Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Amish Mafia(9-18-13)

Okay my favorite show has just gotten better, Amish Mafia is of the chain and boy am I loving it. This so has so much drama and action and I hanging on to every single scene. I like the way that Levi was scared in to remission by the bishop. Did you see how the bishop had all of Levi's item auction off and how he made Levi take care of Caleb's wrong doing with his daughter. You could she the fear that Levi had in his eyes when he had to go to a face to face communication section with the Bishop. Now I really know that the bishop has so true power. Levi is not sure how is life is going to end up because it is all in the bishop's hands now. I have to say I am glad that Alan went to the bishop because it brought Levi down a peg. Now as for Merlin, he is as goofy as ever but I really like the Kentucky Amish guys he have recruited but I have to say these guys scare me and I do not fault Alan for keeping his distance from these guys but they are charged up to take on Levi and his gang, oh this is getting so good. I really felt bad that Alan has to do jail time but we know that if you commit a crime you have to eventually pay for it and Alan should have known this was coming. As for Alan blaming all of his problems on Levi, I will have to say I disagree with this. I do not think Alan is in all the trouble he is in because of Levi, a lot of the trouble Alan was in he brought on himself, when you live that life style this is what happens sometimes. I think Alan should do his time and come back to the show so that we can continue to enjoy his part of the drama that we add to show. Now as for Ester she is doing as she always do she is stepping up and taking over, exactly as I expected her to do. Ester told Levi if he can not handle the situation he is in then she will take control, women have more power then the men think and like Ester said the power of the women is under estimated by a lot of men. Ester is getting on her quilting social with the women and from this the word is being passed on what they need to do in the community, if you ask me it was not Levi that set up Alan but the Amish community as a whole with the power of Ester passing on the negative name of Alan and how he was making the community look bad. Now I can not wait too see how everything pans out, with Merlin business being taken over, Levi on the edge and the other guys not knowing what to do with Levi situation being on shaky ground. I like that Wayne has taken over Merlin business because Wayne worked hard and Merlin did him wrong, besides he wrongs his community better then Merlin ever ran anything. Merlin always runs out on his obligations so to me he is like a little mouse running around in circles looking for some cheese. I do not like big Steve and I don't like how Levi ran out to get big Steve to do some nasty work for him, although I know that Levi always get someone to do his dirty work, it is something about big Steve I do not like or trust, he is really creepy. Well I am ramped up for the fight between Levi's crew and Merlin's crew because I see it coming. I just want more and more of this show. Now you know why this show is one of my favorites.

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