Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Basketball Wives(10-21-13) It is finally over.

Okay I know I said basketball is not worth watching anymore and I will stick to that but I watched it the other night and have to update you on what these crazy women are doing. These women whom now have Suzie all hyped up to create drama actually met with Kenya, if you all do not know who Kenya is she was part of the show from a previous season. I have to say like some of the women did when Kenya joined the cast, that she was creepy and all the woman was trying to do is make a name for herself, which apparently she did because she got a record deal with someone. Anyway Kenya asked the women to join her for a performance that was some what of a dis toward the women and how they treated her on the previous season. After Kenya's performance Miss Suzie of course started with asking Kenya was she dismissing the women and it was later summed up by Shaunie to meet later in a place where they all could talk over the entire situation and could understand better, yes this was a set up of course. Well Kenya invited the women to her hotel room and there was a clarification of what Kenya was singing about, after that Suzie jumped in to give her two cents that it was about the women as a whole and she then stood up and throw something at Kenya and like a true woman, Kenya whipped the, well you know what I mean out of Suzie. Yes Suzie started the incident and she got what I thought she should have gotten, beat down like someone who should when throwing something in a persons face. I think just because Suzie got off with being a smart as* to other women she thought she could walk away from this one as well. The show is still a big mess and because the other women want to look good or get a new image, they are enticing Suzie to be the bitc* of the show so the show can still have the drama everyone is use to without compromising the other women and their new found images. I think there is no hope for this show and they should make this the last season, now as for Shaunie play she has coming out, I have to say I like what I saw and this play actually looks like it will be a real hit, so I want to give Shaunie a shout out on that and I admire her for keeping it moving by always having her hands into something. Shaunie may one day be one of those powerhouse women in the promotion industry. As for Evelyn and Tammy, I am still not at all fans of these women and the businesses they are starting I am not a fan because I watched how much hurt they caused to people of the show beforehand and now they want people to be happy for them is hard for me to do because to me they have not proved themselves to be real women and to be happy for other women who are in the business.

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