Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Duck Dynasty(I will miss you Phil)

I was sadden to hear that Phil will be leaving Duck Dynasty because he is a big part of the show and him and Ms. Kay always always made my day. I really love the way Phil would always say the grace over the food at the end of the show over the family meal. One of the things I truly believe in is prayer and I still believe in the saying that a family that prays together stay together. I do not know why our country seems to be growing away from prayer and it was a true honor to see a family that stills believe in this and does not mind showing it on television. Of course one of my favorite family members is Si, because I think we all have an uncle like Si but Phil is the reasonable one, the one you could really go to and ask for advice. I do to some point understand why Phil may be choosing to leave the show, because when you get to a certain age and you have raised your children and lived your life a certain way, according to that of the bible. You have learned that you  have everything that God promise you he said he would give you if you heed his word. So what does Phil do, he does what I would do if I was in his position, I would do the show with my children for a little bit and then I will show ease my out and let my children just continue on while I stay out of the camera lights and live my life out as I want to in that is in peace and quite, without interruptions. Sometimes this fame from television can bring you unwanted attention. This attention although wanted by a lot, can be unwanted for someone like Phil who has had a good wholesome living without the cameras and will continue to do so without the cameras again. I have to applaud Phil as I have applauded this family all along, I just want the rest of the family to keep it real and don't lose sight of the raising you were brought up with. I will miss you Phil and I know your son who will be joining the show, will bring that spirit that received from you on each episode.

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