Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Government Shutdown(Washington D.C.)

I was debating on rather to write about this subject or not and this is my opinion and my opinion only but I have to speak my mind and if anyone wants to leave comments, they are more then welcome as everyone in America has a right to speak on this subject. Now these congressmen say they decided to have a government shutdown because they do not agree with Obama care. Now these same congressmen will all continue to get paid for their very hard work and dedication to this country, many which have not served as some of are servicemen had on the front line of a battle field but yet these same men and women make decisions that has lead to rather or not these same servicemen will get a check or not. Congress is something even after taken history I have never understood and most of that was why have they ended up with so much power that they as a group of a few can make decisions that can affect those of the majority. We as Americans have always been told over and over and over again that we have the power and this power comes through our votes. So why does the government actual have the power and why do we as the people not take some of the power back. The people should have the control and we should be the ones behind how these controls operate. We should not give congress that much power that they can stop people from getting paid but continue to pay themselves. How is it that Congress can roll out check for themselves but the check for the people that put them there has to stop. Our Congressmen decided they do not like a bill that was pass, in this case Obama care and they  put the world on hold. Me as an American does not care that Obama care has went into effect, we were bound to get some kind of medical change, because lets face it this medical program that we have in place where some people was allowed health care and others were not because of pre existing conditions was not working and it was costing us all. I feel that the so call Obama care has put us on some kind of straight path and I say this because it has driven most to have health insurance, which when some did not have health insurance but was getting treated, due to the fact that they had to be treated regardless of the lack of insurance, we all were paying for these high rise in health insurance do to others not having it. When someone could not pay for his or her bill believe you me we who  could pay was getting a higher hike on our next appointments and surgeries because of it and all the physicians were loving it. Medical expense is high anyway in this country, I can not tell you how many times I thought of moving to Canada or England to because of the automatic health coverage that was taken out. We have to face it we live in a country of greed and yes most of our physicians live a lifestyle that is way beyond the rich and the famous persona. So because we are in this country and we do have to have healthcare, why not choose something that will require everyone to have it and that way maybe and then only maybe, the cost of healthcare in this country will no keep rising at soaring rates or at least we can keep it under some kind of control if everyone who goes to the emergency room all have some kind of coverage. Now something that has been strange to me is that I have not seen any news reporters go around to the hospitals and ask anyone in the healthcare field what they think of Obama care. Why are we not listening to what doctors actually think of Obama care would for me be great. The doctors who is one that will be affected by this is a group that I would love to speak on the subject. I have heard these congressmen talk on it over and over again and I have heard them say they are doing this shutdown for the sake of the people but I have not yet heard from the doctors. Why are our congressmen so worried about the people's health all of a sudden? Congressmen have not worried about our health in the past so I really inclined to believe that they are not worried about my health in the future, I am more inclined to believe that this new health bill will affect someone of these Congressmen constinuets which is why they do not want this bill passed. Their are businesses that will have to pay out a little more money for the sake of health coverage for their employees and as most of us hard working people know, these business owners are all about not spending money on its employees. The more and employer has to spend on their employee the more and employer tends to cut corners in regards to the benefits they provide for these hardworking people they call employee. The little man is the man that is always hurt when it comes to Congress making decision as it is when it comes to a business owner having cut backs. We the people have over the years grown apart and we have grown even further apart when it comes to putting our foot down on the government itself. We have to get something in place that will stop Congress from having so much power that they shut a country down and keep hardworking employees from getting paid for work that is needed. I really think that if the little people paycheck stop rolling out then so shall Congress paycheck stop rolling out, if this happen I am sure they will make quicker decisions. Why our Congressmen are not coming to a agreement much quicker is beyond me. They need to stop acting like idiots by thinking we as a people are so stupid as to believe that they are really taking this stand for us and that we will think them in the end and go on with their lives and let us go on with ours. Let the Obama care stand and see what happens, there can be changes made later on and adjustments that may need to be tweeted but in the long wrong America may actually benefit from a overall healthcare, we the little people will have it and people who have been denied over and over again may get treated. Maybe our Congressmen don't want people to possibly get treated, maybe they want people to die, no that was a silly thing to say, maybe it is just those businesses that backs them up with that flow of money that they are looking out for, now that sounds more like it. Well fellow Americans we need to take control, we need to tell all those who cause government workers and other government agency paychecks to be held back that they are out of there by taking things into our own hands. Your representatives  in your states have phone numbers that our accessible to the public and they have addresses that we can write to. Lets overloaded their voice mails and write letters that end up in a pile that is as large as the state of Texas. We can do this people and although I have made decisions that may seem unreasonable, if there are people out there that know more about this, write me and tell me what we can do to really make this happen. Write me back, through out some comments to me and let me know what you are feeling and what you think. Unlike our Congress I will be talking back and telling you what I think of your comments and opinions.

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