Sunday, September 15, 2013

Five Wives(9-15-13)

Has anyone watch this new show Five Wives, now although I know this is only the first show I am not liking it because after getting introduce to each of the wives and finding out how long he has been married to each wife and his reasoning for it, I do not like Brady. I think Brady married these girls when he was at a very young age because he was thinking like a lot of young men do and that is I can have my cake and eat it too. Unlike the Browns the Williams only have mostly a year between their marriages, how could Brady know he was ready to marry another woman when he barely had time to be married to his wife before that one and that is why I think he is trying to have it all. When you are married to someone for barely a year and you bring another woman into the picture, you are saying to that other woman that I met someone else why we were still in our honeymoon phase but it is okay because I still love you to. Now I thought the Brown was unorganized but this Williams are really unorganized and Brady have to really split his time between these women because there are so many wives and children. Brady does not at all seem as if he is a man that has it together to me, it seems as if greed on Brady's part. As I always thought with Cody that four wives was cutting it close but to have five wives to me is really over doing it, I think you can manage with four but you are just asking for trouble with five and now with all the children they already have the women want to add more children to this already large group, so when can do the women say enough is enough when they have twenty something kids already. Brady seems as though he is trying to act as calm as Cody is to his wives and I am not buying it because Cody does what you expect a guy to do, he has his own opinion and he will disagree with his wives if he does not feel what they feel. Cody will tell a wife that she is not thinking sensibly and this is why I like Sister Wives so much because they are honest with the world about how they really feel on camera. I know that Brady may have to prove a point like the Browns that they can make this plural marriage work but all that I understand and whatever you want and his little over sensitivity to his wife feeling I am just not feeling it, it seems as one of those men who put on a show for the camera, maybe after the camera has been there for a while he will forget and his true self will show. I will continue to watch the show to try and give it a chance like I did Sister Wives but for some reason I just not buying this show. They having a discussion on celebration of his birthday because his birthday is the same day as one of his wives, why is this a discussion did they not know this years ago and should this have been something that they have gotten over already. I also have to say these women seem to really be jealous and it is showing right away, why they are upset because they can not be with their husband on his birthday when they all can not be with him anyway except if they all have a dinner together and then he stay with the wife whom birthday it is as well that night, what is the big deal, the other women get him on two nights on their birthday so why would they deny this woman on her birthday. They seem to be having petty disagreements already and why is the option of adoption being put on the table when they have so many children already and they have some women that could still have babies. This show so far is a big old big old mess. I ready for next season for the next Sister Wives.

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