Friday, December 13, 2013

2013 Soul Train Awards

Okay I was late watching the soul train awards and mainly this is because of course I do not expect it to be as rewarding as it has been in the past, we all have to admit that we really are losing some of our great singers and the ones that remain are steadily getting to a point they can not really stand up like they once did. I was glad to see that Treyvon Martin's mom was at the reward and the did a tribute and let her know that we care but what did sadden me is that the host Anthony Anderson said we as a people do care as others and he used Michael Jackson song, they don't care about us, which is so true to a point. But we as a people still do not stand behind one another, especially when they get in a bit of trouble and it is blown out of proportion. I say this in reference to Chris Brown, who if you ask me should be receiving a lot of awards but the young man has been thrown under the bus all because people did not forgive him for this one incident and they act like the man does not deserve a chance and people, even his people will not give him a chance, that is just sad. Now look at Tamar Braxton who won two awards, which I am still trying to figure out why because me personally do not see what everyone else is seeing in Tamar. Yes she did a couple good songs, but nothing off he charts to me and her performance was terrible, come on people don't act like you did not see it. Tamar lip singing was off and she used that blonde hair to cover up her face to hide this but she did not do a good job and as for that outfit, now she know she does not have the body to be wearing a suit like she did, only Toni could pull that off. Tamar thinks way to highly of herself and it told on the Soul Train awards because she was brave enough to believe she could pull that half nude outfit on and she looked like the train had wrecked, I am sorry but I speak the truth I see through my eyes. My husband kept asking me what was she wearing and I really could not explain it. Her performance could use a lot work and I think her family should tell her, or maybe they really think she did a great job, maybe I am just missing a whole lot because I am not seeing it. I did like that they did a dedication to  Dionne Warwick, I really think it was about time the woman deserves it. Of course I have become a big fan of K. Michelle so I was glad to see her win and Monae was a well deserved winner as well. Overall the show was good, of course it is a matter of my opinion but we just are lacking in the really great performers we had in the past and some of the up coming are either using how they look to become singers because they can make anyone sound great in a studio, hence TB, but performing live is so different and if you can not do what you do in the studio live, then you have lost my vote as a singer, but of course I guess it does not matter because the younger generation does not care about live performances as long as you sound good on the radio. I guess us older generation have to live with the fact that there will be no more Dionne Warwick, Whitney Houston, Barry White, Michael Jackson any many others that have been lost, they did not just perform things performers could really sing and live or when put on a spot. Goes are the days of old and on with the new, never thought I would live long enough to say this, very sad. I guess you could say the Soul Train Awards sadden me and I wish I did not look at it to remind me where we are going.

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