Sunday, July 21, 2013

What happen To Sunday Night Programming

What has happen to Sunday night programming on the East Coast. I do not know if it is just in my immediate area but Sunday night programming has gone down the tube. It seems as if all the television shows are on the weekdays now and I do not know why. I do not know why none of the shows who have returned for the summer would not pick Sunday night as their program night, because nothing else is own, so they do not have anyone to compete against. If I was a television show I would choose a Sunday night slot because there is more of a chance you will be looked at on this night. I think some people think that Sunday night most people are going to bed to get ready for the work week on Monday, so no one stays up late to see the Sunday night programs, but I do not think this is true because I am always talking to people about shows that use to come on late Sunday night and I was surprise that others stayed up like I did to watch these programming. If the show is something people are really into, believe you me people will stay up to look at them. I am really not into this new Amish LA but I am watching it because it is Sunday night nothing else is really on so I have this open opportunity to learn the new people of this Amish group. So far these Amish people seem to have more personality then the ones from the last Amish program, but I think this is because they watch the last Amish show, so they may feel to compete they have to make the show more interesting. The people who created the show may have told the kids as well that they will need to get people to like them because people have already come to love the show Breaking Amish and they will just think they are trying to be a copy cat, so maybe they should be more colorful. It only makes since, I don't want to compare them to the other Amish show but because I did really like Breaking Amish, I will be comparing this show the entire way. I have seemed to got off the subject of Sunday night programming and forgot to mention about the Bob Burgers, Simpson and American dad programming has gotten old and people have out grown these shows, so we really could use some other programming on Sunday nights while we washing and doing other things to prepare for Monday morning, please

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