Thursday, October 10, 2013

Amazing Race (10-6-13) #AmazingRace

Did anyone watch the Sunday night episode of Amazing race, well I did and you know what this show never disappointment me. The thing that has surprise me this season is the mistakes these teams are making. With the before season and if you are a regular watcher of the show like me you know that there are things you must do in this race and that is always read everything on your clue cards, checking front and back, make sure to follow what the card says so you may want to read the card over and over again as you are traveling and you should always make sure that you do not skip out on paying a cab driver or settle a payment agreement with a driver, make sure that you do not lose your passport, and always make sure you get all the needed information when flying or traveling too another destination about the quickest route and first flight out. I love the amazing race and if give the opportunity I would go all out to take on these amazing challenges they put forth on you. It is a chance to travel the world and to learn others cultures. This show has showed others how some people in third world countries live and why we as Americans should be so thankful. These challenges sometimes involve helping others in these country finish job task, which I really think is awesome. I would be grateful just to have the chance to help these people do these jobs and be so humble just to learn with they go through to earn a paycheck. There was a challenge last night in which the teams had to chop up these salt rocks. I know Americans use a lot of salt and I was just astonished at how much work these people had to do to get the salt we use everyday. It was very hard work chopping these blocks and I could not imagine having to do that on a daily basis. I will take on that task to sign up for this show but my biggest issue right now is who do I take with me, I thought my husband but I know we would fight like cats and dogs the entire time. I would have to take a friend who is rather smart, well smarter than me anyway. I could be the risk taker, you know do the task that know one wants to do and my partner could be the smart one who solves the puzzle when there a tough riddles involved. It would be great, I would not care if I won but I would be glad to at least make it in the top five just to say I went a long way.

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