Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Breaking Amish LA(9-22-13)

Did everyone see breaking Amish LA, well if you did not let me feel you in on it. Lizzie who we now know has had her baby by a African American has decided to go back to her Amish community to see if they will accept her and her baby. Lizzie found out that the community would accept them decided to go back and leave baby Caden's father, yes that the baby's name. Now as for the father you could visibly see that he was upset and he wanted Liz and the baby to be with him as a family. I think he thought that Liz would marry him and they would live happily ever after, but this was not the case. Liz reminds me of what the Amish are as a people and that is cold, they do not believe in showing their emotions or feelings and their kids are raised this way. This I why Lizzie found it so easy to just part from her baby's father. I think the father have as much right and any person does and if Lizzie chooses not to be with him then he can sue for partial custody because I believe he should be in his son's life, especially if he is chosen to. Something else that really bothers me about the Amish is how shocked they are by blacks and they are so quick to say someone is not Amish because they are black. The Amish are not different then what they call the English community they for some reason are not opens to blacks in their community and they do not seem to me to open to someone of another color especially blacks. For Amish to be such religious people they are just as ignorant as some English people when it comes to understand someone of another race and they are not very accepting. Lizzie who was pregnant doing most of the show so I did no get to really know her has now showed me some of her true colors and I do not like them very much. Lizzie is so judgemental of Iva and she had a baby with a man she just walked off from. Matthew decided to have a party and invite everyone and Lizzie was still poking at Iva about lying to her, why will Lizzie not let it go, why is Lizzie holding on to this lie which did no affect her. Why is Lizzie, the woman who did not tell anyone she was pregnant by an English man, much less a black man, so hard on Iva and if you ask me almost acted as if she hate Iva guts. Lizzie was playing along with Betsy, you know the witch of the West whom thinks she can cast a spell on someone with the stir of her wand. Betsy is still weird and I just do not like this young girl. She acts like a twelve year old whom is upset at another girl who stole her boyfriend. Betsy has a husband who apparently does not give a rat about her, we saw this when she went home and he told her to either go or stay, no emotions at all. Betsy husband did not act as if she had left and had a reaction as if he could careless if she came back or not and you know what Betsy said, I want my husband to care and to be jealous. Betsy to me is a sorry excuse or a woman, she hates others just because she is either not as beautiful and lacks the confident in herself and she prays on payback because she does not know what it really means to forgive because if she did she would not take so much time to try and hurt another human being. Betsy needs to psychiatric help and if you ask me I do not think she should hang on to the Amish community because she is one of the Amish people that don't fit in a real Amish community. Betsy has hate in her heart and I have always come to believe that the one thing Amish people do not do is hold hate in their hearts for anyone. Now as for Iva and her boyfriend I can understand why is sucker punched Darwin, the boy needs some help. The little time Darwin spent with Iva he feel in love with her, if you ask me Darwin is one of those very lonely boys that needs love in his life. He needs finds a available girl and settle down with her an forget Iva. As for Sam, he is still Sam and I do like him because no matter what he has his sister back, he was a little taken with the color of the baby but everything worked out for the good. Sam love for his sister is amazing and I love seeing it. Now as for Matthew and him making the decision to go back to California I have to say that Matthew is the only one out of the group I think has the guts to move on with his life. Matthew family kicked him out of their lives and Matthew who has a dream has decided that he will move on and keep his dream moving on and to do this he will go to California to be a designer.  I have to say I hope Matthew makes it as a designer and live the life he wants to live and we will not judge Mat if you decide to change teams. As for Iva and her boyfriend I think they should get married if this is what they really want to do. I think Iva and her boyfriend make a good couple and as for Betsy and Lizzie comments toward Iva, if I was you Iva I would let their comments roll off my back and do not let what they say about me shape my life. Live your life Iva and go on with your marriage and your future and let the bitter witches be bitter witches alone. I think Iva and her future boyfriend should have a English life style. I think Iva would be great as a chef and I think she should do as Matthew and go for it. Now as for Andrew for some reason I feeling this is a truly lost cause, I do not know what this man is doing with his life. His probation seems to be off and on again and with Andrew being this I guess you would call a wild child, I am not sure where he is headed. Overall the show has spiced it up an little but their are still a lot of kinks that needs to be worked out. I feel as if there is something being hidden by Betsy because this husband thing is weird and does she have children, most Amish women who are married usually have children. What about Sam, will Lizzie make him really tell the church about his affair with Betsy, I have to say I was with Sam about not saying a word. I would not snitch on myself either if I was Sam. There are some in between lines that we are still missing that I myself would like answered. I want Lizzie baby father to get his rights, I want Darwin to find his own girl, I want Matthew to be a big success, I want Iva to get married and go back to school, I want Sam to find himself a wife, I do not want anything for Andrew and I want Betsy to fly away on her broom out of everyone's life.

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