Monday, August 12, 2013


Do anyone watch the show the moonshiners, I love this show and one big reason I started watching it was because I was curious how it would be portrayed especially since I grew up in this kind of environment. My grandfather on my mother side had thirteen children and doing that time he had to have another way other than farming to feed his children so my grandfather was a moonshine maker and runner. I remember being a little girl at my grandparents house and me and some of the other children where play hide and go seek when I ran way into the back of the woods and found what I called a beautiful shining machine. When my mother came to pick us up I told her of this beautiful machine I found in the back woods of my grandparents house and she said that was not just any machine, it was a moonshine still and that I should never go back there again, she my mother would never lie to me anything we wanted to know I mother would tell us the truth. This is when my mother sat me down and told me how her father made moonshine to feed his family, she also told me to never speak of it and too stay from back there. I thought this was exciting but wanted to know more so when they said they were actually making a show about men making moonshine I was all in. Now I can understand some of the things my grandfather may have went through to feed his family. If you watch the show, these guys are really hard workers and moonshining is by no means easy. These are good old fashion, hard working men who are basically either trying to help out other family members by making this shine or trying to feed themselves and this is the only life they knew or was raised up with. The funny thing is that moonshining to some level is legal now and the government will allow you to make it as long as they can regulate it and of course get taxes from it. So there are some legal moonshine makers and some of these guys are trying to go legal. I am happy for the guys if they can go legal but I also understand the guys who choose not to go legal as well because the government is trying to regulate what they do and how they do it while taxing as much as they can on what they are making. This country really must be going broke if they are willing to let the moonshiners go legal so that they can tax it, so why not let weed go legal, oh that is right there are some legal weed facilities that are again monitored and taxed by the government, just not all states are allowing for this. So all the states should allow for legal moonshine and weed, that way we can tax it in all the states and get out of this debt we are in. I can see us coming out of our debt fast if we legalize weed and moonshine in all states and having more and beyond money to use for other important things. That is why I like this moonshine show, it helps me get a clear understanding of why this country so allow for certain thing, such as moonshiners to do what they do, just legally and do not give them a hard time about getting a license for it. I can see it now, moonshine store on every corner and a weed store on every other corner, now that is a thought. Now back to the show, Tickle has become a very popular character on the show and I know why the guy is crazy, he can make moonshine but he can drink it too, it is funny to see if he will make it or drink it because you can always find Tickle somewhere knocked out in a corner or field. Now one of the best moonshiners I think is on the show is the group of Jeff, Mark and Jim Tom, this is one great group of guys and some hell of some moonshine makers. With Jeff moonshine making skills, Jim Tom still mill making skills and of course Mark survival skills these guys are a power team, they have everything covered. What confused me at the end of last season was that Jeff and Mark fell out with Jim Tom for some reason and I am not sure why. All I heard at the reunion, which Jim Tom did not attend, was that he talked to much. I guess maybe he said to much on the cameras that could have jeopardized the guys safety. Now the two that worry me the most is Bill and Josh because they seem like they  have know idea on how to make still and if they do then they sure do catch hell making a actual still mill itself. These two should recruit someone who really knows how to make a still mill but I think they are too afraid they will have to share their money. Well with all the trouble they have been having and actually not really getting to make a steady batch of moonshine, I think they should reconsider paying someone because they seemed to have lost a lot of money trying to take on this task themselves. The two guys said they just had a run of bad luck but I do not believe it was just bad luck on Bill and Josh part but their was a lot of lack of knowledge that did them in as well. I hope that Bill and Josh will make moonshine this season and would like to see it but I only think this is possible if they recruit some help. Now from the previews for this season I noticed that it seemed to be focused on Tickle and I know Tickle has become popular with the fans and I myself am a fan of Tickle, especially since he is from my home state but I would like to see Mark be featured more. Mark is usually a quiet guy and he stays to himself but I would like to see him have his own still going on and the guys helping him because the past season Jeff called on Mark for help and being the friend he is, he was all to happy to help. Mark seems to be one of those friends that will do all he can to help you and his military experience has proven to really top notch and really has helped Jeff keep his still mills secret. I thought Mark was there only to be a look out for Jeff and to make sure he was not caught will processing his moonshine but them Mark jumped right on in and started helping Jeff to process the corn and barley. That what makes Jeff moonshine so great, he is flexible and can use barley or corn to make different types of moonshine, I like seeing Jeff at work. Waiting on the next season to see if Bill and Josh have learned anything and stopped making stupid mistakes.

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