Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Does anyone watch the show called Catfish? Now why did I ask a question like that, I know people watch the catfish show because it is one of the shows that we refuse to believe that their are people who are out there that really do fall for meeting strangers on the computer. Well I really enjoyed the show the first season and was shocked and I do mean shocked by some of the things that happen. What surprised me the most was that some of these people talked to people on lines for two or three years with never having talked to them face to face. With all the technology there is out there now why would anyone believe that they could never talked to a person face to face, yes some of these people talk to the people on the phone but of course afters so many months, why would not a person want to see you face to face. I know there are a lot of people that are looking for love but there has to be a time when you stop and say to yourself, why is this person who post this picture of them self not taking the time to either visit or try to reach me by video cam to talk to me with some sort of connection with both of our faces. I really felt bad from some of the people because you could tell they really were tricked, but you also have to say, why did they not look passed those words that were sent to them and ask the person, why are you not trying to face me if you love me. If these people felt that they were getting real serious, why did they not take the time to stop and think about the things that were happening. I know love is a powerful thing, but what usually comes with that real meaning of loving someone is that need for human contact with that person. So why would someone talk to someone over the computer for years and not actually meet them, is this because they are afraid of how they themselves will be rejected? Is that it, is that why we have the show Catfish, because people are so afraid of rejection that they choose to believe that the people they are talking to are right in front of them and there is no need for actual contact or face to face conversations because of that really strong feeling of being totally rejected, said that you are no good, after having conversations with this person for so long. Wow, I really never thought how powerful rejection could be, the more I think about it the more it becomes clear that rejection is something that can make and break some people and of course none of us wants t be rejected. I wrote my own story with my husband and our situation and my biggest hurt is that he rejected me and turn to someone else for comfort. I could not understand why he rejected me instead of talking to me. I was right there for him to turn and tell me what he was feeling but instead he told me he choose to go to another and that for me hurt. Rejection, why can we not take this out of the equation of our lives and don't think of things as rejections but as someone else loss. If a job turns you down for a position, lets look at it as their loss and if someone choose another over you, lets just say your loss. I know that the people who catfish other people are usually strange looking people, who may have really low self esteem, so they get on the computer and become someone they are not. Lets not blame these people, but lets try to understand how maybe these people have been rejected all their lives and had to live a fantasy world just to have a life they want. Lets try to understand that how those rejections over and over again may have been so hard for them that they had to be these fake pictures they post on the computers. Lets try to be more understand and not judge so much. Lets tell them I am sorry you felt you had to do what you did but I understand and believe you me I am sure there is someone just for you.

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