Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sister Wives (Season Finale)

I know a lot of people do not care for the show sister wives but I personally like the show and watch the season finale when Cody and the wives sit down with Tamron Hall to talk about what they went through the past season and how they handle certain situations and what were their actual thoughts when they went through certain situations. I have to say that none of the questions was overwhelming and I really like Tamron Hall being the host for this discussion because although she is basically and news caster, she handle the situation very professionally. I have to say one of my favorite questions that was asked was the one about are the sister wives really friends with each other and the reason this was being asked was because of a panel the group was on during a previous show. The sisters were all in agreement that they were friends but some of them may be closer to one of the sister wives then they are to another. I know this to be true because I have seen the way Meri and Robin get along and it is great, they really have each other backs and they have fun and laughs with each other which I think is great. Now Janelle has mention that her and Christina are closer to one another because they just click and understand each other, for me this is one of Janelle way of saying she does not care for the younger prettier Robin and Meri encouraging Robin to join their sister hood, I personally thinks is why Janelle is at odds with Meri. I think Christina and Janelle thought there was enough sister with the three and when Robin came into the family it cause it bit more of a divide. I like Robin and I think Meri bringing Robin into the family was a great addition. I know the other women have twenty some years into this sisterhood and to bring someone new in is almost like trying to replace the old is why Christina and Janelle feels that bit of threat but I think the addition was a good choice and they should give Robin a chance. Now Janelle has also mention that she has gotten use to way of living apart from the other women and having her own house. I have to say I totally agree with this. If I was in a plural marriage the only way I could see me making it is actually having my all house separate from the other women. I do not agree with a bunch of women living in the same house much less sharing that same man under that one roof. With the women living in separate houses this makes it seems as though they are actually in a monogamous marriage, although they know they are not. You can handle your children the way you want under your roof with only your rules. Now I have to agree with some of the women like Meri when she says that I do not know if living next to each other is good because the other women can see how Cody handle things with the other women by looking out the window. It was brought up by Christina that yes she tends to notice things like Cody taking out Robin's trash and he does not do that for her. I thought this part was hilarious because you still se that bit of jealousy there, especially when it comes to Robin. For some reason I see both Christina and Robin picking out their windows to see how much Cody actually does for Robin. After the grown ups had their talks with Tamron then it was the teenagers turn and I much say that all of the women have raised very well rounded children, they are so polite and very honest and this is what makes me really like this family. I have to say I am one of those who have a bit of a crush on Logan, we have gotten to see him grow into such a great man and I have always admire the way he shows so much love towards his siblings. All of the teenagers spoke their minds, some more then others but they all spoke. Now Tamron took a poll to see how many of the teenagers plan on living a plural life style and to my surprise most of the children have not plans to live this live style, some were undecided but wanted to see what happens once they meet their life mates. The only person that was sure she wanted to live this life style was Meri daughter Mariah and I was not surprise by this one because she is just like her mother Meri and she loves being in this large family and she loves what she sees this life style offers in terms of the closeness of sisterhood and strong family bond. I am really understanding this family more and more and I loving them more and more. I find myself hating to watch it go off for the season but I know it will return for another season because people are still showing curiosity for the family and the life style it self. As for people like me who already watches the show and have began to understand it I find myself wanting to watch the teenagers grow up and wanting to see their future to see the choices they actually make, I think that would be great.

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