Sunday, July 14, 2013

Breaking Amish (LA)

Have anyone seen the commercials on the new Breaking Amish LA. Well of course they have made it know that Andrew, Abe's brother will be on this one. What I have notice from the clips I have seen, this Amish series will be more made up than the original one. I think this one is just some young Amish kids who watched the original Amish series, found out that this Amish people made money and now they want to try it or either make money for their family as well. I think the Amish are like the rest of us, the economy is so bad and people are buying less products and laws have been changed that is costing everyone and it is hitting the Amish community hard, so why not have the young kids do programs that can make their community money. People say that the Amish are so different from us but other than living without certain things, they think and in a lot of situations act like anyone else. Why do people think it is so easy for these people to the young people to adjust to the American way of life. They have ideas and they are torn like all of us are, rather to do wrong or right. I do not think that the LA show will compare to the original show, just because I think they are just making a copy cat and a lot of the show will just image the original show. I think the kids on LA will try to mimic some of the original show kids. Although this may happen, I will still be watching, just to check it out and may be posting my opinion on rather I was right or wrong on my judgement.

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