Thursday, October 10, 2013

Wendy Williams (Perz Who??)

Okay on Tuesday Wendy Williams I hear Perz Hilton speak and I have really come to the conclusion he should really shut up. I was never a fan of Perz Hilton, whom stole his idea from Paris if you ask me. He talked about Chris Brown on her show and he talked of how Chris Brown needing some help because he does not know how to shut up, listen to who is talking, he was vividly upset because Chris brag of his satisfaction of pleasing a woman in bed and that he would be on top if the incident with Rhianna had not happen he would be on top. Now on this talk Perz was really trying to shut Chris Brown down and I have to actually applaud Wendy Williams for stepping up for Chris. She mentioned that Chris would have been on top if it was not for the incident and he is a young man, of course he will brag about his sexually ability. What do young people do that is full of themselves, they think they are on top of the world and what I want to say to Perz Hilton, what is the big deal. Miley Cyrus just talk of her sexuality on television and she talked of how she wanted to get hers in why she is young because she heard that the sex stops at forty, now if you think someone should shut up why not start with Miley and her mouth. Why such a young woman explore herself sexually and why not take pride in the beautiful voice she have and act like a lady sometimes. A woman may sleep around in think it is funny but as she becomes older she realizes she will always be the booty call and never a man's wife. Now why Perz jumped on the band wagon to talk and put down Chris Brown I do not know, I guest if Chris Brown jumped on the band wagon and talk about him as some others are saying why is the gay may having a baby with a woman to raise the child up with a gay father. Why would you bring a child into a world that will certainly be that of confusion for this child when you want men. For those of us who follow the bible, it is a sin to be with someone of the same sex and two people of the same sex together can not produce a baby and it is a reason for this, so why bring a child into this confusion. Now I will hear backlash about attacking Perz Hiltons personal life and him being of the possible gay persuasion because in reality I do not know if Perz Hilton is gay or not and I do not really care, I just wanted him to know how it feels to just start talking about someone in such a negative manner and harping on that person personal life when you really do not know that person. People would say I was down right nasty about the things I just wrote of Perz Hilton but these same people will continue to bash Chris Brown, a young man who has had some problems in his life, as most young people do in their lives but they will not let this young man live it down and I do not know why. People were willing to give Brittany Spears another chance and they are willing to give Amanda Bynes  another chance and are most favorite Lindsay Lohan has been almost at that forgive and forget point, why can't we do this for Chris Brown. Now Perz since you like to talk so much, why not give me an answer as to why Chris Brown should not be on our forgiveness list. We are not God and yet we as so will to be the judge and jury, God is my judge, my jury and my savior. I take it that God has forgiven Chris and so why can't we. I have taken that step to forgive those who do me wrong because God said he has a reason for this and I trust his reason. I have learned that it is so much easier to forgive then to hold on to hate. Hate eats at a person heart when forgiveness heals it, think about that and tell me how healthy is your heart.

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