Monday, July 29, 2013

Deion Sanders New Show

Have anyone heard about the new show Deion Sanders will be having. Now first of all I did not know Deion Saunders was with Tracey Edmonds., that alone is something to be desired. Has not Tracey been passed around to about fifty different celebrities and why would all these guys want to be with someone who obviously can not stay in a relationship and is Deion even fully divorced yet. So the show is based on Deion his family and Tracey family and does this include how they as a couple work their busy lives out and are we really suppose to believe this. How long have Tracey and Deion been together anyway, especially since Deion has been going through this divorce with Pilar and how long have their families been fused together? It is hard for me to believe because I am not a fan of either Deion Sanders nor Tracey Edmond and my whole problem with the show is that it seem as though it might have been thrown together for the sake of just to get on television and make money. Now I understand everyone wants to make money but there is a way you go about doing this, if Tracey and Deion have been together that long, where was Pilar doing this time and what about the children, how was their live affected by the Deion and Tracey relationship? How long was it since Tracey and Eddie Murphy split because I thought it was recent since their departure? Maybe it is a Hollywood thing and I just do not understand how things works at accelerated speed, here today gone tomorrow type of deal. Tracey Edmond is a woman I have never trusted, she is always writing and producing things and people are always complaining how she has miss managed money, why would anyone trust her to do anything. Frankly the woman scares me because anyone who can rip off some young girls to gain her own profit, is someone who I feel is out for themselves and could care less about others. Of course I will watch the show when it starts because I want to know the set up and what exactly the show will be about. I want to know how the children will all be handling this living situation. I myself think that Pilar is still a way better catch than Tracey will ever be. I think Pilar is a very classy lady and any man will be lucky to catch her. Now I would like to see Pilar get her a real celebrity Hollywood personality and start her own reality show and have a tell it all show, now I will watch that.

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