Saturday, November 16, 2013

Chrissy & Mr. Jones 11-11-13

What can I say about the Chrissy & Mr. Jones show on  Monday night other then mama Jones is off the chain. The woman wrote a book and because she could not wait for this love book that she wrote be distributed in stores, mama Jones went out on the streets of New York and tried selling the books herself to anyone who walk, drove or skipped by. Mama Jones even went into stores herself and tried to get the people in the stores to display her books without going through the proper channels. All I can say about mama Jones is that this woman is a hustler and she knows what it takes to get her product out there. You go mama Jones I am not a bit mad at you, as a matter of fact as a woman I am proud of you. You know what idea I had, I watch the show shark tank in which people go up against these auntlponer to get them to invest in their products with the sales pitch of how this item will help them make more money. I am thinking that mama Jones could go in front of these shark tank millonares and billonares and I believe mama Jones will win them over an get one of them to actually invest in her products. I am a mama Jones fan, she has really one me over, now what I am looking for is Chrissy to get her hustle back on. I see that Chrissy has asked Jim to help with part of his product line, now this will be interesting, but I know Chrissy can do it. All I ask of Jim Jones is for him to pull his pants up on his azz, do you realize how silly you look at your age with those pants on the ground. I do not like boys much less men with sagging pants, although I know Jim Jones is suppose to be that real thug, try being just a man a pulling the pants on your a** instead of off it. I know the meaning of pants hanging off your a** in prison means so what does it mean for the outside world, can anyone answer this one for me please.

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