Thursday, July 18, 2013

S.O.S(Stuck On Stupid)(Repeat)

There was a reason I began writing this blog and the main reason was because I saw the stupid things that Americans began doing. Some of the things I was not too surprised by and others really floored me. This is why I called my blog 1-800-SmackMe because I wanted people to think about the stupid things they were doing and after thinking about it ask someone to smack them for doing such a stupid thing. We Americans are basically all becoming idiots and we have put what was once values, respect and just down right common sense aside. We are now what I call, stuck on stupid(S.O.S) and we need to put things in reverse and get out of the stupid stupor we seem to be in. Things like the media making a big deal on Paula Deen comments she made, yes it was very wrong and believe you me I even wrote about it, but what Paula Deen did wrong is she had a SOS moment. Paula got stuck on stupid and forgot that she should not have made such a comment in public much less in front of people. People of color are not dumb and we know that things are said about us, usually behind closed doors, so why did not Paula keep her comments behind close doors. Paula there are a look of people who feel like you do and say the n-word but they close there doors and say it and someone like you who is in the public eye and wants everyone to buy your merchandise, should remember that you have to keep those words and opinions to yourself or behind your door where no one else can hear you. Zimmerman had the audacity to say that he was in fear of his life when he saw Trayvon walking while he was riding in his car, another SOS moment, now personally for me if I was riding in my car and someone was walking whom I fear, I would have either sped past this person or have turned my car around and went the other way. The ironic thing about Zimmerman is he will now be Trayvon because others will fear him, judge him, and he has very little chances of getting employment, good luck with that. Now let me understand, Florida has a stand your ground law, but a woman by the name of Marissa Alexander, if you do not know of her look it up, who lives in Florida was given twenty years for firing warning shots to scare off her abusive husband, why is the "Stand Your Ground" law not in effect for this woman, once again it is a SOS moment for the entire state of Florida. Zimmerman who stayed stern faced during the entire trail without any emotion on his face, breaks out grinning when he is found innocent, a definite SOS moment to me, why not keep those emotions in like you did during the trial and smile behind close doors, then others are less likely to feel as though you were feeling as if you got away with something. You shed no tears, and nor did you bother to act if the death of Trayvon affected you, but all teeth when they cleared you. Zimmerman defense made it a point to say that the 911 operator did not tell Zimmerman to stay in the car but he told Zimmerman who said "he was following a suspicious person" the operator said we need you not to do that and if Zimmerman had act as the operator had said, he would not have run into Trayvon, another SOS moment for the defense who thought making those statements the operator said was a important point, it only proved to a lot of us, that Zimmerman did what he wanted. Another stuck on stupid moment is that the family of Trayvon Martin could get a wrongful death suit against Zimmerman but it could backfire if Zimmerman won, Trayvon Martin's family would have to pay Zimmerman's lawyer fees, how crazy is this. Americans are already starting to fall behind other countries, in our inventions, skills, and talent and if we do not change our ways we will soon fall as a country. We are in debt and yet we still spend money on things that are not needed and give our politicians raises every year. Why do we not choose to get out this stuck on stupid mode and take pride in ourselves again, live and let live. Not kill or be killed. Did I call it stuck on stupid or what, now Mr. Charles Barkley said he agrees with the verdict, he believes that that Zimmerman was wrong but that Trayvon began beating the hell out the car, now Mr. Barkley have you been watching the case, do you not know that if Zimmerman who was in his car following Trayvon did pursuit and get out of his car, than he would not have gotten his a** beaten. Would you not Mr. Barkley fight for your life if you have felt threaten, Trayvon was a young boy who was frighten and we know that fear can make most people do strange things. Trayvon was only seventeen, so he knew not much about life or how to handle the situation, his reaction was to do what he did and that was fight for his life. Think about when you were a seventeen year old Mr. Barkley and don't think about your age now, although you are saying crazy things out your mouth the older you get, imagine how you would have acted as a seventeen year old and someone confronted you with a guy by his side. Now Zimmerman probably thought he was all big and bad when he realize that Trayvon was young, not thinking that the young boy would put up a fight, isn't that how things like this happen. The big bad guy who thinks he is tough, takes on the little person and realize he has taken on more than he should have, so what does he do, pull out a gun. He should have taken his a** whopping like a man and let Trayvon walk away with his life. Now I would have respected Zimmerman if he had walked away with his bruise and reported it later, at least Trayvon would still be alive, think about it Mr. Barkley. Zimmerman was very wrong and he should gotten some time, not walk away free, something he did not allow Trayvon to do because he was embarrassed about his beat down.

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