Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Black InK Crew(9-23-13) A New Season (@VH1's#BlackInk)

Anyone know about the black ink crew show? If you do not let me fill you in on it, this was a show that started last year and I have to say I knew nothing of it I happen to be channel surfing on day and found it. The show is about a tattoo parlor that is owned by a black man and has black tattoo artist, that is what makes this show so different because for some reason most people do not think that black people get tattoos when in reality there are a lot of blacks with tattoos but you never really saw any black tattoo artist in your neighborhood or in tattoo parlors themselves. For me it was great to see black tattoo artist and to see that they are really great at giving tattoos, the most famous tattoo artist in this particular parlor is named oh shi*, yes they have a tattoo artist with that name and he is great at what he does but he stays in a lot of trouble and this is mainly because he loves women and he loves getting them pregnant. This parlor is full of young tattoo artist and is full of drama because these young artist are living their lives in very different ways and it is off the chain. This show focuses on all the artist in the shop which I think is great because it does not just put focus on the artist, whom name is Caesar, although Caesar has his very own drama as he has a crazy baby mama whom is his ex and one of the new female artist(Dutchess) he has in the shop he is now dating, which of course you know is a bad idea. Now with all these young artist and the owner dating an employee is just so much drama with a lot of serious disagreements. From last season and after meeting some of the crew, I would have to say my favorite is Oh Shi*, not because of his own personal mama drama and court cases but because the man can does some great tattooing, just look at his work. Now for me my least favorite was Alex, she is not in the parlor this season but she is still on the show. Alex if anyone did not see the last season was a real mess. She is a pretty young girl but she seems to be seriously missing something. She drinks a lot for such a young lady and she is what I would call a little on the dare I say fast side. The girl does not mind giving her body to anyone, no respect for what God has given her at all and this is sad to me. I watch Alex get drunk and tried to through herself at her boss Caesar and Dutchess found out, needless to say it was a big old mess and this is why Alex is no longer working at Black Ink. What really confused me is Alex wanted to blame Oh Shi* by saying he spiked  he drink and then she brought up something that happen in the past apparently with Oh shi* saying he sleep with her but she say it was not true. This situation turns out to be a he said she said and she wants Oh Shi* to tell everyone that it is a lie which he will not do and now Alex does not what to be friends with him until he admits he made up the attire thing. Now their are some other interesting characters on the show like Puma and Sassy, both whom are real close friends. Puma has his own drama to bring too the table with his baby mama and moving in with her while Sassy really does not bring any drama but she does admit that she is gay, nothing new for these times. There are two more cast members Walt and Ted, now for some reason Ted seems to think he is this women magnet and according to the guys he apparently is but if you saw him you would not understand either. Now as for Walt, he was once Caesar manager until he acted like a fool and close the shop down in the middle of the day to do him, yeah this shop is not his life long goals so he is on a mission to do other things. Overall the show is great it brings forth the kind of drama you expect from a show full of very young people who are exploring their youth hood and trying to figure out where the fit in life. This is what I mean about there is place and time for drama and this show had just that, it is a place of employment and as we know not everyone on the job get along and this show has that reality with it. This shows also show what happens when you mix workplace business with pleasure and that is why relationships on the job do not work. I think young people can learn from this young crews mistake. They can understand what it takes to run and business and what not to do when it comes to working with your friends. Well I will be watching this drama filled action packed reality show, because it does bring on the entertainment although the entertainment can be rather serious at times.

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