Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hollywood Exes(9-29-13)

I watched my daily Sunday night show line up and one of the shows is of course Hollywood Exes which cast women who were married to Hollywood celebrities but now are divorced or divorcing this `celebrities. Now I have printed before about admiring these women because although they have their different of opinions on things, like wearing or eating animals they always manage to get over these differences and come together. Now last night show had the women celebrating Andrea's birthday(ex wife of R. Kelley) and she wanted all the women to learn to do a little pole dancing. This was a little on the funny side because of course most of the women did not have a idea of how to dance on a pole and with most of the women being thirty and over it was a real funny site to see them trying to climb on this pole. The one who was of course the best of the pole was Andrea who is a dancer and not only can this woman dance but she can dance on a pole. The show started in all great fun until the ex wife of Martin Lawrence (Shamicka) got on the pole and Jessica who I do love made a fatal mistake of calling Shamicka a hood rat. For those who do not think it is no big deal or do not understand what a hood rat is, it is something you do no say to an African American woman because it is a insult. To call an African American woman you are basically saying she has no class and she is a sleep around whore. Yes for some a hood rat is offensive but for me I feel that having watch the show Shamicka leaves herself open to be called a hood rat. As nice as Shamicka seems she has the potential to flip and make the comment that I can go hood on you in a minute, which for me is not lady like at all. You may be from the hood but you do not have to announce it every time you are upset at someone. You can be from the hood and have changed your ways and still put a little fear into others without having to say I am from the hood and this is how I roll. Shamicka for me does not fit in with the other woman and I guess this is because she has live that lavish lifestyle but she stills want to holler about her past hood life as if it is something to use on people to not mess with her. If you are from the hood and have gotten out that is great, you can be proud without having to use it as a tool and still handle what you have to handle if you feel someone is disrespecting you. So these women were all having a good time and Shamicka did not even hear Jessica call her a hood rat until Sheree(Will Smith Ex wife) brought up the incident to the other women which of course got back to Shamicka and now it is out in the open. Good thing about last night show when Shamicka had a dinner party Jessica could not make it so there was no confrontation. I said I like these women and I have always admire the way they have handle their arguments between them and I hope this continues. As for Shamicka I think she need to take something like an etiquette class.

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