Saturday, August 3, 2013

Total Divas

Has anyone watch this new show Total Divas. It is about wrestlers, real girl wrestlers and how they live out their every day life to be prepared for this wrestler world. This show is something else and most of these girls have boyfriends who are in the profession as well, I even got to see John Cena's girlfriend. What is the most interesting part to me about the show is how hard these women have to work at getting prepared for these matches. Now I was a big wrestler fan back in the day with Ricky Steamboat, Rick Flair, Black Jack Mulligan etc. and I got out of it as I grew older but some years back I started getting back into wrestling and it was because my daughter was watching it and I saw a guy name Eddie Guerrero and his was very funny to me so I became a big fan of his and not to long after watching him on television and actually getting to see him one time in person, he passed away. Although Eddie has passed away I still watch wrestling off and on and what has caught my attention is women wrestler because they are starting to become a big part of the wrestling world so I was no surprised to see this show Total Divas come out. Total Divas gives everyone a better in site into women wrestlers and it helps fans to understand that the women go through as much as the men when they perform. These women have to make sure that everything is almost perfect to live this wrestling life world and on top of their careers they have to maintain relationships and in some cases their children. These women are totally tough and they have to be especially with the things they go through, they have to make sure that they are on point with their performance and that they do what they are directed to do. One point one of the women made who had to train some of the new up coming wrestlers and that was that "I have to train them to take my place", now I was glad that she said this because is this not the same in every work place. When someone tells a person to train a new person coming in, there is that possible fear that this person is coming in to possible take my place or may do a better job than me and possibly get promoted over me. I do not understand that if you are confident in a job you have been with for years and have done the job you were suppose to do and are satisfied with your accomplishment, why would you not be confident in showing someone new around. Why not give this new person the pointers you have learned over the years and sit back and take pride in that you have trained someone and trained them well. I am sure these Total Divas will make sure these new girls know what they are doing so that we the fan who will be watching will love and enjoy their performances. I have to admit that I like watching the girls argue with each other in a way to just teach each other the right and wrong ways to do things. When these Total Divas are partners, they really have to rely on each others in that ring and watching their relationship is fun also.

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