Monday, September 2, 2013

La La's Full Court Life(Season Finale)

I watched the season finale of La La's Full Court life and it was okay, some parts I enjoyed were okay and others, like that of Po's decision to get her nose redone was not a favorite part of mine. I like that part that Mellow decided to surprise his wife with a treasure hunt in Vegas and sent La La's friends and family member to surprise her, but I was really disappointed in Po's decision to go through with her plastic surgery on her nose. Po said she felt self conscious about her nose and when she got up on stage to sing and for her a big part that was keeping her from performing to her full potential was the fact that she felt her nose was too big and everyone was looking at her. Now I am not understanding this because too me anytime you are willing to get in stage or decide to perform in front of a group of people you should already have that confidence that gave you that courage to get in front of those people in the first place. I think when a person like Po is dissatisfied with something about their selves is because they lack the true confidence to began with. As watching on the show and looking at Po through the seasons, I do notice that she is lacking in something. There is the lack of something in her life and I do know she has a great mother and I can not say I know her entire life but the way she acts and carry herself there is something lacking. Now after watching the episode with her father I understand what that something might be. Girls need their fathers and when a father is lacking in a little girl's life than she is lacking a lot. Some girls take it very hard when they can not get that attention they require from their fathers, especially if their father was in their life before and then left when they was small the girl begin to think they were the reason he left. Men do not know how much it effects any child if they were in their life when they were young and because the mother and them no longer want to be together, they then leave and do not come back is life changing for a lot of children and this seems to be the case with Po. Po interaction with her father and how she explained to him how him leaving her mother leading to him ultimately leaving her and not being a big part of her life, lead her to feel that she was not worthy of him affected her tremendously. I did not know Po was top of high school and graduated with honors but this meant nothing because her father was not there, we could only imagine what Po could have really been if her father was there to give her that extra push. Now I see Po as this little girl who is trying to find herself and understand where she stands in her place in the world. Her lack of self confidence to me will lead to more plastic surgery and this is something I disagree with when showing our young women to love themselves and what God gave them is the best love of all. I am far from perfect and body parts definitely leave something to be desired but I know God made not one ounce of mistake on me and I love every part that he has made, from my nose, to my eyes to my beautiful big lips, or yeah. When I look in the mirror I do not see an ugly creature, I see God's creation, something I have learned is beautiful in its own right. Even if I had the money to change anything on my body I would not do it for the fact that I know he created me in his eyes and there is nothing better. I want girls and guys to learn to love themselves in God's eyes, understand why he created you as he saw you, no mistakes, no regrets. Love you because he does. So I have to say this episode of La La's was very powerful because it made me remember why I appreciate me and also why I should look at people through God's eyes and realize that he did not make any mistakes. Thanks for this episode La La, it was one that was close to my heart.

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