Monday, October 21, 2013

The Walking Dead(10-20-13 #TheWalkingDead)

Did anyone watch walking dead last night, it was as good as last week. I was wondering how the was going to get rid of the large cast they had this season and it was great, I just was not expecting it to happen so soon. This new virus they have going through out their prison hold up will be interesting because you do not know who will be affected by it. With Daryl having touched the affected kids hand, will he now be affected? How will they control this virus and save others who may have been affected as well? One of my most pressing question which I am sure is one of a lot of people is who is sabotaging the camp? Someone is feeding the walkers dead rats to lure them to this one particular area of the fence, someone has burned some of the people in the prison whom I guess they think are affected. I am trying to understand why when their are people on guard watching the gate where the walkers are gathering at, is there no one noticing someone coming out to the fence feeding the walkers. Should not the person on guard notice that there is someone sneaking out there by the fence or night or could this be because maybe one of the person whom is on duty may be the culprit. This is so interesting and intriguing as always, I am sure with so much of the new cast members having joined the original group, that the culprit will not be one of the original cast members, at least I am hoping. The Walking Dead writers have known to surprise us as to a twist on the show, so it maybe someone we have loved and admired for a while. I have to say that some of our original cast members are really starting to puzzle me to a point in which I can believe they are capable are doing this. The very young girl Beth acts as though nothing affects her any more, she gain a friend, she losses a friend, she seems to be holding back a lot of feelings and I feel that at one point she has to let go of some of that tension of never going out and having to stay in that closed in area with the baby. Now as for our beloved teacher Carol, she is really going in a different direction, I understand that she has to teach the children to learn to fight but then she has an edge to her that I am not understand that seems a little puzzling, could it be her, maybe. Well whomever it is I am sure the writers of The Walking Dead will not disappoint and we still have the Governor to come back this season, which he  has not shown his face as of yet but I am sure he is not to far away. I think the Governor is working on getting him another group of followers that will stay true to him and he will come back stronger than ever, unfortunately, because if you are like me, I am one of those people that wants them to kill the Governor off and bring another villain to the show and I would be happy. I know I know, what am I thinking when the Governor is just so a big part of the show that keeps a lot of people watching. As I was thinking the culprit could be one of the people that came from the Governor's camp and pretending they were leaving when in fact the Governor could have put this person as a plant to help ruin the tight net group from the inside. Now that would definitely be smart on the Governor par to put a plant on the inside. Now who do you think out of this new group who would be the plant? Write me telling me of any suggestions, now you know the writers will not make it easy.

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