Saturday, July 13, 2013

Not Guilty Not Guilty Not Guilty?(George Zimmerman)

That is what the jury has decided that George Zimmerman is not guilty. Well I personally felt that this was the direction it was headed in anyway. Day after day after day my husband would watch the case and I would pick up pieces of what the prosecution was saying but the little pieces I was picking up did not make any since. So I had made it up in my mind that the jury would not prosecute with the confusion that I picked up on. There was holes everywhere and it was allowed on the prosecutors parts as well as the judges. A lot of people said this case was a waste of time and it practically was, I wrote a year ago about Justice for Treyvon Martin, I guess I should have written about the future Unjust of Treyvon Martin because I saw it coming. The only thing I can say about this case without going into a race factor is that George Zimmerman was found guilty by a jury, but he has not been found innocent by the ultimate maker and that is when the true justice will prevail. There is a lot of people who do not believe in a life after but most of us do and those of us who do believe that when you do something you know is wrong, than there will be that day when you will have to face and answer to your maker. Now when I say your maker most people that I talk about God and yes God is my maker as well as other, but for those who has choose a life of sin, I choose to believe your maker is another, dare I say Satan. I believe that you may not have to answer here and now for something that you know is wrong but when you go to that other life you will stand there and a sentence will truly be given that is fit. Treyvon has passed and I will choose not to forget, the only true thing that bothers me is the fact that I am bother that my son may choose to walk to a store at night and cut through a neighborhood and be shoot because he choose to do so. Treyvon was walking, not breaking through a door, not climbing through a window, not harassing anyone, just walking. When  I was a child me and my friends would always walk to the store at night to get candy, we would walk late during the night in the summer late and we walk through neighborhoods with bags of candy and cans of soda in our hands and never once did we have to worry about someone saying we were suspious or having to worry about someone calling the cops on us. I am sure Zimmerman remembers when he was young and him and his friends walk to the stores during the night in the summer, so why did he see it as a problem with this particular person. I would like to know if any of the jury members can answer if anything is wrong with a child who is out of school for the summer, walking at night to a store and getting candy. I would like to know if any of the jury members themselves remember doing this. Life do go on for some people and some choose to believe in his innocents why others choose to believe in his guiltiness. I have one opinion that I really would like to put out to the world and that is that George Zimmerman although found not guilty, should not be allowed to carry a gun and he definitely should not be on anyone Police force, neighborhood watch or security. There was a reason that he was found not competent to join the force in Northern Virginia, that is where a lot of government workers as well as politicians stay and they saw red flags, imagine that.

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