Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Shout out to Jay-Z

I am not a big fan of Jay-Z and I have only heard his music maybe twice but I watch part of an show in which he talks about the fear of raising his daughter and how not having his father in his life may affect this. I watched Jay-Z really get choked up as he talked about how he was not sure if he was treating his wife and daughter the way he should be treating them based on a male figure in his life, because he was not sure, since he did not have his Father in his life to teach or to watch how he treated a women. I was really touched by the small episode I saw and I wanted reassure Jay-Z that he has nothing to worry about. I think a lot of people think because they did not have a certain parent in their lives than they really missed out. It is true that having both parents in your life can be beneficial but you have to understand that you maybe who you are because that parent was not there. You may have decided to be a strong male figure because you did not have that strong male figure in your life or you may decide to be that great up standing women because you did not have that women figure in your life. Jay-Z you also have to remember that if your father was not there, it may have been a good thing. If he decided not to be in your life, this may be because he was not that strong male figure. Your father may have been one who was a bad example, a so call man who hit on woman or hit on his children. If he decided that he could not be there than maybe and this is where God come into play, maybe it was a good thing. Maybe you are that strong figure because you saw it on tv that of which a real strong male figure should be and not in reality of what a male figure should not be like. I am a female and I grew up without a male figure in my life as well and Jay-Z I want to tell you that yeah it hurt as I became a teenager and I watched my friends with their father but I also saw some of my friends with fathers that were alcoholics and I sad to say I had one friend that had a father that touched her in ways a father should not touch a daughter. What I realized as I was growing and thinking about a father was that I would not make the mistake that was made in my life and if I was to have daughters, I would make sure I choose a man who I saw would not only help me raise a child but a beautiful women inside and out. Jay-Z I will give you the advice that has been given down through the years and that is to raise a daughter will thrive through life than you have to treat her mother with respect. My husband was thirty seven years old when we had our child and he knew nothing of raising a child, he was nervous and I saw a look of his face of dismay but as the years went along and my husband help me help our child grow, that extinct that everyone talks about that kicks in for a mother, kicks in for a father too. My husband began raising our daughter as though he had been doing it for years and I can tell you this Jay-Z you don't have to worry if you are doing it right but just know the fact that you being there for your daughter is enough for her and don't worry she will let you know what to do. Your daughter will guide you every step of the way, she will let you know when she wants a hug, she will let you know when she wants you to wipe her tears, she will let you know when she wants you to hold her hand and she will let you know when you can let go of her hand, the biggest thing you can do for your daughter is be there when she needs it. No matter what happens with your relationship with your wife, just be there for your daughter. My husband and my daughter has such a tight bond that I find myself getting jealous at times, but then I think God he is in her life anytime she needs it and Jay-Z I know you will be there for Blue as well. My daughter is now 18 and will be going into the air force in August and my husband knows it is time to let go of her hand, they have really been spending a lot of time together before she leaves and he told me that he has done all that he can do and my response was 'the job you have done will never end, you have planted that seed and she has listened, now believe in God that the seed you planted will continue to grow into that beautiful beautiful flower. Plant that seed Jay-Z and watch it grow, don't worry that your father not being in your life will affect how you raise your child because the feeling that you feel while you watch Blue grow will tell you the job you are doing is right and like I said she will let you know as well.

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