on her feet, typical Lizzie began thinking about what to say and she repeated that the woman tried to kill her and how the woman had a gun, yes Lizzie got away with the spotlight on her as this woman was now dead and the only other witness was a man who came upon the scene right at the woman was stabbing Lizzie, how epic right. Lizzie Borden can do no wrong, this woman is as tough as she is strong, mess with her and you will see that your final days are soon to be. My very own take on how Lizzie Borden handles things she see as obstacles in her way. Give the show a peek and catch up on past episodes, you will be surprised at how taken you are with this show. Great entertainment for a Sunday night, instead of women who think talking behind everyone back every show and how bad someone hair looks make them a bad a**, get a life it is getting old.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Bruce Jenner's Interview (It Was Worth Watching)

I watched the Bruce Jenner interview with Diane Sawyer and all I have to say is that it was very tear jerking. This interview was so touching and Bruce did such a great job at explaining what he actually has been going through all throughout the years beginning when he was very young. Listening to Bruce tell how he won the gold at the Olympics but as he stood on the podium you saw a man that was just unhappy, during a day that should have been the most happiest day in his life. This statement made me cry because I understood, I understood that if you stand in front of people pretending to be happy when you are not really happy or you are unhappy with yourself, then you yourself are hurting you. As much as my are taught to put on that brave front and be that tough person in front of others, we can not truly be ourselves if this is not what we want to be, if you want to cry, if you want to shout out to the world or if you just want to do something that is for you then you should be able to do so without being judge. People in this world find it so hard to judge before they try and understand, my mom when I was little gave me some very good advice when I was young and I have carried on with me for my entire life and that was to not to judge people when I first meet them. My mom said I should always try to know a person first and then if I find that there is something I don't like about them I can make that judgment. I have met some of the most beautiful people in my entire life and that is because I was open to letting them in before judging. At my current employer I work with the public which is mostly truck drivers, I had a truck driver who came out of Canada to pick up a load and when he got out of his truck I notice he had a dress on, I began hearing other truck drivers come across the CB radio about this driver and I immediately turned the radio down so when the driver came in he would not hear the comments. I then treated the driver as I would any other driver, but I had to ask him is he had cover ups for his leg because this was a requirement for our facility, men and women, which the driver explained he had. I then called to our lift driver that would be loading him and explain to him to have a open mind, load the driver as he would any other driver with all the respect, which he did. When this driver came out, he took the time to thank me and the life driver for the respect we should him and not judging. I told him we are here to do a job not judge and besides it is God place to do the judging not mines and I thank him for giving me that same respect. First of all we all know it is not easy for someone transgending, so why do so many people choose to hate on these people when they are already going through their own pain, judgment and knife drenching decisions that will hunt them for the rest of their lives. Why not let the live with a little peace in their lives. Give Bruce that peace let him transition and he has already said in the interview that he will let us see him when he is ready, so why harass the man, leave him alone and let him so the world when he is ready. Personally Bruce if you can I think you should go hid out in another country until you are ready for the world. Maybe you have a friend that has an hideout that the press will not follow. You could come to the country like my house and just stay hidden, know one wants to come here and the country people out here will just let you live. I like how you sons came forward and told how they are so accepting of what is going on in your life, I have always liked Bruce sons and they are the epitome of their mothers as his two girls are the epitome of Chris, sorry but I am with Wendy Williams on this one Chris Jenner is almost like an evil witch and of course she is very unaccepting of Bruce Jenner's transition because it made her look bad when his other two ex wives had nothing but great things to say and wished him a very happy future, why could not Chris just do this. Oh that is right if the Kardashins actually came forward, it may hurt their brand of their reality show, so they have to say their are accepting from afar. Chris Jenner this is something bigger than you and you can not tell me that you did not know something was wrong when your daughters caught Bruce in dresses before. In conclusion I have to say I enjoyed the interview, I had tears rolling down my face, a lot because I was sadden that Bruce felt that he had to hide what he was for so long because of he status in America, although he did admit to people who he really was, now that was powerful. It was powerful that Bruce knew who was but tried to push it back because of public eye, his children and his faith. I for one can not wait until Bruce has finish with has transgending and he is ready to present himself to us. I will be waiting, to welcome whomever her name is. Good luck for a future that is much more accepting and open minded.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta (#LHHATL, @LoveHipHopVH1, @LHHATL)

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta is of course my show and I could not wait until its return, but for the first night show it is a little slow, only to be expected as it has just began. I heard about Benzino's departure due to the shooting at him putting the camera men lives at risk, and you can not fault the producer for thinking of their lives, sorry B-zo you did add to the show but bullets sometimes can not be out run. Now we start off with Mimi who is now in business with Stevie J, yes you heard it right, these two are making a business adventure together, well it is better Mimi does it with Stevie instead of slezo, is that what they are calling him, Nikko is his name. Nikko has proven to be a true slim ball and in the thick of it all we are introduced to Nikko wife and we find that they had what they call an open relationship but Nikko did not tell him of the sex tape that him and Mimi made so this was some kind of flaw that made the contract null and voided, wow I do not get these new relationship ideas and contracts. What ever happen to being married to one person and keep your marriage vows between the two of you and not anyone else you want to sleep with in the world, I just don't get it. Now I am shocked that Rasheda and Kurt marriage is going great, they do seem to get along, except for the little white lie the Kurtis is hiding from Rasheda, yeah the apartment he has for an office, how professional. In the meantime we have Rasheda who needs some money from Kurt to keep her business floating, she needs to take it to the next level, like a real office to work out of and of course he can not give her the money because it is tied up in his apartment slash office. In my opinion what Rasheda needs to do to get that extra money is to go to shark tank for some help, she could get one of the sharks to go into business with her, go for it RaRa. Who else thinks that Stevie J may need as much as help as Joseline when it comes to a possible drug abuse behavior, now usually when two people who are together watches one person does the drug, if the other person is not running to get away from this person, it is likely because they are abusing it also. We know Joseline has gone away to get some sort of help, although Stevie says she is in Puerto Rico, yeah right. Now maybe Stevie could go Puerto Rico as well because it will not do Joseline any good if she gets clean and come back to a man who is still abusing, you both have to be clear headed. I know it may get hard at times and the world may seems as if it is closing in on you, but there are other things you can do to make your life better. Start with a clean plate, if you have to go back to the bottom and start over, then do so, it is nothing wrong with starting over and being a real human being who makes mistakes, full down and gets back up, only getting back up with a clearer path. So we pray that Joseline gets the help she needs, of course we are missing Joseline this woman is definitely an a plus to the show, so hurry back girl and show us another side of you. We hope Stevie who we see can be a good man, will follow a clearer path, just one step at a time Stevie, there are ways to get out of a situation that you may find is tight without the use of drugs to get over the feeling. Stevie J I see you with your own show if you just take a step at a time. As for Scrappy and Erica, I have to say Scrappy nick name fits him because this so called player is just that a dog, and not even a big dog but a puppy, hence the name Scrappy. Scrappy is not paying Erica a dime for their daughter and then he wants to keep making this comment how his child is doing fine and is wants for nothing, do you know what that means in layman's terms, it means he is not doing jack. Scrappy may take his daughter places and give her gifts here and there but his is not paying Erica a dime to take care of his daughter everyday cost of living and Erica is flipping the bill on everything. Now so far Erica has managed not to go to Child Support office on him but it is getting to a point she may have to and Scrappy is not taking her seriously enough to the point that he is just waving the entire situation off. Now Erica is doing what a real woman would do and that is taking it to mediation hoping Scrappy will come to some kind of medium but he is refusing and Erica advisor is prompting her to have him jailed because he is so far behind. We got to meet some new girls namely, an ex friend of Joseline, yes another stripper who will be coming to town, lets see how that work. Now I am hoping Karlie Redd did talk that girl into coming into the ATL to stir up Miss JaJa again, we know we do not need this. Maybe this Miss Dime is actually a new replacement for Joseline, we do know the cast on last year reunion did say they were fearful of Joseline and apparent off the wall temper. I will keep watching to see what will happen I do know the previews are looking right tempting. And maybe this is a farwell to Ms. JaJa, maybe she and Stevie J can get their own show, I don't know, maybe the two could go on that show couples therapy, where other celebrities hash out their personal problem for the entire world to see. Now that I think about it, Joseline and Stevie J would be perfect for the show couples therapy, I would definitely watch that season. Momma Dee is keeping her eyes on the prize and she is making that dough, this woman is singing and getting her career in. I am proud of Momma Dee because she has seem to have made a 360 turn around, now that is how you do it.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

New Girls on the Block (#NewGirlsOnBlock)

Last Sunday  I happen upon the new show New Girls on The Blocj as I was channel surfing, do to the absence of Walking Dead and Housewives of Atlanta just being dead as of lately. Anyway I was very interested because the show  is different and with  Bruce Jenner new transition, it makes for people wanting to know more what transitioning involves.  I found all the transgender on this particular show interesting, most of the admitted to hiding what they felt the should be, there was one called Macy who even went as far as to marry a women when he new is was a lie. I have to say that it is selfish to bring someone in your life when you know its not right, but then when you hear Macy's story you hear he thought some how that marrying a woman would help God help him overcome these feelings.  Now I know to us this sounds crazy but when you are raised in religious family you try and do everything you can to do what is so called right in the mind of the so calked righteous.  Now Macy's wife said she took it very hard but she also took vow with this man and she stood by his side as he went through the transition,  now this had to be rough and I give Sharon all the props for standing by her side but I am with Sharon's family that she needs to legally divorce Macy. Now the question I have with this is when Macy fully became a woman should not the marriage be nulled anyway? One of the next interesting character for me was Jaime and the reasons is that use to be man was in the military,  rather high ranking and while in there he decided he wanted to transition so he wanted to get out, the Army said no so his mother wrote the white house and got him out, now I am one for a mothers love but he chose to go to the military and no one out a gun to his head so I think he should have had to finish his time and then transition.  Why go in the military take a place someone else could have had and then cry you want to get out? I notice that Jaime isa winer and apapparently if he does not get his way he turns the tears on for his mother and she fights his battles, like now she is fighting for him to have the right to compete in the women triathlons. The commissioner along with some others is saying that Jaime has and advantage over the women because of his lack of estrogen levels, wow this is heavy. We do know that men are just naturally stronger than women and Jaime was in the military in which he competed against other man, so in my opinion he would have an advantage.  Now I think Jaime should begin fighting his own battles instead of letting his mom keep doing it, the woman is now living in his mother's basement and on top of that he gir a honorable discharge from the military, how is this fair to people who do their time in the military with crying to mommy to help them get out. So we all know that transgendering is not an easy process because these men who slowly become women will always be looked at cross eyed and judge but there are just some things that brings up a lot of questions in people mind and when they decide todo something that brings up issues with laws, then this just raises more questions in everyone's mind. Robyn who the show was really featured after has an interesting storyline, as his now full time boyfriend was one time his best friend when he was a man. Now there are definitely some unanswered questioned with this couples and their situation but I guess I gave to wait until the reunion to get them answered.  All in all I think the world is ready for this show just like I think the are ready for a show like Sassy and Didi from the Black Ink Creew who are in a lesbian relationship. We can watch how they handle their families unacceptance of this. Good luck to New Girls on Blockm I will be watching.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

New Mann's Show (#MannAndWife)

'David & Tamela Mann star in a new #BounceTV original series “Mann & Wife” Tuesdays @ 9/8c.'
David & Tamela Mann star in a new ‪#‎BounceTV‬ original series “Mann & Wife” Tuesdays @ 9/8c.
I can not wait to see this new show that the Mann's are starring in, this family has always kept us in stitches with their laughs and they are really doing it up, with the past of their own reality show to this new show that is some what of their own reality show, I am loving it and can not wait until this new episode starts because I am sure that they will keep us laughing as usual.
David & Tamela Mann star in a new ‪#‎BounceTV‬ original series “Mann & Wife” Tuesdays @ 9/8c.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Black Ink Crew (@VH1, @BlackInkCrew, #BlackInkCrew)

I know I am not the only one who sees the craziness of Puma and Quani and how they try and turn everything they do around and put it on someone else. Everything Puma and Quani claim has a twist put on it, so why are they doing this, is it because maybe they are trying to get their own show so that they can factor in. Quani has no real job, Puma works for somebody else and tries to act like he is running things, I despise these kind of guys because they are all talk and no glory. Now I do not see Quani and Puma and Quani having their own show but they are talking about moving to Atlanta, one of the areas that black reality shows are flourishing. So what would Puma and Quni call their reality show, the Jackass and the Ugly Knight. Since Quani's mother claim that Puma saved the night when he attempted to fight Ceaser after the show he walked in. This so called brave man Puma, first of all had to get back up to try and take on Ceaser and Dutchess, how lame, while he ran like a bit**. Now I heard that Quani kicked Dutchess while she was down, how cowardly Quani, why not take Dutchess on your own since you are such as bad a**,  just like a New Yorker woman, all talk no bite, us women from the South do the one on one when we have a problem with a person, not a double team, that is a scared a** move. Now Ceaser punch the hell out of Puma friend and Puma, the bit** a** again tried to take a bottle to Ceaser's head and someone had to take the bottle out this dumb a** hand, do he not know he would have gotten an assault charge on him, but of course we know Puma somehow would have blamed it on Ceaser as he always does. Now I am trying to see where did Quani see that Puma actually showed where he could protect his family, unless it was so much going on and out of control that she actually thought that Puma was doing something. But I saw Puma like they say in that book, run spot run, see spot run, only it was see Puma run, run Puma run, how hilarious. Okay I have to ask O*sh** does he actually believe a test that his ex actually handle, Kathy can not be trusted and I would actually get the show to do a DNA and announce it on the reunion show to make sure this cray, cray did not tamper with the test. For all we know should could have just used O*sh** Dna and not even took her sons. Now for some great news my girl Sky is back and I was so proud of Teddy for admitting to his feelings and letting Sky know how she really felt. This guy Sky hooked up with from prison was a straight up dog and it is like Sky said, it is just a lesson learn and sometimes it takes a hard lesson before we actually really learn something. I love Sky's attitude toward how this guy took her money, she said it is gone no need to cry over spilled milk, lesson for the books and after the time I did in jail, why the hail will I complain after getting out. That is why I love you Sky because you are a real woman, you speak what you feel and you do what you mean, you always have words of wisdom for us viewers and if I did not know any better I would have to say you had a strong woman some where in your life that taught you this wisdom, for me it was my grandma. Now as for Sassy and her new girl Didi, although I am still not a fan of Sassy because she is a Puma supporter, I do like Sassy and Didi's relationship, now these two I think should go to Atlanta and start their own show. Sassy and Didi really do have a reality show in the making and their relationship is something the world is waiting for. So hopeful the producers will make the Sassy and Didi's reality and reality. Now the excitment on Black Ink has been the best this year and I am so hating to see the show go off for the season, what will replace it? I am also hoping that their will be a reunion show for Black Ink, I can not say that I every remember them having one, but they definately need to have one for this season and they need to rewind the tapes back so that Puma and Quani can explain what they claim they show in the incidents with Ceaser, because this was so twisted. Like I said before some people will do anything for a show and I am thinking this is Puma's and Quani's attention, to try and get their own so, I for one don't want to see it.

Love & Hip Hop NY Reunion Part 11 (@vh1, #LHHNY)

Love and Hip Hop Reunion had their final reunion show and all I can say is that it was okay. We got to hear Rich claim he made Erica Mena a factor, We got to hear Cisco talk how he felt Rich was the lower of the lower in friends when he went in the bathroom with Diamond. And after all this we heard the big announcement of Erica Mena not returning to the show. I am agreement with Erica moving on with her life and leaving the show, Erica has a real man in Bow Wow, who will really take care of her and make her life happy and we all know every woman deserves happiness, so I want to say congratulations Erica and don't pay the haters no mind. To the cast of New York, haters going to hate and you guys who claim that Erica leaving the show will not matter and it will continue on as usual, are just hating. The show may go on but your ratings may drop as well and you know this, so Chrissy and Rich you both older washed out hags can crow together on her replacement. One person I don't suggest become a part of the show is Jhonni, who in my opinion my seriously hurt someone and the show may in up with a lawsuit on their hands because they know how cray, cray this child is, she needs Jesus and all of his disciples to help her. Now one person I am really not liking is Cisco, this man tries to acted if he changed in a little period of time, which we all know is not likely. He stood on stage like some dam* teenager showing all his undies to the world. Cisco your too old of a man to want your pants around your ankle, but then again I have to remember what this originate from and then I ask myself, could he be? Pants hanging low started in prison in which an inmate would signal to another inmate that he was ready for rear end business, now think on that Cisco. If a man is in a real personal business as Cisco claims to be then you act in a professional manner, no one should have to tell a real man this. I am so glad to hear about Yancy and Mendeeze finally getting married, it took long enough you too and I will be watching this special. That sisters wives thing going on with Peter, Tara and  Amina still confuses the hell out of me. I am listening to people talk how great of a guy Peter Gunz is but this man has had more women then we can imagine at one time, I wish these women would really tell us what he has. Peter I am hearing has nine children and yet Tara still is upset about the Amina and Peter and how they got together, somewhere in history Peter had a lot of women and you being dating him thirteen years is saying a lot. Now Amina seems as if she is ready to take Peter back, but she had to ask Tara a question before she could truly make the commitment in her mind and that was did Tara feel she could get Peter back anytime she wanted too. The answer for Tara was yes, I am guessing this means that Amina has to truly think about her decision because Tara may come between at anytime, all I can say is wow. Now for Chrissy and Chink, they did very little talking on part one of the reunion and no talking on part two, besides Chrissy still hassling Chink to marry her, this old a** woman will not give up. Chink if you have half of a mind you will high tail and run from this crazy woman, desperation never looks good on any woman and a woman like Chrissy is bound to do anything to trap you. Overall part two reunion was a little more interesting than part one. Although I think Diamond is a little crazy, I like the way her mother is willing to stand by her daughter. Any real mom, no matter how stupid their daughter is being will always have her back, you go mom, I would like too see more of her next season.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Real Housewives of Atlanta (#RHOA)

Has anyone notice I did not write on Sunday's night real housewives of Atlanta. Well that is because it is getting to a point like I said that I am over this show. The women took a trip together and all of a sudden it is a kumbaya moment, what the hell. Everyone said they are happy and have this smiles on their faces and they said it was all because of one person who was holding them back. If all these women were giving the power to one woman to let her stop letting them be who they wanted to be that sounds to me that they were never real women in the first place. No one person can break you and if you have God in your life you learn that he is maker of all things and forgiveness stays in your heart. I am not believing any of these women happiness, it is all phony to me, especially since they decide to tear one woman down while they are on this trip. If you are happy with where you are and all you are having a good time, don't tear someone else down while you are doing it. Lets get real the phony crew, stop the finger pointing and get your own personal life together. From next week episode I see a little bullying going on, when Claudia keeps following Nene around when she tells her to get the hel* out of her face and Claudia keeps pushing as does Cynthia with the bashing, what is that about. We tell our children that it is not okay to bully and then we act like bullies on television in front of our children, Cynthia. This show is becoming very sad and disappointing to me and I can not believe these women actually watch the taping of these episodes and not actually fell embarrassed of themselves, because I would.

The Black Ink Crew (@VH1, @BlackInkCrew) 4-06-15

I did not think it could get any better but it has, the Black Ink Crew is off the chain and I have to ask the question as to when did Black Ink Crew become better than Love & Hip Hop? Yes I said it Black Ink Crew is bringing on the action and I do not know if it is because these young people has such a jack up life or is it because they do not know exactly how to handle their new found success. You know someone people get a little fame and they start acting like idiots. I watch Puma and his wife Quani begin complaining how Ceaser and some big black dude violated them by coming to their house, they said it was a threating act but the shi* is all on camera you idiots and what you guys are saying happening is not adding to what was caught on camera. There was no threat made, after the bell was rung and Quani said Puma was not home the two man walked away and left, they never went pass the door, they were outside on the sidewalk which is public property. Please Quani I see why you and Puma got married, booth of you are cuckoo for cocoa puffs and if you ask me you need some medicine ASAP. We got to experience the engagement party of Dutchess and Ceaser and we got to see both side of their families, yeah and Ceaser actually broke down and ask for Dutchess hand in marriage. I have to say being from the South I was glad that Dutchess stuck to her guns and was adamant that Ceaser asked her father for her hand and if her father said no she would worship her father wishes, that is how we do in the old South and we need to have more women who would stick to these traditions and not let a man talk them into something that they do not expect from them. Let a man know what you expect and will do so, great going Dutchess and Ceaser and I can not wait until the waiting. One of the most touching part of the show for me was watching Sassy's mother accept her girlfriend into their life and she as a mother knew that Didi needed a hug when she tried to explain how her parents was unaccepting of her life style, great going Sassy's mother. My favorite part of the show was seeing my girl Sky get out of jail, yes she was walking away vowing to never return and she will soon be back home at black ink, come on home Sky. There was this great tattoo that Ceaser put on a lady, she actually wanted the tattoo from the rooter to the tooter but Ceaser had to explain how much pain she would be in if she decided to go this far, so he did a shorter version that was absolutely fabulous and if remind me exactly what the show is suppose to be about and that is tattooing and I think at time we tend to forget that because we have people like Walt and Teddy laying on the couch in the shop. There is also Puma who is always talking about how much better his shop is but the man does not tattoos, so why is he taking photographs on a tattoo magazine, I guess to show off his dark tattoos that we can barely see on this man arm. Why is Puma, who is suppose to be a business manager I think, keeps trying to factor in with people who really have this talent, why is he putting down a person like Ceaser who can actually do tattoos, I guess that is the ugliness of this business, Puma apparently told the owner of Ink123 that he can get him Ceaser business by bad talking Ceaser to his customers and luring people he know that went to Ceaser shop away, dirty pool. Well on my end it is not working because Ceaser shop Black Ink is still receiving all the celebrities and I saw Jhonni, yes crazy Jhonni at their engagement party last night. As a matter of fact I see a lot of Love and Hip Hop stars supporting the Black Ink Crew and I like seeing this kind of support from, one successful show to another, great job. Now watching clips from next week's episode, I see that it is once again Puma and Ceaser, the idiot Puma says he sees Ceaser and blood comes to his eyes and its own. Now if I am correct the owner of Ink123 said he did not want to do business with Ceaser because of the fight and what went own between Puma and Ceaser, now Puma is deciding to start shi*, lets see what the owner of Ink123 will handle this. Why would he want someone like Puma to represent his company, the man is a mental case, but there again like I said the owner of Ink123 needs someone to do his dirty work to compete against Ceaser, especially since Black Ink gets a lot of people of color business, so he is using Puma stupid a** to go against someone he once called a friend. Now I saw someone with blonde hair hit the ground in this clip, could be wrong but if I am right, now I am wondering if it was Dutchess or Quani, going be interesting. All I can say is this show is entertainment at its fullest and I love watching it.

Love & Hip Hop New York Reunion (#LHHNY)

I watched the Love & Hip Hop reunion part 1 and I have to say it was a little slow for me. I know that these people do not always have to go off the handle and fight, but there could have been some deeper digging. A lot of these stars on the show had some serious issues brought up on the show but all we got was them talking around the real issues. We had Jhonni threating people and hollering at everyone after she admits to still being in love with Rich Dollaz, what an idiot. I think Jhonni needs to real psychological help and the show seems to be ignoring that this woman is deranged in some way in which she thinks and acts, she will seriously hurt someone. I for one say don't bring this bit** back to the show because she has no real storyline other than threating people and acting like a pure idiot. Okay I have to ask why is Mendeecess sitting on the same couch as his ex as Yandy sit across the way from him, I am at a lost on this particular part because Yandy sat beside the ex mom. Why did not the ex sit beside her own mom, go figure right. When the host asked Rich Dollaz a question about his and Jhonni relationship he never gave a straight answer he talked around the subject and what the hel* is that black holed in the middle of Rich teeth, get it fix. We got to watch Chrissy Monroe bring on the fake tears talking about how much Chink brought her heart, yeah right. Chrissy does not remind me of a woman who's heart can easily be broken and no you can not force a man to do what you want, not a real man anyway. You may have those boys who do what every the woman say and just goes along what whatever she does, but I want a man who actually is willing to work with me in making decision not just a yes man, if I want a yes man apparently I don't need him, correct. And what can I say about poor Diamond, this young girl is totally lost, she got messed up in a grown folk situation and have no way of knowing how to really handle it. Diamond I have a little advice for you, just go back to LA and make a normal life for yourself and your daughter, you are to young to have so much drama in your life. This is all I have to say about part one of the reunion as for me it was not that exciting. We saw Erica Mena talk from afar so that she would not get up on stage and act like and idiot, I understand Erica that was smart thinking on your or whomever suggested it, for your imagine you were best to stay off the stage. Hopefully next week we will get to see a little more action and get deeper on some of the subjects, I will be watching to see what happen. I do think Cisco should go and sit his a** down some where and stop pretending to be this man who has turned his life around, I don't think he should come back next year.

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Bold and The Beautiful (How Do You Handle This Situation?)

We know that not many daytime soap operas are still on television so the ones that are left have to come up with innovative ideas to survive. With this being said I walked into watching The Bold and The Beautiful right as they decided to reveal that one of their characters (Mia), who we all know as they savy sexy girlfriends of Rick Foster, was actually born a man. Yes Mia is a man and did not reveal this to anyone, including her first previous boyfriend who just recently found out and seems awfully grossed out by it. Now how will Bold and the Beautiful tackle this real like possible situation is something I think will pertinent. The reason I say this is because we are in a different world today and although Mia basically lied about her situation by not reveling who she was to the men whom she slept with, the thing is does it make her a different person because of who she use to be. Now I know a lot of men do not agree with this and yes they do have a right to know, but if someone is so in love with a person, do you just forget who they are now. I listen to Rick Foster saying that honesty is everything to him, especially after he had a wife who lied to him which broke his heart and made him divorce her. Mia lie of course goes beyond anything Rick could possibly dream of, will the writers of The Bold and the Beautiful decide that this is it for Mia, does Mia get written off the show because of this horrible lie she has hidden from everyone or will it be a process of forgiveness on the show that turns the characters upside down on the show and have them choosing different sides. Will someone kill Mia and then we have that mystery of how hatred comes to play into a picture. Yes the world have hatred on different genders and their choices, so this may just be one of these episodes in which we see how hatred of someone who is different actually is taken to far. We may see Rick on trial for something he did not do until the real culprit is captured. in my personal opinion I was wishing this would be written as a episode of forgiveness, in which Rich accepts Mia for what she is and do not let his pride get in the way, although I know this is a horrible secret to keep from someone. Which every way the writers of the Bold and the Beautiful decide to take this I am glad that they decided to tackle such a serious subject. The world today has all kinds of situations that the laws have to decide what is right and what is wrong, what is acceptable and what is not. Legally Mia having the sex change she is considered a woman and is by law, so does she have to reveal that she was once a man or is this some moral decision that a person has to make for their conscious. I know that the man may not have a baby and they have the right to reveal to the partner that they can not have children, but again do they have to legally tell them why or can they just say it is a medical issue, which it is. This is one big debate that could go on forever. I am not judging I just choosing to sit back and she how the writers handle this.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Bring Madtv Back!!!!! SNL has run its course

I was watching SNL (Saturday Night Live) the other day and it hit me on how boring the show was and how boring I always thought the show was. Yes the show had some great comedians and they would do their skits that was funny but that was it, usually the rest of the scenes were a bit, shall we say out of date and now looking at it I want to say it is still out of date. When I first found the show Mad TV that came on the same night and around the same time as SNL I fell quickly in like of the show. Mad TV was a newer version of SNL, it was more update and it had some very young, fairly unknown actors who was funny as hel*. This show brought something different to the table and a lot of their skits involved them re-making singers videos, with of course their very own funny version. In a lot of cases these videos were better than the original ones. These young entertainers had me in stiches every time I watched it and I never missed a Saturday watching this show.  I miss the Stewy, played by Michael McDonald who's mother loved calling him a naughty boy as he got into mischief. I missed the Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown skit played by Debra Wilson and Aries Spears, no one could do it like them. I miss the Asia lady who owned nail shop by Alex Borstein, who favorite line was, "he look alike a man". The UPX man who could never slow down and could get your package quicker than anyone round town, Phil Lamarr who also played at hel* of a Michael Jackson not to mention his numerous other roles. Will Sasso was also a performer who played so many roles the list is endless, from Kenny Rogers, to Bill Clinton, to Fred from I Love Lucy and so on. Mo Collins was another on of my favorites who portrayed Cher, Doreen Larkin and again a long list that goes on. There are so many actors that should be named but I think this would make my post a little longer than it should be, but I hope they all know who they are and I am hoping that anyone who enjoyed this show as much as I did remembers also. I have decided to post my opinion that I want the return of Madtv back, SNL has had a long nice run and it of course gets all the celebrities behind it, but this could be the case of Madtv as well if the celebrities got behind it. SNL is out of date and a lot of the celebrities if you ask me do not look like they really enjoy doing the show, it looks to me as if they are being made to do the show as a part of enhancing their careers. Come on people let the SNL go bring the Madtv back, hopefully with the original cast or at least most of the original cast because I know some people have moved on. I feel that Madtv was taken off because it was taking SNL viewers, especially the younger generation who could relate more to Madtv than they could to SNL. With all being said and done SNL has run its course and needs to pass the baton on to Madtv. I for one am putting my hands up for the right to have enjoyable laughter again, instead of that dry sense of humor that SNL puts out that barely makes me laugh. I was one sad puppy when I went to do my regular routine on Saturday night with a big bowl of popcorn ready to watch Madtv only to find out that it had been taken off the air. The sad thing is that although it may have been someone idea to get people to tune back in to SNL I did not tune back in, I just had to look up the old shows of Madtv on my computer.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Love & Hip Hop NY (#LHHNY, @LoveHipHopVH1)

Yes Love & Hip Hop I watched you on Monday night, what can I say. I watched Peter Gunz still try to get Amina back and then this man who wants it old had the nerve to get jealous of Amina bringing someone back into her life that she use to date, can you believe Peter had the nerve to call the man a snake and said he did not trust him. This is a man that was skipping from Amina bed to Tara bed the entire last season and acted as if he did nothing wrong, pot calling kettle black. Rich has done it again, he has managed to screw up businesses relationships as well as old relationships, Rich is suppose to be all about his money and although he has made a liquor that is doing great, he somehow has managed to run any women he knows out of his life. I think Rich should really focus on his business and business only and leave the cray, cray women alone, enough is enough of the drama. If Rich wants to manage someone he needs to manage people that was not part of his past, and by the way pay your child support man. I was glad to see Tara get her business off the ground and she has seem to finally realize that being friends with Peter is all that she needs for her boys, all that dipping in the bed with him was just making her look desperate, so now Tara has learn to do just her and to move or with what is important. Yandy my girl has had her baby girl and I am so proud of her and Mendeecees, these two show us what a strong black couple is and that makes me proud, now bring on the wedding please, it has been long enough. This girl Jhonni I have to say is plenty cray, cray but she has a voice on her, the girl can sing, she needs to learn how to turned it down instead of turning it up and maybe her career will get off to a banging start. As for poor Diamond who went to Cisco to see why he dipped out on her and Cisco actually manned up and admitted it was not her it was him, Cisco seem like he trying to take a step in the right direction, beautiful children by the way. Cyn did great her song is a hit and she is making plenty of money for her charity, a great cause Cyn, wonderful idea you came up with, I never know why Erika did you the way that she did because you have a beautiful soul. Erika Meana we did not get to see much of you this season girl because you in your la la world with the preparation of your marriage to bow wow, all I can say is wow. Now we come to Chrissy and Chink sitting in a tree trying to force a guy to marry me. That is what I felt like, Chrissy tried to force Chink into something the man was not ready for, she tried to trick the man and get pregnant without his knowledge, she pressured the man into introducing her to his father he did, she tried by an apartment and move the man in. I mean no harm or disrespect but I heard of woman making a man or pushing him into a relationship before he was ready and they had the nerve to say that this is how they got their man, did they really get their man or they got a man who resents being there? Now from my own experience I have notice that it is women of a particular race that believes this is how you get your man. For me forcing any man before he makes the choice only gets you a man in your bed not in his hear, because when he is ready and he makes that move than you are in his heart and on his mind, just think about it. Personally I am glad Chink backed off because it was not right of Chrissy to try and force a man to do something she wanted, why would you. The scary part was between Cisco and his babies mama, the tension that I felt through the television was real. The deep rooted issues between these two is something that needs some serious counseling for their children sake. I enjoy the show, waiting for the next season but now bring on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.