Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sister Wives(8-4-13)

I watched sister wives this pass Sunday and I am still waiting on the building of the houses to be completed and the families to move in. Right now everyone is so stressed out about the businesses and actually making money. I felt sorry for the ladies because they are torn about their online business and I have to admit I visited the women sites and I have to say they have some nice pieces but I can tell them why their business is not doing great right now. When I first went to the site the women did not have many pieces to look at, they had buttons for clothing and other accessories but they did not have anything posted as of yet. Now the women have did a little updating and they have a few more pieces and they have a apron as clothing item but that is it. To me personally the women should not have started up the site until they had more pieces and this include clothing items. I think the women jumped at the excitement of starting an online business without putting more thought into it or asking a real business advisor what they should do to have a successful site. The site is cute but there is just not enough of anything and the price has to be reasonable as well. I think some of the jewelry pieces were a little to expensive, especially for a new site. Why not have very reasonable priced jewelry and lead into more pricey pieces when the site builds up. Now I will continue to support the site but like I said there needs to be more items and I will probably not buy anything until there is more to choose from. Where is Merri creative flow, I notice how to makes items at home as gifts for the children or for her home and her decoration is really great. Is Merri putting any of her input on the items and why not put homemade items the wives make at home on the site. I am a woman who likes homemade items and because I am to lazy to take the time to make the items myself will buy them from your sites. Come on ladies, put your creativeness to work to create items people would really buy. Nick knacks for the house is something all women need in their homes. Jewelry is great but add other things that will catch women attention. There needs to be a step up on the clothing as well, clothing is clothing and that is what you expect when you see a button for this. If you women are not sure of what women want, look on other sites to get and idea and start slowly with something like shirts first and then move on to jeans, women can never get enough jeans.

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