Sunday, December 8, 2013

Breaking the Faith 12-8-13 (#BreakingTheFaith)

 I watched Breaking the Faith tonight and all I could really focus on was the women discussing all the things they could not do because it was against God. I can not believe that the FLDS will go as far as to tell this people that eating certain things as against God's will. I listen to the different things that they have been told and if you ask me it actually sounds like a mixture of different faiths. Like they can not drink milk or eat anything containing milk, so is this because of health reason or is the FLDS trying to make it people Vegans. Why would the FLDS, who to me seem to be making their people eat as Vegans be doing this and the thought came to mind for me, maybe Warrens Jeff and the other who partakes on he FLDS committee or whatever they have are trying to make their community save money and how do they do this by controlling what their people spend money on. These sneaky snakes makes their people give the money to the church to the point the people can not finish their own houses, that is what these young people said, most of them had not seen a finished house before isn't that weird. Now I am hearing all these young people tell us what the could or could not do at the creek as they call it and how so much of what they did was against FLDS. We all have to remember this and think about when they caught Warren Jeffs what was he in, well I will tell you it was a limo and not only they he had a lead of trucks in front of him as well as in the back of him. Now I am sure by now after reading this you are thinking as I am thinking, Warren Jeffs was taking all his people money and he was living this lavish life as his people went without. Wow, the thought of this is just so wrong on so many levels but yet I heard these girls judge others all night tonight. What really got me was how these ladies were judging the Mormons tonight, what was that about. If you ask me the FLDS really screwed with these ladies minds to the point that some of them did not see anything wrong with being married off to these old man, its like these old man are being nasty on so many levels and the girls are so immature they don't understand this. Out of all the girls Angie worries me the most because she doesn't seemed that she is open to change and that scares me because why is she there then, that is the real question. Now my girl Martha is ready to learn and get around, but again watching next week's episode I am seeing these young people going into bars. Why do when these people that are of the different faiths have to go into the clubs as their first experience of the outside world. A lot of us that live in this outside world do not hang in bars or strip clubs so why do they show have the need to take the young people here first. I know why a lot of the groups do not agree with what they see, I am on the outside and I would run if someone took me into a bar with strippers and people acting like idiots, but I guess the show want these reactions out of them. Well I will be looking at next week to see what happens and to see who does to go in what direction. I do hope that someone gets involved with this FLDS community because I keep thinking about how many more young girls are being violated for the sake of God.

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