Thursday, December 20, 2012

Its A Wonderful Life

I have to write about this show because I have watched it since I was a child. I remember me and my mother were fans of the old classic movies so I would sit on my mother bed with her and watched these old black and white movies. One movie in particular that I watched and has stuck with me ever since is Its a Wonderful Life. I watch Jimmy Stewart a boy who his entire life dreamed of leaving his small home town and traveling the world. I guess this movie spoke out to me because as a person growning up in a small town I think most of us dream about leaving and traveling the world at some point. So I watch this movie very closely and after watching for the first time I thought that was a very funny movie. I then watch it the next year and realized it was not just funny but is moving and again after watching it another year I started finding more and more meaning too it. After a few years this move did not just become a movie to watch at Christmas time to me because of the Christmas ending but I realized the movie was speaking to me. Every part of the movie spoke to me. Here was the young boy being just like any young boy who was raised in a family who raised their children as they believe to work hard and help others. As a young boy, George, the young boys name, got a job at the town pharamacy and he notice the pharmacist was upset due to finding out his son died in War and he saved the pharmacist from making a fatal mistake, he also saved his brother from drowning. After growing up this boy began helping his father at the bank he ran and he learned that his father was a fighter for the hard working people in his town, he help them to get loans to by homes and to know that their hardwork had meaning. As this boy grew older and decided to leave but father fell ill and eventually died, so who took over but George the only one who could only really run the bank like his father did. He had saved money for years to do his traveling, he gave the money to his brother to go to school and he stayed in town and married a town girl. Not to try and tell the entire story, I just learned every part of the movie had its very own meaning and talked to me, it showed me that every part of this man life had a reason for him being on earth. This movie made me as a young person start to look at my own life as I grew up and understand was there a meaning for certain things to happen in my life and as I realize that growing up, I knew that God does put us on Earth for a reason. If you ever doubt why you were born, look at every part of your life and look at what was the outcome and tell yourself but you have to be honest with yourself about what you may have done to put yourself in certain situations. After looking over that part of your life and what happen think about how you came through it, what made you come through, was it all you, did God some how step in and you never realized it. You got through it, you are here and you are here for a reason. Do not sabotage you gift, give it a meaning. You think you do not have any friends but you may have some of the best friends in the world. We may not always be there but sometimes we are just a phone call away. If you that sucide is the answer than think again, pray about and if you do not feel like praying than pick up the phone and call someone close to you. If you feel you have no friends then call someone who is not a friend, you may get a very suprising answer.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

To Be A Friend or Not

How do people began chatting online, how do someone who has started playing a game with a stranger online really get to know this stranger. I guess you never really do know a stranger, but I have learned that you can become friends with someone online and nothing is wrong with that. You can start a conversation with someone and it can even become intimate, but what is most suprising is you and this person find out that you have a lot in commom. Who would ever think that someone you do not know, who lives in another state seems to understand you better than family. But then this stranger who you have talked to and really looked foward to talking to every moring and night and this person who made your very long days at work go by quicker with just the text of hi becomes soar because this person finds out you are a person of different race than they are. All of a sudden the hello's and good morings are replace with, ugly words that you did not think would come out this person mouth. This person who said they belive in God as you, do not see you as a human being anymore, why is this? Are you not the same person they talked to for weeks, telling of your intermost secrets, of your childhood. Why all of a sudden your skin colors makes you this very different person when nothing has changed but the fact that now they know you are not their color. The person continues to talk to you but you can tell the respect has gone and they no longer ask you how was your morning, or ask you how your day is going. You both are writers and you enjoyed really listening and reading his writings, but this which he now consider a obstacle is in the way. That same person you talked to for weeks is no longer worth talking to, it is now silent between the two and no one bother to say good bye, a frienship has ended from the color of another. I am God child and choose to belive that he put me in a imagine he consider is beautiful, like the colors in his rainbow I shine like all others. I am sorry to lose someone who I thought was a friend, but hope that maybe our encounter will open his eyes.