Monday, November 11, 2013

The Mask Magician Secret Reveled

Does anyone watch this show in which the masked magician revels secrets of how magician's do their tricks and how they are able to fool us. Well I know some people do not like this show for the reason they give away secrets that were close to a lot of our hearts, well want to believe in magic so much that it hurts for someone to say that none of it is true. I am sure their are a lot of magicians that want to kill this magician for telling of the secret to their tricks and this is why the magician remains masked for fear of his life. I for one is one of those people who loved magic, I have always enjoyed watching and has always be amazed and was always curious as to how these magicians did these tricks. So for me I like watching this show and was glad that someone actually came forward to tell how these tricks are actually done, for me this show does not really ruin magic for me because I always knew it was fake, I just did not know how it was done and now because of this show I actually know how some of the tricks are done. Now for me I still want to go to a magic show and actually see for myself if I can actually figure out how the magicians are performing these tricks, it does not bother me having that knowledge of what I watched on the secrets reveled show. Now for some people like my daughter who stepped in the room while I was watching one of the mask magician's show, said why are they doing this someone needs to stop him, does not like to know and she thinks it is right down wrong of the mask magician to revel these magicians secret. I know for some people not knowing is the excitement for them, I guess it is that feel of believing in something that you are not sure if it is real or not. The reason I brought up this show is because I would like to see others revel other shows or things like, how mediums give people readings and how they so call talk to the dead. I happen to see Long Island Medium pop up on television again and I hear the hope in the people's voice that she be giving them about actually communicating with their dead love one. Now for me I am very hesitant to believe that a human on earth can talk to anyone they meet dead family member. So will someone take the time to do what the mask magician does to these mediums and revel to us how they are doing what they do to make people believe that they are talking to their dead ones. I personally do not think people like the Long Island Medium should make money off other peoples grief. People think a lot of time that their loved ones died years ago and that the grief is not still their but you have to remember that when it is a loved one, the grief never goes away and it only takes small triggers to make you think of them again and you become very heartfelt and you get very emotional. You for the most part began losing train of thought because your focus becomes on that dead one again. Now Teressa claims dead sprits follow her every where she goes so this make it possible for anyone she run into love dead one to pop up by her side to talk with that person, through her. I for one is not believing it and I am not believe Teressa and I want someone to have the guts t reveal how she and others do what they do.

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