Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dance Mom (Less Cathy Please!)

Okay I watch dance moms and I am a fan of the show and the reason that I am a fan of the show is because of Abby. Now I know a lot of you are really, why does she like Abby. If you have been watching dance moms from the beginning than you would understand that the reason the show has been a success is because of the performance that Abby has had these group of girls to do and the way be which she goes by training these girls. I think the best part of the show is the performance that Abby gets these girls to do and I will have to say, they are some great performance. One that really sticks with me is the one in which the young girls did a text and driving performance and what could happen in this case. It was so heartfelt and it really had me at home crying. Now lately I have notice that dance moms have been focusing on Cathy and the apple cores, as they call them. I am not at all a fan of Cathy because first of all I think she is phony and I personally would like to know her background in dancing, that makes her such and expert. I have never seen Cathy actually teach her students anything, she always hire people to teach. So why would someone who knows nothing about dancing get on a show about dancing just to tease another woman who has had dancing as a part of her entire life. Abby mother was a dancer and dance instructor so only does it make since that she is in the field of dancing. Cathy stands to the side and just hope that the people she hired will train her students to wind competitions and she can get bragging rights for something in which she has no part of, accept to pay the instructors to make her look good. I admire Abby more than I do Cathy and I do not like Cathy or her dance parents attitude towards Abby's group of students and parents. I have notice that the show is giving Cathy and her parents more air time and I do not agree with it. I would rather the show focus on another group of students and parents from Abby's group rather than put Cathy in the fore front. Why put someone in the fore front who does not strive to do what they are there to do and that is the best performance ever. Abby may argue with the parents and students but she only do this because she expects the best and she gets the best because of this. Lets cut back Cathy and focus back on Abby and some of her parents.

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