Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Excitement On Return of Duck Dynasty(8-14-13)

Okay it is almost here, Duck Dynasty is returning and who is the first person I see on the screen, the one and only Sal. Sal of course is a favorite fan and he really does make a big part of the show but I will be missing Phil's so famous prayers at the end of the show but I am also waiting on the participation of the other brother who was not a part of the show from the beginning. I am hearing that this brother is a preacher and I am sure him and his family will bring as much joy as the other brothers to the screen. There is nothing bad at all that I can say about the Duck Dynasty show because this family is a very strong praying family that through the rough times stick by each others side, what bad can you say about a family that has each others back. I always believed in the power of prayer and I believe in the saying that a family that prays to together stays together and this family has showed that they are not afraid to pray together. I am all about this family love that they bring to the screen, it is a great difference from all those realities shows in which everyone is hating each other, back stabbing and just right out rude to each other. Duck Dynasty is a change of paste in which you have a loving family who at times have falling out with each others but at the end they take the time to understand anything a family member has done was out of love and that these family members only have each others back and that it is more important to come together as a strong unit at the end of the day and to forget and to forgive will give you much more piece of mind than to hold that anger in your heart. I love this family and like I said before I hope they never change and always keep that love of God in their hearts and  prayer on their table and to make sure they continue to pass these values on to their children. I will be watching the show as long as they are on the air and will always make sure my children know why these family unity is such a important factor in any family relationship. So Wednesday night August 14th I will in front of the television waiting on the Season 4 debut on A&E.

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