Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Real Housewives of Atlanta 11-17-13(@bravotv)(#ATLA)

I watched The Real Housewives of Atlanta on Sunday night and if you ask me to describe in my opinion using one word for Sunday's night episode, I can some it up by saying Rachet and for those who do not know what I mean, this is a slang term for those *itches were down right crazy. Let me start off with Kandi whom seems to can not get out of her mind that everyone is hating on her fiancee Todd because they think that his hands will be in the pot and they will not get any of her money. So after talking to the grown ups and listening to their negativity about Todd, Kandi decide she will finally talk to the only one that really matters her daughter Riley. What do you think Riley will say, for me in my opinion I think Riley as a teenager wants her mother to be happy and if Todd makes her mother happy who is she to say anything negative about the man, especially since Kandi does not take her opinion into account anyway and for those of you who saying I am being to harsh, rewind to the episode when Riley told her mom that she moved Todd into the house way to fast and before you knew it Todd was acting if the house was his, Kandi just did a quick denial. My question is does Todd have a job or is he trying to find a job. Now I understand that Todd use to work on the set of the Housewives of the ATL and I am assuming that he had to give that up when he started a relationship with Kandi but I heard him and Kandi discuss him having to go out of town to find work. With what Todd was doing on the set of housewives, he can not find a similar job in all of Atlanta so he has to go out of town for work, now I must tell you my instinct as a woman just began running with what is wrong with this picture, especially since their relationship is still in its beginning stages. Well hopeful we will learn more in future episodes of Todd and his job and family, because I have yet to see any of his friends or family coming around, are they not engaged. I will now move on to Ms. Phaedra Parks, you know the one that is married to the all so gorgeous Apollo who everyone knows is being that eye candy for those woman that like that kind of thing, for me personally he does nothing, give me a hard working man any day over some eye candy. Now Phadera and Apollo entire relationship for those who have been in long relationship is playing out on national television, the constant arguing is a sign that there are some serious problems that Phadera whom I know is trying to hide and Apollo seems to be fed up with being this eye candy by her side. The way this two argued Sunday night I was looking for Iyanla to come in their door and say she is here to fix their life. Apollo in my opinion is looking for something different and if you ask me I will say he has cheated on Phadera and I also feel that Phadera knows this but for the sake of making money off the show she is willing to put up this front of the strong marriage of hers and Apollo's. Something I think will come out in the end about these two and their marriage, and if you ask me with the texting between Apollo and Kenya, they have done a little some, some and is trying to hide this fact. Although I am not a big fan of Phadera and even believe she should have been replaced a long time ago, Phadera is a smart woman and she knows what it takes to make her money and although she may know of Apollos possible affairs as all woman really know in their hearts, Phadera as this money making machine, knows what it takes and will do what it takes to get her cash and keep it flowing. I just wish Phadera would keep some kind of organization with her children and her busy life. Now as for Porsha, what can we say about a woman who will be taking on a divorce in the near future, I have notice like Wendy Williams said, Porsha is now trying to make little side allegations that Cordell is possibly gay. Did anyone notice how Kandi and Porsha found one of Kandi's sex toys that was given to Porsha and Porsha said she never opened it but yet the bal*s where missing to the set and making little jabs at what could have possibly happen to them and that he packed the items and shipped them to her. Now in my head, I assumed that Cordell has another woman and that is why he wanted Porsha out so bad and maybe she packed some of the boxes and maybe she took this item for her use. Well there has to be more to this story and the only person that really knows what is in Cordell head is Cordell and as I see in future upcoming episodes he will return and maybe we will hear a different side of the situation. Maybe hearing both sides will help us in our mind decide who we feel is lying, sometimes it is not as simple as Porsha saying she was the perfect wife, maybe she thought it in her head, which seems to be a little on the light side. As for Cynthia, I enjoy watching this woman but I must say that Peter does nothing for me and I do not like how he handles these personal situations with Cynthia by blasting her personal business all out of television, he is so rude and improper when it comes to how he talks of his wife. I was with Cynthia's mother and sister when they disagreed with her marrying Peter and I still agree. Peter is not a good fit for Cynthia and he is the worst business man I have every seen and how do you spend lots of money on things without including your wife in on it when it is her money too. In the beginning it seemed as if Peter worshiped Cynthia now I am starting to feel as if this was all an act to get part of her money and a permanent part on the show to get a steady income, that is why in the beginning episodes I guess Peter was almost rushing Cynthia to marry him. If you ask me I think Cynthia should realize it is just as easy to divorce Peter as it was marrying him and she should leave his sneaky a** and hook back up with Leon and they could have episodes in which Cynthia and Leon and their beautiful daughter Noell could interact because Cynthia and Leon gets along great and you can just feel the love they both have for their daughter. As for Nene she has not been doing anything lately but lying on her couch moping because her show the new normal was cancelled. Okay Nene we all know you and we know you still have a lot to do, but you should get off that couch and help Greg clean the house, better yet Nene you make enough money to hire and housekeeper at least twice a week to do it for you, cut back on some other things and find another show. I have an idea, why don't some of those girls that were in Nene wedding start hanging with her on the show, now I really enjoyed these woman and I think they would make great addition. As a matter of fact they can all start that new show I was talking about, Nene and her BFFs. The one I made a decision to leave for last is Ms. Kenya, oh yes the one who twerks on everything and prances around in someone wedding dress was on Sunday night episode trying to move out of the house that she rented from the landlord from hell. Kenya who I do understand was trying to make light of everything because it is upsetting and she does not have another house to move in, so she has to live in a hotel until she can find some where else. But why would anyone want to put on someone else's wedding gown and prance around in it while she is calling it ugly, now the gown was ugly and maybe it was just that her landlord was married in the seventies and keep the dress that long, nothing wrong with that. Why did she leave the gown in her old house, I have not a clue. Now something else that was totally wrong was that the landlord call 911 on Kenya and lied saying that Kenya was suppose to be out by 3pm when she really had until 5pm to get. All went well and Kenya had finish packing, so the cops did not intervene because they saw that Kenya was leaving the property, what a crazy landlord. Maybe Kenya should have kept it personal and not have befriended the wicked witch of hell freezes over circle. Well I am seeing clips of future up coming episodes and it promises to be off the chain and lot of surprises will be coming our way, so we have to keep looking to she what will be a brewing. I know I will be watching because the housewives of the ATL is still one of my favorites. I had to add a part that I forgot to mention, is it me or is Kandi wardrobe a big old hot mess. I know that Kandi is from the country as I am but there is no reason for Kandi with all her money should be dressing the way she is. Those colorful tight jeans she puts on kills me with her very colorful hair. Now I know that there is a stylist that the show can provide Kandi because she just needs a little help. I know the show is a reality show and it is all about the ladies and their a own way of doing things but there can be a little tweeting here and there.

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