Monday, September 2, 2013

Hollywood Exes

I just watched Hollywood exes and all I can say is, Oh My God, these women and their clashing of belief and attitudes really has me puzzled. Some eat meat, some do not eat meat, some believe in wearing animal, some do not believe in wearing animal. I know that some of us have our different belief and way of doing things, and I have always thought that the entire reason for America being America is because we can have these different ways of thinking and belief but still coincide with one another, why is it so hard for these women not to just let the others do what they want and let God do the judging at the end. If Mayte does not like the fact that these women are wearing animal then she can disassociate herself from these women and because we are America, choose not to be these women friends again, but it is not to me Mayte place to judge these women wearing these animals and to say that they are disrespectful to her because she does not like. Mayte you can not like that these women are wearing animal as many Americans do, but it is not for any true animal lover or persons against fur right to take the law into their own hands and I have seen some radical acts done in the name of PETA. I really would like to know if people like Mayte think God likes the way they are treating one another, especially since he was once judge for his belief and I am sure God wore animals in his day because most clothing during his time was made of animal products. I think that God did not say it was not right to use animal as a mean of living and that is what some people do, they live off the land God provided to us and this include the animals on it, what we do to so our appreciation over the animal being eaten, is pray and think God for the animal that was provided on the table. Don't judge let ye want to be judge. Now as for Martin Lawrence ex, I have to give it to her, she stood up to Mayte and did not back down, she made what I thought was a very good point and that is there is always a way to handle things and the way she stepped up to Shamicka was wrong. To think you will just start yelling at someone about what they doing is wrong without trying to discuss it first, is tacky and I must say Mayte, you were tacky. Remember to always handle anything you do with class, rather it is to confront someone with something you do not like or not. Now how about that Jessica, did anyone pay any attention to what she was doing, she was playing both sides of the table, we know that Jessica hates anyone that wears animals but yet she did not say a word, you could see Jessica was hating what the girls had on but she was letting Mayte do all the arguing while she sit in the corner acting as if she was not there. Yes Jessica I saw you and not only that, I paying attention how you went over to the animal wearing women table and telling them that you wanted everyone to get along, after which you ran back to your table and said that you wanted to be back over there because those women was not having it. Jessica you were being a sneaky snake and at the cottage you said if those women had looked at the recording of  the tortured animals they would understand but they would not watch, why did you not Jessica get the women to watch the recording when you hopped over to their tables. Why is Jessica acting if the women wearing the animal does not bother her at all when she totally went off on Nicole at her photo shoot that time. Come on ladies lets come to some kind of compromise and Mayte let it go, you maybe can change some people minds about things by talking at conventions or shows, but don't force your way of thinking on others or your belief on others, this is America and we can choose as we please, you do you and others will do them.

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