Friday, August 9, 2013

Django(Take The Time to Watch It)

While I was writing about the movie Mud I figured as might as well include another movie that has been on my mind every since I watched it. The movie is called (Django) featuring Jamie Foxx. I really like this movie and it is not just because I am a person of color. This movie moved me on so many angles that it is almost hard to explain, of course as a person of color I had more interest in the movie than someone who is not of color, but if your not a person of color I think it is just as important to you than as I to watch the movie. Most Caucasian people always like to say when it comes to race, we people of color are touchy so this is a touchy subject, but this is not necessarily truce, we people of color are not that touchy when it comes to subject of color and that is why it did not bother a lot of us to watch the movie. I live in the South in the state of Virginia, yes the commonwealth and this is one of those states that people believe that have the right to bare arms, freedom of speech and any other thing when it really comes to Caucasians rights, I know that some people will dispute this but I have grown in the state all my life and I have learned over the years what stands and do not stand in this state. We recently have and issue about the confederate flag, in which some group wants to post the confederate flag along a main interstate for all who enter our state to see. Now why would a group want to do something like this you say, according to their spokesman it says to show their love for their heritage. They said it has nothing to do with the state wanting to show how they feel but it is just to show their pride for a heritage of a state that was once confederate state over a 100 years ago. It has been over 100 years and now this group says it wants the state to show it pride in the Confederacy. Wow how powerful is that for some of you, how does it make some people like me who live in this state and is a person of color feel after having lived in this state all of my life feel. I feel that, yes this group has rights and yes there is the right to speak as you want but as for hanging a flag of a union that has been out of existence for a very long time, I do not agree but I would accept it because that is this group right to hang it if the state allows it. I heard someone from the NAACP speak on it and they say it is a disgrace, but like the movie Django that was written by Quentin Tarantino, it is their right to freedom of speech. This movie was written to remember something of the past but at the same time what I really admire about it is Tarantino but used humor to relieve some of those very awkward moments for some. The movie let us know that although we as a people of color went through so a rough time, there may have been times that we could actually laugh as he did in the movie. I have to think Quentin for bringing this movie to the screen and having the b*lls to take it on. I think the movie Django not only open the doors to what life was, only to remind us how it is now to help us possible move on from this past it also brought forth the opportunity for other writers and producers to take on such a challenge themselves. Do no be afraid to write a movie of slavery and tackle some very touchy subjects because these so call touchy subjects may not be as touchy as you think and you may get more credit for the movie than you expect. I think Hollywood producers and writers not only has that mentality of this group in my state that wants to put the flag up because they say I shows that we appreciate our heritage, now remember their spoke person said our heritage, did she mean people of color as well because during that time of the confederate flag this was not our heritage, we were made to do things most people can not imagine and this so call heritage was nothing we had any say on. So Hollywood says that no one wants to watch movie that actually tackles people of color heritage because no one wants to see that and what do they mean by no one is no Caucasian person does. Again I have to say Wow, it is funny that after all these years there are still so many people that think so very small, I suggest that everyone and I do mean everyone, people of any color to go see this movie Django and tell me what you get out of it. Let me know if this movie opens any doors in your brains, be open minded when you watch the movie and make sure to listen and look very closely. This movie of course did not get all the props it should have in the Hollywood world, but it did in the black entertainment. So I blame Hollywood and a lot of actors for not stepping up to the plate to fight as to why this movie was not recognized for its great entertainment and explosive performances by some very great actors. This is a shout out to Leonardo Dicaprio, loved your performance and thank you for taking it on. Now I have listen to people put the movie down and not only did I go to the movie to watch it I looked on redbox to see what people rated the movie as and a lot of people gave it a low rating and put the movie down, I can easily say why this was so because they are people who do not understand and want the movie to be on the back burner, I doubt some of the people that rated the movie did not watch it because they would have love it because it was action in the movie from the beginning. The movie was action packed and it had a slave as a hero, yes a slave as a hero, this may be what set off a lot of occasion because they did not like seeing a slave as a hero, come on people let us have our dream because this is all it was for us a dream. We know a slave could have never been a hero, not with the hell we had surrounding us, we just wanted some good out of all this bad that came to us in the past life and people who are not of color should take the time to watch this movie and understand why. Why is it so hard to believe that we can be heroes. I know that especially in the United States, people not of color do not want to see us as heroes and that is why they do not put us in any of those comic flick movies, like that of the avengers, but hello people we of people of color watch these movie even though we are not represented and we root for the side of good and the side of America, the same said of those who choose not to believe that we can represent our own super hero. Go watch the movie and see our super hero on screen. Do not look at it as a black and white movie theme but a superhero flick in which the hero goes to save his beloved, because that is what the movie is really about, a man out to save his wife. Look pass the hate and focus on the great possibilities that can come from this movie.

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