Sunday, September 1, 2013

Breaking Amish LA(9-1-13)

Okay did anyone watch breaking Amish LA last night? I as highly disappointed with the way the entire group treated Devon. Yes I know that Devon did a bad thing by not speaking up, especially for these kids because in their Amish community they believe in being up standing and men are suppose to treat women with the up most respect but this is a bunch of bullsh**, especially since all the things we have found out that goes on in the Amish community, like a Amish man have sex right after their wife has given birth so she can get pregnant again. I don't agree with Devon not speaking up on what Iva said happen to them in the room, knowing it was a lie, but how can all the blame be put on Devon and what about Betsy bringing up that, she all of a sudden remembering Devon slapping her in the face to upset and already pissed off Andrew. The group had already shun Devon from the house and the boy was sitting outside waiting on a cab and here comes Andrew to torture the boy more and witch looking Betsy goes running along so that she says, "she what happens because she was highly upset about the incident. I must say that tonight episode was a little upsetting for me an although I do not agree with everything Devon did, like the fake baby shower gift, I do understand how is was still feeling only from the group jumping all over him and leaving him in Vegas to get back on his own. I also could not understand how Betsy was so upset with Iva boyfriend because he decided to stay by his fiance's side, people cheat and people forgive and apparently Sam decided to forgive Iva so why was Betsy so upset about it. Betsy is no an attractive girl and Iva is and she was very jealous of the attention Iva was getting since being in LA. I think Betsy wants Iva to feel like her alone and without  man. Betsy claims to be married but we have yet to see her husband, how can someone like Betsy claim to being married husband not come and check on his wife in another stater or we even see this mysterious guy. I am not sure about Betsy's relationship with her so call husband and if she is still married then there has to be some kind of lost love in her relationship with her husband because this girls self esteem is lower than anyone I have every met before. Betsy has come on the show with no real purpose and she has no real ambition. How do you come to a show with not purpose in site, what does she plan on doing with her life, other than being possessed by the devil himself. I get it maybe Betsy will be a palm reader, or one of those people that clear other people of demon spirits. Well with this attitude Betsy showed me last night, I already thought she was an ugly girl but she is really ugly the way she is acting towards Devon and Iva, again I stress where is that forgive and forget attitude that these so called Amish people preach, why are they preaching it if they are not practicing it. I have to say that I would like to see Devon come back to the house and I really think Betsy could go about her no talented, bit** witching way. As for my favorite I am still enjoying Lizzie's brother Samuel, he is so open to anything and I still loves the way he stands by his sister and support her in everything she does even though he might not understand it. Samuel's open mind helps him to receive anything and what is good about this is that when you are open to anything you are bound to receive good things. Samuel said he wants to be happy and rich and with his great attitude, I can see him not only being rich and happy but laid as well, for those of you who watch the show you know what I mean. This show still has a loose ends to tie up and open holes to fill in. I was wondering why Andrew is there, what is he doing as far as trying to work and again why is Betsy, who suppose to be married plan on getting out of the show, other than just being a trouble maker and what about Lizzie, I know she is pregnant but if she can not work or get into trouble, why is she not willing to come forth with who her baby daddy is. I am starting to believe that Liz's baby father is someone we know and she may be doing a little deceiving of us herself, I can not wait to find out.

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