Thursday, December 19, 2013

MOB Wives-New Blood 12-19-13 (@MWNewBlood)

Mob wives was it usual exciting self. I watch this new girl Natalie dig her self a deeper and deeper grave, with Renee of all people. This girl Natalie apparently can not hold her liquor and she does not need to be around the girls when she drinks because she has a mouth that runs like diarrhea. So the night begins with the girls meeting up and the new lady Alicia was as gusty as any woman gets and she straight up and asked Renee about the wire taps she heard on the tap and how Renee who was suppose to be her friend hung out with Alicia's husband supposedly ex, but on the real Alicia's husband who is named Eddie was actually still messing around with his ex and you guess it, Renee knew the entire time and told Alicia nothing, what a low blow. Now Renee you are always pitching the saying that you are not a snitch and Eddie was your friend so you felt more loyalty towards Eddie than Alicia and that is why you felt compel not to tell her, but why hang out with the woman while you knew she was messing with Eddie if you were suppose to be friends with Alicia as well, why not separate yourself from this entire situation. What was good about the meeting was Alicia straight out asked Renee what was up and was she messing with her husband, Renee said no she did not mess with Eddie but she knew the woman was but she did not feel it was any of her business. I like the fact that Alicia had this on her mind and she came out and asked Renee, now Alicia does not agree with Renee but she holds not hard feelings, good woman. As for Renee, did anyone she that handsome young eye candy she has latching on to her arm and please Renee do not get mad because I call the man eye candy, he is what he is. What he wants with you in my opinion is one thing, and that is to be on television, although I must say it does not hurt to see a man like him on any woman's television set, a special wrapped candy cane and just before Christmas. I am sorry I got a little carried away now back to the show. This Natalie chick just does not know when to stop, she called Big Ang and Drita whores and then after Renee's new eye candy walked in she did some hands on and called him delis, yes she said this in front of Renee and we know how crazy Renee is about a man. I was glad to see Drita take her daughter to self defense class to handle these girls that are bullying her, that was a great idea Drita, she will not have to worry about these girls picking with her anymore, all she has to do is take the one with the biggest mouth down and it is done. I think these lady needs to really teach this girl Natalie a lesson, she seems to think she is smarter and badder than the other women, why I do not know. I notice on the next episode the women will be going to Los Vegas, so maybe she will learn a lesson here. I did notice that Renee is going on a drinking binge, which is never good and she is headed for this young lady, you best to run Natalie or duck which everyone is more convenient at the time. It will be very interesting, although I hate that Renee is going back to her old ways because of other people, she has to understand that she is the only one who can control her own temper.

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