Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Black Ink Crew 11-25-13(@BlackInkCrew, #BlackInk!)

I watch the Black Ink Crew last night and I watch Puma and some of his friends go to Atlantic City for his bachelor party. Now I was glad that Teddy took the time to talk to Puma about letting Ceaser come to the party and Puma actually saying yes. When Ceaser came to the party it was a shock for Puma because he really was not expecting Ceaser to show up and there is still that doubt in Puma about Ceaser true friendship. Friends can be friends but everyone knows when it comes down to business then you have to separate the two yet last night Puma told Ceaser that he should not have been treated like any of Ceaser other employees and my question on this is why not. Too me a real friend will understand when you have to lay down the laws when it comes to taking care of business and if you are a real friend you will stand behind this friend who owns this business and help him or her if needed. I was really glad that Puma and Ceaser did talk although there was a little back and forth of misunderstand before this happen, it was good to see everyone together again and just having fun and I again applaud Ceaser because he took it a step further by pulling Puma aside on the beach and talking to him seriously one on one. Now as for O*sh** and him finishing a tattoo on his crazy ex girlfriend, you know the one whom think she can fight but did absolute nothing but sneak in a sucker punch. I was wondering why did it take O*sh** so long to finish this tattoo on his ex and I hope his ex is telling the truth when she means that she has really let him go and that she is through with him. She should have been finished with him a very long time ago, some woman again just do not know how to move on and her continuing to sleep with O*sh** when she knew he was messing with other woman is her fault for not moving on with her life and she only had one child, why not date around, was it because she is on the crazy side and can not find anyone else who will deal with her. I love that tattoo that Dutchess did of the Geisha girl, she seems to do her best work when she is depressed and under a little strain, the absence of Ceaser was on her mind as well as Ceaser missing her which is bond to happen when two people are in love and separated for the first time. Separation is not something easy to get over and with any real relationship there will be that complete feel of missing something that is a part of you, but if you do decide to completely break up of course time will have to be your sole relief. The question is where will they all go from here, Ceaser has connected back with the people from his old crew and they seem to still have a closeness. If you ask me they can all continue to be friends, why stop being friends just because they no longer work for Ceaser. They all can work separate and continue on with their own businesses and still party together, that way no hard feeling when it comes to their jobs. I am still not sure if O*sh** will switch teams and work for Puma, this may cause another rip between the two shops but I think as long as O*sh** decides to leave he should explain to Ceaser why and tell him it is his decision. I still am not liking the location of Puma's shop and would personally find it hard to have to go pass people begging me for money. I hope that everything works out for everyone at Black Ink and I want to continue to see Ceaser keep his friendships along the way, like Ceaser said, life is never promised and you never know when the last time you say goodbye to someone is the last time.

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