Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Total Divas 11-26-13 (@TotalDivasE)(#TotalDivas)

Although I do not discuss total divas that much, I do watch and enjoy the show. I was a wrestling fan it is a change to see the women side of everything and less of a focus on the men. But what upset me the other night was Ariane having issues with painful periods and sexual intercourse and she was asking for help because these are one of these situations that we women become frustrated when we do not know what are bodies are doing at the moment and why we can not solve the problem. What made me discussed me was that Ariane went to a Gynecologist to get an exam and get some answers and after a quick exam she told Ariane that there was not a problem. What happen to taken tests and waiting for the test to come back, how can you as a doctor tell someone for sure that by just examining her in your office that there is not a problem without taking any test. To top it off Ariane was told to go see a sex therapist and maybe they could give her and insight on what her problem is, a sex therapist to discuss your painful period to me is not an answer. Yes there are other women that have painful periods and yes there are other women that have painful sexual intercourse but why is it that everyone is put in the same category and why do you not look at something definitely when it comes to the painful periods. No women if you ask me should have painful periods because I do not believe is was meant to be this way. I think Ariane should have went to another Gynecologist and gotten a second opinion and although I am a woman myself I would have to say Ariane should have went to a man for this second opinion. I know that most women believe in going to a female Gynecologist because they say a man does not understand what a women goes through, now personally I would have to disagree with this opinion because having worked in a hospital around doctors I have known women doctors to be very judgemental, when a male doctor focus on his patient it is about solving the root cause of the patient problem and not just automatically judging like a lot of the female doctors do. Women will give a quick diagnose like the female doctor did for Ariane. Painful periods can be a sign of fibroid, stress and anxiety, IUD made of copper not to mention a list of other things, so why did this doctor not tell Ariane this and do a check list to rule out some of this things. What tops the entire thing to me was Ariane and her boyfriend went to the sex therapist and this woman solution to Ariane problems was to have kinky sex, now I want to know where this woman got her degree because I want to know what school taught her this. All she wanted to know was how was Ariane sex life like and what did she do to get satisfaction, it almost seemed to me as if this woman was getting off some kind of way. She actually got mad at Ariane when she explained to this therapist that she did not do anything really kinky at all, her attitude when Ariane said this shocked me. Ariane came into her office to get help and advice not to be judge but yet again a woman professional being very judgemental. I am a woman  but where in the world do we get off when we become professional and decide we can judge all whom come to us for help. I again think Araine should get other opinions as to her situation and please do not go to this therapist again, I beg of you.

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