Thursday, November 14, 2013

Black Ink Crew 11--11-13(#BlackInkCrew)

I watch Monday nights episode of the Black Ink and I watch the continue of Puma trying to get his business together and Caesar and Teddy go to check out Puma's soon to be tattoo establishment. Now I have to say that I still admire the way Caesar still tries to work things out with Puma and give Puma his props, although Puma definitely seems to no be having it. What I saw was a lot of work to be done, so Puma place is a work in progress. What I don't understand, not being from the area is why is there so many people on the streets in his soon to be business area, is the area safe for a person to even go in, well I guess since the tattoo parlor will only be open during the day time hours it should be okay, I guess or will they actually try to have this establishment in the evening hours as well, now that is scary. One thing I do not like is pan handlers bugging me when I am trying to enter an establishment, and just seeing them lying around, not knowing if you will be attacked or not is scary enough, I can not wait to see how Puma's establishment actually really turns out. Now as for O's**it, I am hoping he will stay with Caesar, especially since the business that he has established already knows where to locate him and you have to admit that Caesar parlor is in a much more safer area, some where a celebrity would not mind entering or feel comfortable. I know Puma wants to start his own business and that is fine, but why go after the people employed by someone whom you so called a friend of fifteen years. Puma is what a call a sneaky snake and if you ask me my opinion I would say that Caesar is right, Puma had this plan up his sleeves all along. I was really surprise to find that Puma was not a tattoo artist, he was what you call a Public Relations Manager, okay give me a minute I have to stop laughing. Okay as I have learned, public relations managers create and maintain a favorable  public image for their employer or client. Now would someone tell me whom was doing whom the favor when it came to Caesar and Puma relationship in the business, because from what I saw Puma stood around the shop making jokes and acting like a fool, not to mention partying on a daily at night clubs. Now maybe Puma had a lot of friends and he use these friends to drum up business, but from what I saw this was not happening at all and I mean no harm, but if I ran into Puma and he was talking to me on the behalf of a business, I would personally run in the other direction in fear of what business would hire someone whom carried themselves as a business man while actually looking like a Puma, yes puma and the hair, the teeth and his dress attire does not impress me at all and you can complain and bicker about who the hell do I think I am but me as a person of color knows that when we carry ourselves as idiots, people look at us like idiots. We have to go far beyond to impress and this include our appearance. I almost burst out laughing when Sassy and the woman who was applying for a job at the shop, she was not a tattoo artist but she wanted a job, was flirting and Puma made the statement, that he will have to take lesson from Caesar and cut that relationship in the work place out, he was not feeling Sassy and this woman flirting. Wow Puma who said he was not going to be as up tight as Caesar and was just going to have fun at his shop had the audacity to talk about lesson on what not to do from where Caesar went wrong, well Puma you should make sure not to hire friends and if you do you better have your policies in place and make sure these friends sign them before you hire them. You have to love people because as the old saying goes it takes all kind and yes it does take all kind to make the world go around. We all want are cake and eat it too, when we get a slice or cake and it is not a big enough size or it is not as sweet as we want it, than we want to talk about how nasty the person whom gave you the piece of cake is, even after they was nice enough to give you a slice. Well I going to take a lesson from Caesar as well and say, good luck Puma, you will need it. Okay bring on the haters, any remarks just post them I would love to hear what you have to say.

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