Monday, December 2, 2013

Thicker than Water 12-1-13 (@Bravotv)

I have officially in my mind come to the conclusion that this family the Tankards are really self absorb and they are so absorb to the point that they really do not recognize it. What this family is doing wrong is one of the biggest mistake that people who never had money makes when they do get money and that is throw it away on really unnecessary things. Why this family needs as many cars and airplanes is beyond me and they have yet to explain why they have the need to need so many worldly things. This family has been so absorb in worldly things that Jewel is obviously as to what is going on with her sister and why her sister is not willing to confide in her, what Ben's answer to what is going on between Jewel and her sister Junice is that the other thing it can be is she is jealous of what Jewel has and that Jewel having succeed is depressing Junice. What a thing for a pastor to say, instead of staying neutral or telling his wife maybe they can go to a therapist, his advice is for his wife not to worry because it is just a jealousy thing. I do not know what church Ben preachers at or what congregation he counsel, but you best believe he is definitely not a pastor I would seek for advice, especially since he can provide good advice to his own children. Did anyone see the arguments between the siblings and although it is not the parents place to always come between they grown children, some of the ugly things these siblings was saying to each other was definitely moments I cringed at and thought Ben should have intervene. Unless this man is all about money and he wants his children to argue to bring drama to the show, because we all know the drama grabs the viewers attention. I have to say if I was this family I would have stayed out the lime light of the viewers, I know it is all about making money to some people but damn this show is just a big ball of hot mess. The sisters don't understand each other and argue all the time, as well as the children arguing amongst each other and bringing up each others dirty pass, how low can a people be and to do this in front of cameras for the entire world to see is hitting below the belt. The son Benji who married his wife at such a young age really confuses me, this young men seems to be really lost and to have a wife at such a young age, I see a lot and I mean a lot of mistakes coming forward. His wife seems like one of those girls who is glad she got into a family like this and is beyond happy as though nothing can go wrong because she is now living the life of perfection, I know all of us mature women know what is coming her way and all I can say on this is we will pray for you because you have a road that will be full of road blocks, especially being so young. Now last night was suppose to be about Jewel and her sisters having anniversary party for their parents, now you realize I said suppose to be. This party turn to what I almost call a anniversary and proposal for the entire Tankard family. Ben Tankard that at Jewels parents anniversary he would get up and give all his daughters virginity rings, then Benji decided he would re-propose to his wife because he did not feel it was done the right time and then to top that Jewel decided to let her sisters know that she appreciated how close they are and gave each of her sisters gifts. I know it sounds like a big hot mess, well it was and the look on the anniversary couples face showed that they were as confused as me and I was watching the show. It should have been more focused on the happy couple who was married for forty years and people like Ben Tankard should have got up and talk about Jewels parents and explain more how he admire their marriage, no one and I mean no one else should have taken this moment away from the couple, but then again I guess Jewel who complained she did most of the work putting the engagement party together was feeling why couldn't her family throw in their own performances. Yes I called it performances because that is all it was too me. I surprise myself as to why I keep watching this show but I stay up so late on Sunday nights and run out of things to watch, so yes I lower my standards. I do see that Kandi from the Real Housewives of Atlanta will be visiting next week and right of the bat Kandi is trying to understand why this people buy so many material things. Kandi is a woman with money but yet she knows how to manage her money and see no reason people need to do so much spending, especially when a little can be a lot in many cases, unless you have the need to just show off. Anyone looking at this family can see they like to just be flashy and show off, what does that say about pastor Ben Tankard, I will leave that to your own thoughts because I have my own thoughts on it.

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