Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wendy Williams (I Am Puzzled)

I was one of those people who loved Wendy Williams when she first came to television and yet now I am in a bit of confusion about some of her advice. I have written post on Wendy Williams before, some in disagreement of what she said and some in agreement of what she said and although I do know you will not always agree with what people say, especially someone as opinionated as Wendy, there should be some sense of what the person is saying. For me Wendy Williams is having a lot of mixed emotions lately, one minute she agrees with something the next day she does not. I listen to Wendy talk about the younger Kardiasian girls and how they when into clubs as under ages with fake id's and she actually said this was something everyone did at this age and how okay this was because she herself did this. When the crowd showed shock at what Wendy was saying, she said don't act like you did this either and although that some of the people may have done this, what is this for Wendy to say to teenagers out there that it is okay. Wendy has a judgmental point of view when it comes to teenagers and that judgment is that most of them are sneaky and they do very scrupulous things, like she herself did when she was young. Well for me I am in part of a disagreement with Wendy and this is because I believe a lot of this can be how you were raised as a child or how you as a child feel about yourself. I was raised up in a Baptist family and I went to church and I knew right from wrong from the words of the bible and my parents. So I as a child had a worth of myself and as I was growing up when I notice someone wanted to do wrong I separated myself from that person or group. When I was in school I mostly stayed to myself because I knew that I was a person that had my own way of thinking and because others may not agree with me, I was better off alone, but what was amazing for me was other kids started drawing towards me, they to felt they were in their own ram of life and they saw how I did not go along with the group so they came up to me and ask if they could hang with me and of course I welcomed them with open arms. The friends I ended up making knew that I was about the church and the bible and understand that this was me and they accepted me as I was. I do think their are kids out there Wendy that do no think they have to be in that group that sneaks out, get fake id's, smoke and get into clubs and drink. Me and my friends did none of this, we had good old fashion fun by just going to the mall shopping, eating, and to church together. We never and I mean never felt the need to drink alcohol as teenagers or to smoke weed. I think what the Kardashians do are not the norm for everyone and if you ask me I just think like everything in this life, they feel that doing wrong is more exciting than actually trying to do right. If you ask me I think it is brave of any child to actually do right than to do wrong. It takes more courage to say no to those alcoholic drinks, and those drugs, but if you think about it we would not have so many teens in trouble as we do in this world today if more of them had that courage to say no. Wendy talks about her teenage life as though it is the norm for everyone life and although Wendy does say she did wrong in her teenager life and is doing better than every without that wild side, according to Wendy it was a matter of maturity. I think Wendy needs to understand since she apparently did not hang out with that group like minds, obviously she was in I guess what you call cool group, that not every child or teenager have that need to experiment with acting like what I call an idiot. Not every teenager has to go against with their parents say or what their preacher say, because they believe their parents and preacher are old and don't understand. I applaud those teenagers that are out there and are not doing like Kendall and Kylie Jenner or is it Kardisian, I get confused. I applaud those teenagers that find it is not necessary to get fake id's and sneak in clubs or to drink or to smoke. Why do we applaud teenagers like Kendall and Kylie as Wendy did on her show today, why not find those teenagers that are not doing this and applaud them. These same girls Kendall and Kylie will be the ones in compromising positions or in interviews trying to explain why they did something they should not have done later on and I guess this is what Wendy wants so that people like her and TMZ will continue to have something to report. If it was not for wild kids like Kendall and Kylie the paparazzi will have nothing to snap or write about. Now maybe that is it, maybe the reason these teenagers who do wrong are always applauded and are defended by these host because they keep the celebrity news going, if they did no wrong, then these celebrities snoop reporters would be out of business.

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